shoulder to shoulder oor Spaans

shoulder to shoulder

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

hombro con hombro

We could've been friends, standing shoulder to shoulder watching the dawn of the new age.
Podríamos haber sido amigos, estando hombro con hombro viendo el amanecer de una nueva era.

codo con codo

In the meantime, we will have to work shoulder to shoulder for the common Community cause.
Mientras tanto, tendremos que estar luchando codo con codo por la causa común comunitaria.

hombro a hombro

I fought beside him shoulder to shoulder but you are forever in his heart.
Peleé junto a él, hombro a hombro, y sé que siempre estuviste en su corazón.

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Soortgelyke frases

keep one's shoulder to the wheel
trabajar duramente
to stand shoulder to shoulder
estar hombro con hombro
to shrug one's shoulders
encogerse de hombros
to look over sb's shoulder
mirar por encima del hombro de alguien
to glance over one's shoulder
mirar por encima del hombro
to look over one's shoulder
mirar por encima del hombro
to rub shoulders with
a shoulder to cry on
un paño de lágrimas
to rub shoulders
codearse · rozarse


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“He is happy to drink with us, talk with 168 us, and fight shoulder to shoulder with us.”
“Toma con gusto un vaso con nosotros, nos pronuncia discursos, combate codo a codo con nosotros”...Literature Literature
Sitting on piled sacks, she was jammed shoulder to shoulder with Talian soldiery.
Sentada en sacos apilados, estaba encajada hombro contra hombro con soldados talianos.Literature Literature
They exited the schoolhouse together, walking shoulder to shoulder.
Salieron de la escuela juntos, caminando hombro con hombro.Literature Literature
Nearly everyone in the firm had now come onto the roof, crowding shoulder to shoulder.
A esas alturas, casi todos los empleados de la empresa habían salido a la azotea y se apiñaban hombro con hombro.Literature Literature
It was packed shoulder to shoulder, so tight that there was barely room to even turn.
Estaba lleno, hombro con hombro, tan atiborrado que apenas había espacio para girar.Literature Literature
Between us, the plaza was crowded with people, packed shoulder to shoulder.
Entre ambos, la plaza estaba llena de gente, hombro con hombro.Literature Literature
Dani moved to stand next to me, shoulder to shoulder.
Dani se trasladó a mi lado, hombro con hombro.Literature Literature
One by one, five hands found hers until they’d formed a tight circle, shoulder to shoulder.
Una a una, las cinco manos encontraron la de Caledonia hasta formar un círculo estrecho, hombro con hombro.Literature Literature
Meta and Poli stood shoulder to shoulder firing into the mass of loathsomeness that boiled through the door.
Meta y Poli estaban disparando codo a codo sobre la masa de asquerosidad que rezumaba de la puerta.Literature Literature
“There was Ajax, son of Telamonian, a giant warrior who fought shoulder-to-shoulder with Odysseus.
Estaba Áyax, hijo de Telamonio, un guerrero enorme que luchó hombro con hombro junto a Odiseo.Literature Literature
They writhed synchronously around us as we pushed our way in shoulder-to-shoulder.
Se contorsionaban a nuestro alrededor en perfecta sincronía mientras avanzábamos hombro con hombro.Literature Literature
They carried oval shields and heavy spears and stood shoulder to shoulder as the Romans advanced on them.
Llevaban escudos ovalados, lanzas pesadas y permanecieron hombro con hombro mientras los romanos avanzaban hacia ellos.Literature Literature
Shoulder to shoulder, we stand defiant against the oppression of the past!’
Hombro con hombro, ¡nos alzamos desafiantes contra la opresión del pasado!Literature Literature
We pressed together to protect ourselves, shoulder to shoulder, uncertain as to what to do.
Nos agrupamos en busca de protección, hombro con hombro, sin saber qué hacer.Literature Literature
Let it be Manes and Damocles, shoulder to shoulder, like the old days.'
Deja que vayan Manes y Damocles, codo con codo, como en los viejos tiempos.Literature Literature
Staying in the Olympic village, we found ourselves walking shoulder to shoulder with star athletes from all sports.
Nos hospedamos en la Villa Olímpica y nos codeamos con estrellas de todos los deportes.Literature Literature
I mean almost shoulder to shoulder.
Quiero decir casi hombro con hombro.Literature Literature
How neatly and quietly the soldiers had appeared behind him, shoulder to shoulder, their guns raised.
Con qué sigilo y limpieza habían aparecido los soldados a sus espaldas, hombro con hombro, con las armas levantadas.Literature Literature
Perhaps another million Americans of non-Jewish heritage stood with them shoulder-to-shoulder.
Quizás otro millón de estadounidenses no judíos las acompañaba, hombro contra hombro.Literature Literature
We could've been friends, standing shoulder to shoulder watching the dawn of the new age.
Podríamos haber sido amigos, estando hombro con hombro viendo el amanecer de una nueva era.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The trees stood shoulder to shoulder, like men in a battle line, all cloaked in white.
Los árboles hombro con hombro, al igual que los hombres en una línea de batalla, todos cubiertos de blanco.Literature Literature
19 As the great day of Jehovah approaches, may we go forward zealously, serving him “shoulder to shoulder”!
19 Conforme se acerca el gran día de Jehová, sigamos adelante con celo, sirviendo a Dios “hombro a hombro”.jw2019 jw2019
He's never stood shoulder to shoulder with us, and he never will.
Nunca se puso a la altura de nosotros, y no lo haráOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The pain of the hunger shoots up and down my body and across from shoulder to shoulder.
El dolor del hambre sube y baja por mi cuerpo, yendo de un hombro al otro.Literature Literature
Shoulder to shoulder, Fire-born and human alike stopped to witness the event.
Hombro con hombro, tanto los Nacidos del Fuego como los humanos se detuvieron a presenciar el acontecimiento.Literature Literature
5193 sinne gevind in 133 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.