shoulder weapon oor Spaans

shoulder weapon

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shoulder-fired weapon
arma disparada desde el hombro


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Shoulder weapons.
Armas al hombro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They drew together, shoulder to shoulder, weapons ready.
Se juntaron, hombro con hombro, con las armas dispuestas.Literature Literature
One, leaving his mates, walked slowly on with shouldered weapon, its blade blueglancing.
Otro, dejando a los compañeros, se marchó lentamente con el arma al hombro, la hoja azuleando.Literature Literature
The M#A# service rifle is a lightweight... air- cooled, gas- operated, magazine- fed shoulder weapon
El fusil M#A# es ligero... refrigerado con aire, usa gas y tiene recámaraopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Pharaun scrambled backward again, happy enough to let the broad-shouldered weapons master bear the brunt of the combat.
Pharaun se retiró de nuevo, contento de que el corpulento maestro de armas llevara el peso del combate.Literature Literature
Finally he looked up and down the road, reached back into the car, and came out with a shoulder weapon.
Al final miró carretera abajo y arriba, regresó al coche y sacó un arma enorme de él.Literature Literature
“Light,” replied the KGB man as he shouldered the weapon and took a deep, slow breath.
—Un poco —replicó el hombre del KGB, mientras se echaba el arma al hombro y respiraba hondo y despacio—.Literature Literature
Chanterelle shouldered the weapon, then commenced climbing down via an improvised staircase of linking branches.
Chanterelle se puso el arma al hombro y comenzó a descender por una escalera improvisada de ramas conectadas.Literature Literature
Shoulder your weapon.
Armas al hombro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ivan, as usual, shouldered his weapon without a word.
Ivan, como de costumbre, se echó el arma al hombro sin inmutarse.Literature Literature
Shoulder your weapon, cadet.
Y tu arma tambien cadeteOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Christopher Vincent froze, but behind him, a half a dozen guards shouldered their weapons.
Christopher Vincent se quedó quieto, pero tras él media docena de guardias empuñaron sus armas.Literature Literature
Lasers are also available as shoulder-fired weapons operating from a portable backpack power unit.
Los láseres también están disponibles como armas montadas al hombro que funcionan con una unidad de energía portátil.Literature Literature
Shoulder your weapons, you look like idiots.
¡Enfundad las armas, parecéis idiotas!Literature Literature
His right arm was useless, his left too weak to shoulder his weapon.
Tenía el brazo derecho inutilizado y el izquierdo demasiado débil para sostener el arma.Literature Literature
He and his men had shouldered their weapons and were about to start shooting.
Él y sus hombres se habían echado las armas a los hombros y estaban a punto de empezar a disparar.Literature Literature
Fedmahn Kassad pushed up his visor, shouldered his weapon, and joined in the chorus.
Fedmahn Kassad alzó el visor, se llevó el arma al hombro y se unió al coro.Literature Literature
"""Sorry, boys,"" Sophia said, as she shouldered both weapons."
—Lo siento, chicos —dijo Sophia, mientras se apoderaba de las armas.Literature Literature
Hillman shouldered his weapon, dropping his guard.
Hillman se echó el arma al hombro, bajando la guardia.Literature Literature
Shoulder your weapon, Cadet.
Intenta controlarte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He shouldered the weapon and went back inside.
Se echó el arma al hombro y volvió dentro.Literature Literature
Shoulder your weapon!
¡ Armas al hombro!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Cajun just shrugged his shoulders, shouldered his weapon, and followed Nico out with a handful of claymores.
El cajún solo se encogió de hombros, se colgó el arma del hombro y siguió a Nico fuera con un puñado de claymores.Literature Literature
They shoulder their weapons according to orders and don’t drag them along the ground or carry them like sportsmen.
Llevan las armas al hombro según las órdenes, y no las arrastran por el suelo o las llevan como cazadores.Literature Literature
The warm dawn found the two friends leaving the island with satchels on their shoulders and weapons at their waists.
El cálido amanecer halló a las dos amigas abandonando la isla con los morrales al hombro y las armas a la cintura.Literature Literature
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