slowly and calmly oor Spaans

slowly and calmly

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despacito y con calma


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He spoke very slowly and calmly, as if fearing to startle me.
Habló muy despacio y con calma, como si temiera sobresaltarme-.Literature Literature
“Do you have,” he spoke slowly and calmly, “any idea what I’m going to do to you, Brother?”
"""Tienes"", le habla despacio y con calma, ""ninguna idea de lo que voy a hacer a usted, hermano?"""Literature Literature
His thoughts were clear and he breathed slowly and calmly.
Sus pensamientos eran claros y ahora respiraba de forma lenta y tranquila.Literature Literature
“I don’t know who you are, Miss Mayfair,” she said, deliberately forcing herself to speak slowly and calmly.
—No sé quién es usted, señora Mayfair —le contestó obligándose deliberadamente a hablar despacio y tranquila—.Literature Literature
Then, slowly and calmly, he told them what had happened.
Entonces, con voz tranquila y pausada, les puso al corriente de lo ocurrido.Literature Literature
I need you to speak very slowly and calmly and tell me what the hell the problem is.
Necesito que hables muy lento y calmadamente y me digas cuál demonios es el problema.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He spoke slowly and calmly with only one or two interruptions from reporters.
Habló lenta y pausadamente, y los reporteros solo le interrumpieron en una o dos ocasiones.Literature Literature
Hear yourself say the first few lines in your head, slowly and calmly.
Escúchate decir las primeras líneas en tu cabeza, despacio y con calmaLiterature Literature
Then a voice boomed over the police-car loudspeaker: ‘Come down slowly and calmly, sir.
Luego oyó de repente una voz a través del altavoz de la policía: –Baje despacio y tranquilamente, señor.Literature Literature
Nonetheless, I would like to advise you to return to work slowly and calmly.”
Sin embargo, te aconsejaría acometer el trabajo de manera lenta y tranquila.Literature Literature
Now slowly and calmly and without any emotion, tell me what happens next.
Ahora, despacio con tranquilidad y sin emocionarse dígame lo que ocurre a continuación.Literature Literature
I drew in a measured breath, then slowly and calmly released every molecule of air.
Inspiré frugalmente y luego, despacio y con calma, liberé cada molécula de aire.Literature Literature
Garcia spoke slowly and calmly, always using the word “tissue,” never “fetus.”
"García hablaba despacio y con calma, usando siempre la palabra ""el tejido"", nunca ""el feto""."Literature Literature
Slowly and calmly, De Vincenzi continued to sketch his reconstruction of the crime.
Y De Vincenzi continuó con el relato, detallado y sereno, de la reconstrucción que había hecho del crimen.Literature Literature
The eggling was, somehow, still all right; she could feel it moving slowly and calmly beneath her fingers.
La recién nacida está aún bien; podía sentirla moverse lenta y tranquilamente bajo sus dedos.Literature Literature
Say their names slowly and calmly.
Di sus nombre lentamente y con calma.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Say it slowly and calmly: you’re in Wales, land of song, land of smiles, and land of deceit.
Dilo despacio y tranquila: estás en Gales, tierra de canciones y sonrisas, y tierra del engaño.Literature Literature
We need to slowly and calmly search again.
Necesitamos lenta y serenamente buscar otra vez.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Maskelyne sipped his drink slowly and calmly, lowering his greyhound’s muzzle towards his glass circumspectly.
Maskelyne sorbía lentamente y con calma la bebida, bajando su hocico de galgo con circunspección hacia el vaso.Literature Literature
He took a breath, then said slowly and calmly, “It’s the destiny I’ve been searching for.”
—Tomó aire y después añadió, poco a poco y relajadamente—: Es el destino que estaba buscando.Literature Literature
André fucked me first, quite slowly and calmly as was his manner.
André me folló el primero, con la lentitud y la tranquilidad habitual en él.Literature Literature
Speaking slowly and calmly, checking his watch only once, Kurtz told them the plan.
Kurtz les contó su plan, hablando con calma y lentamente, mirando su reloj solo una vez.Literature Literature
It was then that the Sultan, slowly and calmly, stood up and did something no one was expecting.
Entonces el sultán se levantó con mucha calma, e hizo algo que nadie esperaba: se rio.Literature Literature
“All I want is my hat,” I try to say as slowly and calmly as I can.
Solo quiero mi gorra — intento decir lo más lenta y calmadamente posible.Literature Literature
Now slowly and calmly and without any emotion, tell me what happens next.
Ahora, despacio, con tranquilidad y sin emocionarse, dígame lo que ocurre a continuación.Literature Literature
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