slurred oor Spaans


adjektief, werkwoord
Simple past tense and past participle of slur.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjective verb
By the end of the toast, she was slurring her words and swaying all over the place.
Hacia el final del brindis estaba arrastrando las palabras y bamboleándose por todas partes.


It's for that woman with slurred speech.
Para la mujer de habla confusa.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


Ozu would use special spellings or notations that showed exactly how he wanted me to inflect or slur the words.
Ozu usaba caracteres o notaciones especiales que indicaban cómo quería exactamente que modulara o ligara las palabras.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

slurring of speech
trastorno del habla
slurred speech
habla arrastrada · trastorno del habla
arrastrar · articular mal · aspersión · baldón · bloqueo · borrón · calumia · calumnia · calumniar · churrete · denigración · difamación · difamar · impostura · infamia · insulto · la calumnia · la difamación · legato · ligado · ligadura · ligadura de expresión · ligar · mancha · manchar · manchurrón · manchón · mancillar · mascullar · ocultar · tipo defectuoso · tizne · tiznón
racial slur
el insulto racista
to slur one's words
arrastrar las palabras
to slur
arrastrar · calumniar · comer · comerse · difamar · ligar
slurred words
trastorno del habla


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Finally, he slurred, “I took care of it.”
¡ Asmático Joe!¡ Llegaste a tiempo, menos mal!Literature Literature
Slurs at the Church, the pope and now at the Catholic schools.
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His mouth felt heavier, and as his brain grew starved of oxygen, his words became more slurred.
Ya saltarás en otra ocasión.- ¿ En serio?Literature Literature
[ COUGHING ] All right, any dizziness, slurred speech?
Un cuarto para lasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Do not slur expressions or run words together in such a way as to make the meaning uncertain to your hearers.
¿ No comes bien?¡ Este ahjussi!jw2019 jw2019
His voice was just a little slurred from the anesthetic, but he spoke with confidence.
Las piedras amarillas que arden como carbónLiterature Literature
Barkha said that two men beat her husband and took him away while the third, belonging to a dominant caste, raped her, abused her using caste slurs, and threatened to kill her if she went to the police.
la letra b) se sustituirá por el texto
A good thing after all that Matthew isn't here to listen to such slurs against his kinsman!'
De no ser así, ¿qué piensa hacer la Comisión para erradicar este tipo de barreras no arancelarias y garantizar un acceso al mercado chino en condiciones justas?Literature Literature
That was such a foreign concept to Percy, so not who he was, he almost couldn’t process the slur.
La inyección subcutánea en la pared abdominal asegura una absorción un poco más rápida que en los otros lugares de inyección (ver secciónLiterature Literature
We began to hear slurs on the street: “Jewish shit, you’ll be dead by Christmas.”
Pero decían " estira la cinta entre las piernas ", y yo no quería hacerloLiterature Literature
There was a long pause, the sound of a switchboard transfer and then a grumpish slurred voice.
Esto no responde a la cuestión de la industria y de los establecimientos educativos.Literature Literature
Ramsey's somewhat slurred speech, a trademark of her later performances, was caused in part from having had some of her tongue and her jaw removed during surgery for esophageal cancer in 1984.
¿ Doblaste mi ropa interior como me gusta?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Must I tolerate not only hostility and impatience, but slurs on my intelligence as well?
Alquilarán parte del terreno a diversas compañíasLiterature Literature
Yes, she could still hear their voices, their slurs, in her head.
Escuchen estoLiterature Literature
he said, his speech slurred as if he were drunk.
Para el acumuladorLiterature Literature
“Hey, Cass,” she slurred slightly, “I just closed out my last table, so I’m running over to Southampton with Teddy.
Al próximo le ponemos un blindaje más gruesoLiterature Literature
Trumper and Hogg shouted insults and slurs for another minute before giving up.
Curso dado a las resoluciones del ParlamentoLiterature Literature
‘No, no, we’ve just finished dinner actually,’ I slur.
Es, por consiguiente, imprescindible que la ejecución de los programas específicos se base en los principios de la excelencia científica y no en otras prioridadesLiterature Literature
I heard our mother’s angry, slurred protests.
¿ De qué servirá?Literature Literature
It was her voice but slurred, and she didn’t think she’d made sense.
¡ Te arrepentiras de esto!Literature Literature
He said in Aramaic, slurred by the Galilean accent, “We expect you.”
Por cierto, Knight y las drogas están en el mismo sitio, y no llegaréLiterature Literature
“Fuck this,” he finally slurred.
El Consejo ha agotado todas las posibilidades de obtener a tiempo el dictamen del Parlamento EuropeoLiterature Literature
The sound of his voice unclear, as if slurring his words, a language that Grens was sure was Finnish.
¡ Lo siento dentro de mí!Literature Literature
Nerves would be a lot easier to explain to Jasper than a slur on my virtue.
la privatización y la reforma de las empresas; yLiterature Literature
The hashtag continued for more than 24 hours and created an opportunity for Twitter users discuss the issue, however many homophobic slurs were thrown at proponents of equality.
Es la hija.... de Robert de St- Loupglobalvoices globalvoices
206 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.