smile(rideti) oor Spaans

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your smile
they are smiling
están sonriendo
you have a lovely smile
with a broad smile
to smile at sb
her smile
su sonrisa
gummy smile
Sonrisa gingival


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Phillip gave a half smile that Ben could have interpreted a hundred different ways.
Phillip le dedicó una media sonrisa que podría interpretarse de cien maneras distintas.Literature Literature
Flint smoothed his tie and adjusted his smile.
-El señor Flint se alisó la corbata y ajustó la sonrisa-.Literature Literature
She smiled, pleased with herself.
Ella sonrió, contenta consigo misma.Literature Literature
His eyes had changed and Sachi could see that he was looking at her quite openly, smiling even.
Shinzaemon mudó la expresión, y Sachi se percató de que la miraba abiertamente, incluso sonriendo.Literature Literature
Terrence smiled at her, understanding that he had stepped over the unwritten line.
Terrence le sonrió al comprender que había traspasado la línea no trazada.Literature Literature
Bhagirath smiled at Nandi’s attempt at humour on his elephantine girth.
Bhagirath sonrió ante el intento de Nandi de bromear sobre su panza de elefante.Literature Literature
You will also smile as you remember this verse: “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).
También sonreirán al recordar este versículo: “Y respondiendo el Rey, les dirá: De cierto os digo que en cuanto lo hicisteis a uno de estos, mis hermanos más pequeños, a mí lo hicisteis” (Mateo 25:40).LDS LDS
“Yeah,” I said with a smile, waiting for judgment.
—Sí —dije con una sonrisa, esperando que me juzgara.Literature Literature
Aunt Juliet was there, and she was smiling, but her eyes looked strange.
La tía Juliet estaba ahí, y estaba sonriendo, pero sus ojos se veían raros.Literature Literature
He smiled as he studied the Princes for a moment.
Sonrió mientras observaba un momento a los príncipes—.Literature Literature
Hearing this, Mr Bruhl smiled, a pleased smile, and closed his eyes.
Al oírlo, el señor Bruhl sonrió satisfecho y cerró los ojos.Literature Literature
Foa gave him the smile a teacher gives his dullest pupil: affectionate, poignant, superior.
Foa le brindó la misma sonrisa que un maestro a su alumno menos avispado: afectuosa, conmovedora, de superioridad.Literature Literature
They laughed, their smiles appearing at the same time.
Se reían, y sus sonrisas eran simultáneas.Literature Literature
“There’s no cleaning it up unless we slosh the place with—” “Petrol,” Brody said with a savage smile.
No hay forma de limpiarlo a menos que empapemos el lugar con... —Gasolina —dijo Brody con una sonrisa salvaje—.Literature Literature
Susannah smiled at him and realized how wonderful it was to converse with him when they were on a neutral subject.
Susannah sonrió y se percató de lo agradable que era charlar con él cuando hablaban de un tema neutral.Literature Literature
Slaves, servants and submerged races always wear a mask, whether smiling or sullen.
Esclavos, siervos y razas sometidas se presentan siempre recubiertos por una máscara, sonriente o adusta.Literature Literature
Joseph Oberlé questioned the faces of his children, and saw that Lucienne at least was smiling.
Don José Oberlé escudriñó el rostro de sus hijos, y vio que el de Luciana, por lo menos, estaba sonriente.Literature Literature
He’d sit in his wheelchair in the common room and just smile at people.
Se sentaba en su silla de ruedas en la sala común y le sonreía a la gente.Literature Literature
‘If you want a smiling bride, you certainly don’t need me!’
—¡Si quieres una novia sonriente, no me necesitas a mí!Literature Literature
His smile morphs into a sneer, an expression that is much more natural for him.
Su sonrisa se transforma en una mueca desdeñosa, expresión que le resulta mucho más natural.Literature Literature
'I'll liven up later,' Elisa assured him, smiling beautifully, but without her usual brilliance.
—Me animaré más tarde —le aseguró Elisa y sonrió, pero con una sonrisa apagada—.Literature Literature
I simply smile at them and nod at everything they say.
Me he limitado a sonreírles y a asentir a todo lo que decían.Literature Literature
Manuel Luna’s genial smile disappeared and his face hardened into oak.
La sonrisa cordial de Manuel Luna desapareció y su rostro se endureció como el roble.Literature Literature
It must be the only picture of a prisoner truly smiling in Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Debe de ser la única foto en la que una prisionera sonríe de verdad en Auschwitz-Birkenau.Literature Literature
Any minute, any minute... Joe had smiled as I let him slide away from me.
En cualquier momento, en cualquier momento... Joe sonreía cuando se alejaba de mí.Literature Literature
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