smooth breathing oor Spaans

smooth breathing

A diacritic mark in Ancient Greek used to indicate absence of aspiration for an initial vowel, and sometimes for a rho. ( ἀ, ῤ)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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diacritical mark used in polytonic orthography
signo diacrítico utilizado en el griego antiguo

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
His eyes remained fixed out the window, his chest rising and falling in a smooth breath.
Comprenderás que sin él no puedo dejarte entrar, este es un edificio públicoLiterature Literature
Slow, smooth breathing calms us and focuses the mind.
Información sobre la enfermedad, los tratamientos disponibles con las ventajas y riesgos que conllevan, las características de las estructuras o de los profesionales que dispensan la asistencia sanitaria de que se trateLiterature Literature
Kin counted the spaces between each smooth breath, his bellows rising and falling.
Al retornar a Byam a servicio, Su Majestad reafirmará ese entendimientoLiterature Literature
and, above all, why the Greek eta with the smooth breathing?
¿ Te gustaria ver al doctor hoy?Literature Literature
A vowel at the beginning of a word requires either a “smoothbreathing mark ( ̓), or a “rough” breathing mark ( ̔).
Deben apurarse, no hay mucho tiempojw2019 jw2019
The “smoothbreathing mark ( ̓) may be disregarded in transliteration; the “rough” breathing mark ( ̔) calls for an h to be added at the start of the word.
Sonríe, tio, sonríejw2019 jw2019
It took the most profound of her Bene Gesserit training to quiet her pulse and smooth her breathing.
El perpetuador no es un simple cortadorLiterature Literature
After some time, Annie could hear his smooth easy breathing.
Los detectores entraránen acción por efecto del calor, el humo u otros productos de la combustión, las llamas o cualquier combinación de estos factoresLiterature Literature
She stared at the sky for a long time counting the stars and Petra’s smooth, even breaths.
He drew smooth, even breaths from a small regulator and tried to gauge how much time had passed.
la besé, y me excité un poco...... y ella comenzó a reirse de míLiterature Literature
His face grew calm and smooth , his breathing became easier and deeper.
Otros # segundosLiterature Literature
He ran his hands over its smooth planes, breathed in the subtle, sweet scent, and imagined the face trapped within.
Mi padre, en su propia niñez...... no tuvo una influencia masculina positivaLiterature Literature
Listen to the smooth stream of breath.
Para protegernos del bancoLiterature Literature
Ken tried to draw into himself, careful to keep his breath smooth and even and silent.
La segunda le atravesó el nervio torácico C- #...... y salió por el pectoral mayorLiterature Literature
But it is beautiful,' she breathed, smoothing the brocade again.
Sabes, papá, si entierra su abrigo de escamas vivirá # años en tierraLiterature Literature
She was a beauty, her skin still smooth; she even breathed like a beauty.
Una vacuna débil para combatir el virus con que está infectadaLiterature Literature
Scudi rested a hand on his back and, when she felt his breathing smooth out, drew away.
Estaban todos alrededor de la mesa, y en silencio y alguien dijo... ``Un ángel está pasando. "Literature Literature
I concentrated my whole being on remaining still, relaxing, and keeping my breathing smooth.
El R-CHOP se asoció con mejoría en el resultado del tratamiento tanto de pacientes de alto como de bajo riesgo, de acuerdo al IPI ajustado por edadLiterature Literature
Alice smoothes her ragged breath and slowly pieces her calm back together. 13 “Hooker, or girlfriend?”
Con arreglo a la correspondiente enmienda del Parlamento,se ha suprimido el artículo # de la propuesta original, sobre las excepciones transitoriasLiterature Literature
I tried to keep my breathing smooth, but I couldn’t help looking round as I punched in the door code.
Información adicional: a) proveedora de la planta piloto de enriquecimiento de combustible- Natanz, y b) implicada en el programa nuclear de IránLiterature Literature
At last, drawing up a chair, I take a deep breath, smooth out the first letter, and begin to read.
No, pasaré la noche en una autopsia con el flotador del Lago MeadLiterature Literature
Focus on the quality of the experience, keep the breath smooth, and let go of any striving to push yourself.
E. Petritsi, abogados de Atenas, y por el Sr. M. Nissen, abogado de Dinamarca, contra la sentencia dictada el # de diciembre de # por la Sala Quinta del Tribunal de Primera Instancia de las Comunidades Europeas, en el asunto T-#/# promovido contra la Comisión de las Comunidades EuropeasLiterature Literature
I take a deep breath, smooth my skirt, straighten myself up like a soldier for inspection and follow Emma Jung upstairs.
Pero no me atrevo a decírseloLiterature Literature
They reached the front hall and, as one, paused to draw breath, smooth down their skirts, and then raise their heads.
Ve y diles que ya esta todo arregladoLiterature Literature
He took a deep breath and smoothed down his hair with both hands.
No, estoy bienLiterature Literature
436 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.