soaking through oor Spaans

soaking through

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


noun verb
Now a good deal of blood must have soaked through, must it not?
Debería haber traspasado una gran cantidad de sangre ¿verdad?

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Soortgelyke frases

it's soaked right through
está empapado
soak through
calar · empapar · penetrar


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I took off my hat and felt my hair, soaked through with sweat.
Me quité el gorro y me atusé el pelo, empapado de sudor.Literature Literature
The heat of the earth soaked through the fabric of her Medsuit, warming the soles of her feet.
El calor de la tierra impregnaba el tejido del Medsuit, y le calentaba las plantas de los pies.Literature Literature
What he was saying didn’t make sense, but the emotion soaking through his words affected me.
Lo que estaba diciendo él no tenía sentido, pero la emoción que emanaba de sus palabras me caló.Literature Literature
He just couldn’t get over the way Angie’s blood had soaked through his pants and onto his skin.
Era incapaz de superar que la sangre de Angie le hubiera empapado los pantalones y manchado la piel.Literature Literature
‘If she’s out in this, she’s going to be soaked through,’ said George, pulling up outside the Henfields’.
— Si está fuera con este tiempo, va a estar empapada -comentó George, mientras aparcaba fuera del hogar de los Henfield.Literature Literature
* * * When Henry woke the next morning, her pillowcase was soaked through with tears.
* * Cuando Henry se despertó a la siguiente mañana, su funda de almohada estaba llena lágrimas.Literature Literature
And she is pushing me away and checking the towel which has blood soaked through now, then sees.
Ella me aparta para examinar la toalla, que ahora ya está empapada de sangre, la retira y entonces lo ve.Literature Literature
‘It’s inhuman to keep them outside in this cold wind when they’re soaked through.
Empapados como están, es inhumano tenerlos aquí fuera con este viento helado.Literature Literature
Harry gave a strangled cry and drew back, a jet of blood soaking through his sleeve.
Harry dio un grito ahogado y se echó hacia atrás, un chorro de sangre le empapó la manga.Literature Literature
His black overcoat was nearly soaked through.
Su abrigo negro estaba casi empapado.Literature Literature
"""Madeira does not soak through the wood so quickly as some other wines do,"" Fergus explained."
—El madeira no penetra en la madera tan pronto como otros vinos —me explicó Fergus—.Literature Literature
The thin cloth had soaked through in minutes, wrapping Michel in a band of cold.
La fina tela se había empapado en minutos, envolviendo a Michel en una capa de frío.Literature Literature
Soaked through
Me empapasteopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
By the time he reached Sabbath Hawks’s house, he was soaked through and so was his bundle.
Cuando llegó a la casa de Sabbath Hawks estaba empapado, igual que el paquete.Literature Literature
"""Soaked through with muddy water, except for the anorak, which I sent over to you."
Impregnada de barro, excepto ese anorak que os mandé.Literature Literature
The rain continues to patter hard on the windowsill, the carpet beneath it soaked through now.
La lluvia continúa golpeteando fuerte en el alféizar de la ventana y la alfombra está empapada.Literature Literature
The pot holder was soaked through and turning the same rusted color as her shirt.
El agarrador estaba empapado, poniéndose del mismo color que la camisa.Literature Literature
The spots were bloodstains, made where the blood of other men had soaked through his battle gear.
Eran manchas de sangre; aparecían donde la sangre de otros hombres había empapado sus pertrechos bélicos.Literature Literature
Lucas’s padded corselet was soaked through when he hauled back on Aster’s reins and drew his sword.
La coraza acolchada de Lucas estaba empapada cuando tiró de las riendas de Aster y sacó la espada.Literature Literature
‘I could feel the blood soaking through a hole in my boot, still warm against the skin.
Noté la sangre a través de un agujero de mi bota, todavía caliente contra mi piel.Literature Literature
In the fragile light, the arm of his grandfather’s coat was heavily stained, soaked through.
En aquella luz tan débil, la manga del abrigo de su abuelo estaba muy manchada, empapada entera.Literature Literature
The sheep huddled together beside the stone walls of Langholm as Raven became soaked through to the skin.
Las ovejas se amontonaron tras las murallas de piedra de Langholm mientras Raven quedaba empapada hasta los huesos.Literature Literature
Perspiration was starting to soak through Ronald’s newly pressed white shirt.
El sudor estaba empezando a empapar la camisa blanca recién planchada de Ronald.Literature Literature
Ten, twenty minutes, I’m going to be soaked through.
Dentro de diez, veinte minutos, voy a estar calado.Literature Literature
I put Mickiewicz into the pocket of my jacket since my raincoat was already soaked through.
Me puse el Mickiewicz en el bolsillo de la chaqueta porque mi gabardina ya estaba enteramente caladaLiterature Literature
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