sorrel oor Spaans


/ˈsɒrəl/ adjektief, naamwoord
A kind of plant with acidic leaves, especially Rumex acetosa, sometimes used as a salad vegetable.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Perennial herbaceous plant with edible leaves.
Planta herbácea perenne con las hojas comestibles.
With the sorrel and cucumber soup to start.
Con la sopa de pepino y acedera para empezar.


Ain't nobody been here but the man riding the sorrel.
Aquí no ha venido nadie más que el tipo del alazán.



En 10 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

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sorrel soup
sopa de acedera
french sorrel
acedera redonda · acedera romana · badolas
Wood Sorrel
sheep sorrel
acedera · acederilla
Scurvy-grass Sorrel
Oxalis enneaphylla
Sheep's Sorrel
Acedera menor
wood-sorrel family
Oxalidaceae · oxalidáceas
wood sorrel
acederilla · oxalis
violet wood-sorrel
Oxalis violacea


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We have some veal chops with sorrel, and some very fine snails.
Hoy tenemos chuleta de ternera a las finas hierbas, y para empezar unos caracoles.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sorrel felt a thrill of pleasure.
Sorrel sintió un estremecimiento de placer.Literature Literature
Manon didn’t bother, though Sorrel tied up hers, not trusting the creature.
Manon no se tomó la molestia, pero Sorrel sí amarró la suya, ya que no confiaba en la criatura.Literature Literature
Sorrell Raskov, you really are one smart man.
Sorrell Raskov, de veras eres un hombre inteligente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""But you saw a car — "" ""Max Sorrel's!"
—Pero viste un coche... —¡Era el de Max Sorrel!Literature Literature
Purslane (Winter purslane (miner’s lettuce), garden purslane, common purslane, sorrel, glassworth, Agretti (Salsola soda))
Verdolaga (Verdolaga de invierno, verdolaga dorada, verdolaga, acedera, salicornia y barrilla (Salsola soda))EurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea if Galingale won after all,’ Sorrel said.
—Quizás no sería tan mala idea que Galingale se saliera con la suya, después de todo —dijo Sorrel.Literature Literature
Then the sorrel showed the cleverness of a genuinely vicious horse.
Luego, el alazán mostró la astucia de un caballo realmente salvaje.Literature Literature
Purslane (Winter purslane/miner's lettuce, garden purslane, common purslane, sorrel, glassworth, agretti (Salsola soda))
Verdolaga [Verdolaga de invierno, verdolaga dorada, verdolaga, acedera, salicornia, barrilla (Salsola soda)]EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sorrell piped the order to a disbelieving crew.
Sorrell pitó la orden a una tripulación incrédula.Literature Literature
Purslane (Winter purslane/miner’s lettuce, garden purslane, common purslane, sorrel, glassworth, agretti (Salsola soda))
Verdolaga (Verdolaga de invierno, verdolaga dorada, verdolaga, acedera, salicornia, barrilla (Salsola soda))EurLex-2 EurLex-2
"He could pull her up behind him on the sorrel and deliver her to Tanner and say, ""Here you are, Mr."
Podía montarla en su caballo alazán y llevársela a Tanner y decirle: «Aquí tiene a su mujer, señor Tanner.Literature Literature
Purslane (Winter purslane/miner’s lettuce, garden purslane, common purslane, sorrel, glassworth, agretti (Salsola soda))
Verdolaga [Verdolaga de invierno, verdolaga dorada, verdolaga, acedera, salicornia, barrilla (Salsola soda)]EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is the tone of Warwick Deeping's Sorrell and Son, of John Steinbeck at his worst, or, in a more sophisticated form..." and from the revised version "... are successful.
Es del tono de Sorrell e hijo, de Warwick Deeping, de John Steinbeck en sus peores momentos o en sus formas más sofisticadas...» y de la versión revisada: «...son exitosos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His teeth showed a little beneath his mustache; he lifted the sorrel bodily with the spurs.
Se le veían los dientes un poco bajo el bigote; levantó las manos el alazán a fuerza de tanta espuela.Literature Literature
Manon glanced at Asterin and Sorrel and found them looking stone-cold fierce, but tense.
Manon miró a Asterin y Sorrel y notó que sus caras expresaban una ferocidad pétrea, pero estaban tensas.Literature Literature
No; he wanted to know if Murray had ever known a man called Albert Sorrell.
No; simplemente quería saber si Murray conocía a un tal Albert Sorrell.Literature Literature
The 4 main herbs in Essiac are burdock root (Arctium lappa), Indian or Chinese rhubarb (Rheum palmatum), sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), and the inner bark of slippery elm (Ulmus fulva or Ulmus rubra).
Las 4 hierbas principales en Essiac son la raíz de bardana (Arctium lappa), ruibarbo chino o indio (Rheum palmatum), acetosa (Rumex acetosella) y la corteza interna del olmo (Ulmus fulva o Ulmus rubra).Common crawl Common crawl
Believing that the case has not been fully solved, Sorrell investigates photos that has Molly at both incidents and suggests to Churchman that they bring her in for questioning.
Creyendo que el caso no ha sido totalmente resuelto, Sorrell investiga las fotos que tiene a Molly en ambos incidentes y sugiere a Churchman que la traen para el interrogatorio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As I visited with the Sorrels family, I was particularly touched by the experience of their daughter, Tori, then a fifth grader at Plaza Towers Elementary School.
Durante mi visita a la familia Sorrels, me conmovió en particular la experiencia de su hija, Tori, que entonces estaba en el 5o grado de la escuela primaria Plaza Towers.LDS LDS
Sorrell, who had not dared breathe for the past minute or so, emptied his lungs at the prospect.
Sorrell, que durante el último minuto no se había atrevido a respirar, suspiró ante semejante desafío.Literature Literature
Actually I motored down to see a woman called Sorrel Dainton--quite a well-known actress.
Fui a ver a una mujer llamada Sorrel Dainton... una actriz muy conocida.Literature Literature
And the cattle and the full-grown asses cultivating the ground will eat fodder seasoned with sorrel, which was winnowed with the shovel and with the fork.”
Y las reses vacunas y los asnos adultos que cultivan el terreno comerán forraje sazonado con acedera, que habrá sido aventado con la pala y con el bieldo”.jw2019 jw2019
But there was no need to burden Sorrel with this information.
Pero no era necesario cargar a la pobre Sorrel con esa información.Literature Literature
It's, uh, sorrel soup with roasted scallops.
Sopa de acedera con vieiras asadas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
208 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.