sotto voce oor Spaans

sotto voce

adjektief, naamwoord, bywoord
In soft tones; quiet.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

en voz baja

quietly (of speech)
The marking is sotto voce - " under your breath ".
La anotación es sOtto voce, en voz baja.

sotto voce

So if we can bring things down to a sotto voce, that would help.
Si podemos bajar el volumen a un sotto voce ayudaría.

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"""Don't let Spock see you do it,"" Sulu said to him sotto voce."
—No deje que Spock lo vea hacer eso —le aconsejó Sulu en voz baja.Literature Literature
"Sotto voce, he added, ""Be careful around him."
Sotto voce, añadió—: Tened cuidado cuando os encontréis cerca de él.Literature Literature
‘See him,’ Dr Talos prompted me sotto voce.
—Mírelo —me urgió el doctor Talos sotto voce—.Literature Literature
“For God’s sake, Lucas, stop him,” Nicole implored sotto voce.
—Por el amor de Dios, Lucas, dile que se calle —le imploró Nicole en voz baja a su marido—.Literature Literature
They were close enough to talk sotto voce, but standoffish.
Estaban lo bastante cerca los unos de los otros para poder hablar en voz baja, pero sin acercarse demasiado.Literature Literature
"""Vanity of vanities, all is vanity,"" Gallegher put in, sotto voce."
--Vanidad de vanidades, todo es vanidad --intervino Gallegher, sotto voce--.Literature Literature
“That child,” Portia said sotto voce to Joseph, “ought to learn to speak when she is spoken to.
– Esa niña debería aprender a hablar sólo cuando se le habla -dijo Portia a Joseph en voz baja-.Literature Literature
He goes sotto voce: “And we do not sell it cheap.”
—Y añade sotto voce—: Y no la vendemos barata.Literature Literature
After a moment, Drake replied sotto voce, “He’s an experienced surgeon and the Yard’s chief pathologist.
Después de un momento, Drake respondió sotto voce: —Es un cirujano experimentado y el principal patólogo del Yard.Literature Literature
I whispered to Simonis sotto voce, incredulously.
—le susurré a media voz a Simonis, incrédulo.Literature Literature
He glanced back at Miri and Robert, and continued sotto voce.
—Observó a Miri y a Robert, y siguió hablando en voz baja—.Literature Literature
My father and the factory owner exchanged a few words, sotto voce.
El dueño de la fábrica y mi padre intercambiaron algunas palabras en voz baja.Literature Literature
Darren took out his mobile phone and made a quick sotto voce call.
Darren sacó el móvil e hizo una llamada rápida en voz baja.Literature Literature
He growled the words sotto voce, but Leonora heard them.
Él gruñó las palabras sotto voce, pero Leonora las oyó.Literature Literature
� �Oh, do tell us,� Mays pleaded, sotto voce.
—Oh, díganoslo usted —suplicó Mays, sotto voce.Literature Literature
The gunner appeared to be holding an impassioned sotto voce conversation.
El artillero parecía estar sosteniendo una apasionada conversación sotto voce.Literature Literature
You’re doing it again, Suzanne says to her, sotto voce.
«Ya has vuelto a hacerlo», le susurra Suzanne sottovoce.Literature Literature
Frances had always asked about Vicki’s in vitro in a confidential sotto voce.
Frances siempre había preguntado por la in vitro de Melanie en un tono confidencial.Literature Literature
Then, sotto voce, and in Yoruba, his demand: — Ki le mu wa fun wa?
Luego, sotto voce y en yoruba, la exigencia: —Ki le mu wa fun wa?Literature Literature
Then he said to me, sotto voce, “If you’re here to find The Panther, I wish you luck.
—Si usted ha venido para encontrar a la Pantera, le deseo buena suerte.Literature Literature
“Show them your pistol, Jeremy,” said Sir John sotto voce.
—Muéstrales tu pistola, Jeremy —dijo sir John en voz baja.Literature Literature
"""One of Culver Rann's friends,"" said Blackton sotto voce, as he drove on."
—Una de las amigas de Culver Rann —dijo en voz baja Blackton, prosiguiendo su camino—.Literature Literature
I know it’s a secret,” said Ambrose sotto voce.
Ya sé que es un secreto», dijo Ambrose sotto voce.)Literature Literature
Did he hear any of the sly observations, pointed asides, or dismissive remarks uttered sotto voce?
¿Oyó algún comentario malicioso, algún aparte mordaz o alguna observación desdeñosa hecha sotto voce?Literature Literature
“Well, by God, I can,” said Sir Robert sotto voce.
—Por Dios que yo sí puedo —dijo sir Robert en voz baja.Literature Literature
434 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.