sour cream oor Spaans

sour cream

Cream which has been treated with a benign bacterium to turn it slightly sour, often used as a condiment, or a topping for baked potatoes.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

crema agria

cream which has been treated with a benign bacterium
He likes salads that contain sour cream.
A él le gustan las ensaladas con crema agria.

Crema agria

dairy product obtained by fermenting a regular cream with certain kinds of lactic acid bacteria
He likes salads that contain sour cream.
A él le gustan las ensaladas con crema agria.

crema ácida

Either the sour cream is phony, or the chives, or the butter.
O la crema ácida es falsa, o los cebollinos.
Open Multilingual Wordnet

la crema agria

It's like sour cream and oatmeal had an ugly baby.
Es cómo si la crema agria y la avena hubieran tenido un bebé feo

nata agria

One steak with mushrooms, baked potato and sour cream.
Un filete con champiñones, patatas al horno y nata agria.

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soured cream
crema agria · crema ácida · nata agria


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I ask myself this as I empty the śmietanie, the sour cream, into a bowl in the kitchen.
Esto me pregunto al verter la smietanie, la nata agria, en un cuenco.Literature Literature
Canned imitation sour cream
Sucedáneo de nata agria en latatmClass tmClass
only soured cream butter
solo mantequilla de nata agriaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Then, when it was nearly ready to serve, she added some sour cream.
Luego, cuando estaba casi lista para servir, le agregaba un poco de crema ácida.Literature Literature
It's like sour cream and oatmeal had an ugly baby.
Es cómo si la crema agria y la avena hubieran tenido un bebé feoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Gruel, Puddings, Bavarois cream, Whipped cream, Sour cream
Gachas, Budines, Nata en forma de mousse, Nata montada, Nata agriatmClass tmClass
Variations For a dairy-free version, substitute Basic Mayonnaise (here) for the sour cream.
Variantes: para una versión sin lácteos, sustituye la crema agria por mayonesa básica (ver aquí).Literature Literature
Milk pasteurizer for the elaboration of sour cream
Pasteurizador de leche para la elaboración de suero costeñoscielo-title scielo-title
If Nikolai Nikolaich gets half a glass of sour cream, Pyotr Petrovich gets the other half.
Nikolai Nikolaich recibe medio vaso de crema agria y Petr Pretrovich recibe la misma ración.Literature Literature
Either the sour cream is phony, or the chives, or the butter.
O la crema ácida es falsa, o los cebollinos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To make the filling: Combine the cream cheese, sour cream, sweetener, and salt in a bowl.
Para hacer el relleno Mezcla la crema de queso, la crema agria, el edulcorante y la sal en un bol.Literature Literature
Cream, sour cream and whipped cream
Nata (agria), nata batidatmClass tmClass
She stirs in the sour cream with the melted chocolate.
Mezcla la crema con el chocolate derretido.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Heavy sour cream
Nata ácida para montarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sour cream and caviar, right?
Crema agria y caviar, ¿correcto?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We’re out of sour cream and we need a big bag of ice.”
Necesitamos crema agria y una bolsa grande de hielo.Literature Literature
She’d forgotten the sour cream.
Se había olvidado de la crema agria.Literature Literature
I remember when Jed Goodfellow tried to open that fancy sour cream store.
Recuerdo cuando Jed Goodfellow intentó abrir esa tienda de crema agria.Literature Literature
Mlyntsi or nalisnyky: thin pancakes filled usually with quark, meat, cabbage, fruits, served with sour cream.
Mlyntsí o nalisnyky: tortitas finas rellenaron normalmente con quark, carne, col y frutas y servidas con crema ácida.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When his arm came back at him, he’d snagged some sour cream and onion.
Cuando el brazo volvió a él, había enganchado algo de crema y cebolla.Literature Literature
Sobre la papa, que quieres... manteca, crema batida, o ambas?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's baked with a bunch of sour cream.
Se hornean con un puñado de crema agria.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That's sour cream.
Es crema agria.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Chicken burrito, no sour cream, large iced tea, please.
Burrito de pollo sin salsa y un té frío grande, por favor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Accompanying sour cream and salad, "as described on the menu.
Acompañando la crema agria y ensalada, "como se describe en el menú.Common crawl Common crawl
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