spatial depth oor Spaans

spatial depth

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Penetration into spatial depths reveals new forms.
Lo lograste, amigoLiterature Literature
Over this framework, add tonal values to define planes in space, model forms, and convey spatial depth.
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A characteristic of his representations is the general absence of spatial depth and the flattening of perspective.
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In addition, the breadth of the buttress contradicts the spatial depth of the much tighter space inhabited by the Virgin and Child.
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Collin began to emphasize the picture surface by reducing the spatial depth of his paintings as well as composing with areas of concentrated color.
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TOF-SIMS provides better detection limits, higher spatial resolution, depth profiling and the ability to detect isotopic species.
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A newly developed calibration-based technique enabled the formation of constraint sets that compensate for spatially varying depth errors within the work volume.
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Geomorphological mapping through satellite images, coupled with electrical resistivity surveys, provided vital information about spatial and depth-wise variation of aquifers in the area.
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The field observations show that spatial variation of water-table depth exerts strong control on vegetation composition and spatial patterning.
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The technique works by tapping into the near-limitless depths of spatial memory.
No, en realidad, acabo de terminarLiterature Literature
In technical terms, the pollution concerned was established as being spatially heterogeneous, with a depth concentration gradient.
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It has an enhanced ability for spatial and colour primary depth film-resolutions and sequencing.
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It is found that although both groups scored could be considered normal, in some items of body schema, such as spatial location (a difference of 10%), stroke continuity (14% difference), anatomy (4% difference) performance of athletes was higher than non-athletes. The same happens in relation to spatial scheme, in which the ability and development of auditory discrimination, specially the spatial depth perception and the degree of visual scanning of the space, athletes had superior performance compared to that of non-athletes who were in normal range or good.
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Therefore, OK was used to map the spatial distribution of the groundwater depth over the study area.
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A more in-depth understanding of spatial memory will continue to make human-machine interaction safer and more efficient.
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The PR showed greater spatial dependence at a greater depth, while the moisture presented a moderate dependence at different depths.
También se examinó si las ventas interiores de cada tipo de PET podían considerarse realizadas en el curso de operaciones comerciales normales, estableciendo la proporción de ventas rentables del tipo de PET en cuestión a clientes independientes, de conformidad con los considerandos # y # del Reglamento provisionalscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
The resulting maps indicated that the spatial variability of groundwater depth was greater during the wet season than during the dry season over three years.
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Scientists are employing simultaneous multi-mode signal processing to optimise the use of X-ray photons for better minimum detectable defect depth and spatial resolution.
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I have absolutely no spatial awareness or any sense of depth or breadth.
Su cama no estaba hechaLiterature Literature
Thereby, from the diffraction profile the strain depth profile with lateral spatial resolution in the 100-300nm range was derived.
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Some clarification is required on how the new exemptions would work in relation to the potential overlap between gear selectivity, spatial distribution of catches and depth.
El Depositario transmitirá la enmienda a todas las Partes para su ratificación, aceptación o aprobaciónEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In order to know the response of this group of organisms to changes in hydrographic conditions, spatial (regions, bays, depths) and temporal (climatic periods) variation in the juveniles abundance of two species with potential economical use in the northern Colombian Caribbean region was assessed.
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In recent years, Lake Naivasha had experienced a rapid decrease in its spatial extent and a fluctuation in its depth.
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This was achieved by coupling soil respiration experiments at depth with empirical and process-based spatial models.
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Gliders complemented the excellent temporal resolution of technology with greater spatial resolution between the surface and a depth of 1 km.
Te dije que no te movierascordis cordis
425 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.