speleothem oor Spaans


(geology) Any mineral deposited in a cave by the action of water.

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mineral deposited in a cave by the action of water



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An archive of the climate He explains how the speleothems within caves can provide a climate proxy - an archive of past changing conditions over the ages - giving scientists similar data to that from ice-cores drilled into glaciers found in the Earth's polar regions.
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Visitors in Georgies Hall, Honeycomb 1 cave and Tailender Cave have already caused serious, and in some cases, irreparable damage to speleothems and calcite formations in the caves, by tracking mud and dirt across the delicate surfaces by not sticking to marked paths, or due to irresponsible cave exploring.
En el marco del ejercicio de simplificación [Comunicación de # de abril de #, C #] la Comisión reiteró esta recomendación a los Estados miembrosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lechuguilla Cave surpasses nearby Carlsbad Caverns in size, depth, and variety of speleothems, though no room has been discovered yet in Lechuguilla Cave that is larger than Carlsbad's Big Room.
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Carbonate precipitation, forming speleothems, travertines, tufas, lacustrine, and capillary-zone deposits, subsequently record this δ18O isotopic signature.
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The term was first used by cave guides at Wind Cave in South Dakota, USA, during the 1890s to describe speleothems which looked like ice “frostwork”.
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In particular, research focused on speleothems – structures like stalactites and stalagmites formed in caves by the action of water.
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It is admired worldwide for the quality and quantity of geological formations or speleothems contained in its 17 miles in length, although only 6 are open to the public.
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Along with some very rare speleothems.
¡ Pero es una estupidez, estoy seguro porque se te ocurrió luego de tomarte media botella de escocés!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"Speleothem master chronologies: combined Holocene 18O and 13C records from the North Island of New Zealand and their paleoenvironmental interpretation".
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Another detrimental effect of artificial lights is that they have been seen to cause algae and cyanobacteria to grow in places that they wouldn’t usually grow, and the organic acid produced when they grow can potentially damage speleothems and cave paintings.
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My speleothems!
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Many people endure difficult and dangerous conditions so that they can experience the unworldly underground atmosphere in caves and the unique mineral formations known as speleothems, such as stalagmites and stalactites.
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Its corridors lead through five chambers and caverns, that are ornamented with speleothems, such as stalactites, stalagmites and columns of calcified rock deposited over tens of thousands of years.
En fin...... su muerte les va a traer # reclutas másWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In other parts of the world such as the United States, the sale of speleothems, stalactites and stalagmites has been banned since 1988 (Federal Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988).
El Acuerdo SPS también permite aplicar unas normas más exigentes que las normas internacionales, siempre y cuando se defina el nivel de protección convenientenot-set not-set
Subject: Trade in speleothems
Cuando en virtud de una obligación extracontractual, una persona (el acreedor) tenga derechos respecto a otra persona (el deudor) y un tercero esté obligado a satisfacer al acreedor o haya, de hecho, satisfecho al acreedor en ejecución de esa obligación, la ley aplicable a esta obligación del tercero determinará si, y en qué medida, éste puede ejercer los derechos que el acreedor tenía contra el deudor según la ley que rige sus relacionesoj4 oj4
She uses Porites corals, Speleothem samples from caves and Ice core samples to reconstruct climate changes in the past to provide a crucial long-term perspective on recent and projected future climate changes.
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The speleothems are supposed to be particularly unusual.
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In principle, in the more favorable cases, and assuming some simplifying hypotheses, the age of a speleothem could be derived from the total radiation dose cumulated by the sample and the annual dose rate to which it was exposed.
Miembro de la ComisiónWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Are there really certifications which allow speleothems to be taken away when a cave is going to be destroyed?
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However, as well as attracting caving enthusiasts, speleothems also contain vital information on the climate.
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Among the “feathery” varieties of anthodite is "frostwork", a type of speleothem consisting of “bushes” of fine acicular aragonite crystals in radiating clusters.
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Description of the design: The central image of the coin is a stylised spiral, which at the left side of the coin begins with inscription ‘POSTOJNSKA JAMA • 1213–2013 • SLOVENIJA’ and ends with two stylised speleothems.
Esperen la llamada a escenaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Subject: Trade in speleothems II
los nombres y las actividades precisas de todas las empresas vinculadas que participan en la producción y/o la venta (exportaciones y/o ventas nacionales) del producto investigadoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Are there not any Community laws protecting speleothems as historical heritage?
Pero cenaré contigo, Riccardonot-set not-set
The results of this intervention revealed the occurrences of speleothems which indicates the presence of a cave.
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147 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.