splice together oor Spaans

splice together

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Everyone sends in their translations to a designated editor who then splices together the subtitles.
Todos envían sus traducciones a editor elegido, que empalma los subtítulos.


It's not like splicing together a few wires.
No es lo mismo que unir unos cables.

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The voices are dozens of separate audio bytes all spliced together.
Las voces son docenas de fragmentos de audio que han puesto juntos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
M: And are these strings indivisible, or can they be cut and spliced together?
MATTHIEU: ¿Estas cuerdas son indivisibles o se pueden cortar y reempalmar?Literature Literature
Zekk was leaning down in the cockpit, trying to splice together a wire beneath the control panel.
Zekk estaba agachado en la cabina, tratando de empalmar un cable debajo del panel de control.Literature Literature
Ripley was only dimly aware that behind her, Johner was still trying to splice together the damaged hoses.
Ripley estaba vagamente consciente que a sus espaldas, Johner intentaba reparar la manguera rota.Literature Literature
Crossover involves splicing together subtrees rather than substrings.
Los cruces implican unir los subárboles más que las subcadenas.Literature Literature
You were genetically splicing together strains of influenza... to create a cure for all influenzas.
Ustedes estaban uniendo genéticamente genes de influenza... para crear una cura para todas las influenzas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At the end of my life, I’d like to splice together all of these moments into one reel.
Cuando mi vida toque a su fin, me gustaría fundir todos estos momentos en una única cinta.Literature Literature
“Or perhaps this was spliced together from various sources.”
O quizá empalmaron la secuencia a partir de diversas fuentes.Literature Literature
It is a surreal sight, as if two different programs have been spliced together, side by side.
Es una visión surrealista, como si se hubiesen juntado dos programas diferentes, uno a cada lado de la pantalla.Literature Literature
Sometimes I’ll play around like I’m a film editor and splice together incongruent moments in time.
A veces juego, como un editor de cine, transgrediendo el tiempo y uniendo momentos que no se dieron juntos.Literature Literature
Errors could be corrected by splicing together bits of different takes.
Podían corregirse los errores empalmando trozos de tomas diferentes.Literature Literature
The segments that remain are spliced together; they code for proteins and are called exons.
Los segmentos que quedan se empalman entre sí; codifican proteínas y se llaman exones.Literature Literature
It was as if two entirely different worlds had been spliced together along the crest of the ridge.
Era como si dos mundos totalmente diferentes estuviesen unidos por la cadena de colinas.Literature Literature
Those final memories are a part of him now, spliced together, like the skin of his face.
Aquellos recuerdos finales son ahora partes de él, partes ensambladas igual que la piel de su rostro.Literature Literature
Longer nucleic acids can be prepared by splicing together two or more individually prepared strands.
Se pueden preparar ácidos nucleicos más largos uniendo dos o más cadenas preparadas en forma individual.Literature Literature
He found some cables that he spliced together, and then plugged one end into the computer’s entry port.
Encontró unos cables que empalmó, y después conectó un extremo en el puerto de entrada del ordenador.Literature Literature
We look like we are spliced together from different weather systems.
Parece que nos han sacado de sistemas climáticos diferentes.Literature Literature
It's not like splicing together a few wires.
No es lo mismo que unir unos cables.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Empalma unas grabaciones viejas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Have your techs splice together some old recordings of Ryan's voice?
¿Tus técnicos unieron viejas grabaciones de la voz de Ryan?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
An obviously manufactured photograph splicing together a sententious Houdini and the spirit of Abraham Lincoln.
Una fotografía claramente manipulada que reúne a un sentencioso Houdini con el espíritu de Abraham Lincoln.Literature Literature
Genes could also be spliced together to create new genes, creating proteins never found in nature.
También era posible aparearlos para crear nuevos genes y dar origen a proteínas jamás vistas en la naturaleza.Literature Literature
“We’ve spent half the night spliced together like a seaman’s knot and you’re worried about my language?
—¿Llevamos media noche enredados como un nudo marinero y te preocupa el lenguaje?Literature Literature
Everyone sends in their translations to a designated editor who then splices together the subtitles.
Todos envían sus traducciones a editor elegido, que empalma los subtítulos.gv2019 gv2019
The scientists call them ‘splicers’ because different strands of DNA are cut apart and spliced together.
Los científicos los llaman «Segmentados» porque salen de cortar cadenas de ADN y juntarlas de nuevo.Literature Literature
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