spoonerism oor Spaans


/ˈspuːnərɪzəm/ naamwoord
A play on words on a phrase in which the initial (usually consonantal) sounds of two or more of the main words are transposed.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


phrase where sounds are transposed


phrase where sounds are transposed


I'll definitely have a tongue twister, because I don't even know what a spoonerism is.
Prefiero un trabalenguas porque ni siquiera sé qué es un retruécano.


I'll definitely have a tongue twister, because I don't even know what a spoonerism is.
Prefiero un trabalenguas porque ni siquiera sé qué es un retruécano.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


និយាយផ្ទុយពាក្យ ថាត្រឡប់ឡើងវិញ ទើបមានន័យច្បាស់ថា ជានេះជានោះ, ដូចគន្លាស់ថា តានៅ ? (=ទៅណា ?); ម៉ាពីនក ? (= មកពីណា ?); ភឹកតឹក (= ផឹកទឹក ?); សាយប៊ី (= ស៊ីបាយ ?) ជាដើម ។

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Lysander Spooner
Lysander Spooner


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
What is being negotiated, as Spooner pithily puts it, is authenticity.
Después de # semanas de tratamiento, los niveles séricos medios de #-hidroxivitamina D fueron significativamente superiores (# %) en el grupo de FOSAVANCE (# mg/# UI) (# nmol/l [ # ng/ml ]) que en el grupo de alendronato sólo (# nmol/l [ # ng/ml ]Literature Literature
She didn’t fancy the look of any of them really, except Dave Spooner.
Por último, quiero leer en voz alta una lista vergonzosa; los Estados miembros que aún no han ratificado el Convenio sobre la protección de los intereses financieros comunitarios: Bélgica, Luxemburgo, Países Bajos, Italia, España, Portugal, Irlanda y Francia.Literature Literature
What happened to Tommy was bad, but he confessed to killing Allison Spooner.
El rango está libreLiterature Literature
Jeffery Spooner (Jamaica) for accepting to co-facilitate the consultations in place of Mr.
La princesa llega en el Bote de la BondadUN-2 UN-2
‘Hana lo, hana lo,’ he shouted, spoonerizing the syllables in his excitement.
Esto no es buenoLiterature Literature
Until then, to paraphrase Spooner's arguments,68 the economy had been stimulated by a relative inflation of gold.
Los valientes mueren miles de veces, si son inteligentesLiterature Literature
The Spooners—Dave and Maggie—were among the Lanhams’ oldest friends.
Diría que Brenda va a pasar de largo e ir recto hacía Puerto RicoLiterature Literature
They took the North Spooner exit and got on River Drive.
Neumonía, infecciones de la pielLiterature Literature
Not many people had a flattering driver’s license photo, but Allison Spooner had been luckier than most.
Nuncaconseguí nada gratis en la vidaLiterature Literature
"""Allison Spooner was stabbed in the neck Sunday night or early Monday morning."""
Voy a salir en giras de promoción con autores y ejecutantesLiterature Literature
Local church goer and juniour christian soldier Meg Griffin has identified the atheist as Brian Griffin of Spooner Street
Él trago un pedazoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Allison Spooner was stabbed in the neck Sunday night or early Monday morning.”
¿ Por qué no puedo sonreír si intenta matarse y sentirme orgullosa cuando no?Literature Literature
Detective Spooner was just leaving.
Estuvimos casados durante muchos años.Mucha gente respeta esoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He advised consultation with Hanna and Spooner.
Capitán DefenseLiterature Literature
Hi there, Mr Spooner.
Introducir nueva etiquetaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Elizabeth, three people were just found dead on my boat my business is shot, and malone's trying to nail spooner for murder.
Lawrence Geber, nació elOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tiny Spooner was standing near the door, looking uncomfortable.
Ahí está, amo MaxwellLiterature Literature
Dom cleared his throat and leaned towards Dave Spooner.
Tongue twister, or spoonerism?
La canción no ha terminado, regresa inmediatamente al ecenarioOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Richardson played Hirst, a prosperous but isolated and vulnerable author, and Gielgud was Spooner, a down-at-heel sponger and opportunist.
Estoy pintando mi estudio.¿ Vas a alquilarlo?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Spooner was the most famous, of course, because of his gift for mangling the Queen’s English.
Eso probablemente me distrajo algunos segundos antes de llegar al medicamentoLiterature Literature
Originally a duo formed by classically trained musician Warren Fischer and video-artist and experimental theater performer Casey Spooner for an impromptu rendition of their makeshift track "Indian Cab Driver" at the Astor Place Starbucks, the group grew to over 20 performers, most of whom are dancers and guest vocalists.
Actúa de la siguiente manera:Disminuyendo la producción por el organismo de unas sustancias que pueden aumentar la presión sanguínea Relajando y ensanchando los vasos sanguíneos. Haciendo más fácil para el corazón el bombeo de la sangre por el cuerpoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Spooner and Lohse appeared with tight smiles and no handshakes.
La Comisión resolverá en el plazo de un mesLiterature Literature
Spooner, the engine's dead.
Lo cambié a " Reina de Espadas "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
James Spooner and Veronica Price were waiting at the safe house when Gordievsky appeared an hour later.
A la sala tresLiterature Literature
208 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.