sports journalist oor Spaans

sports journalist

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periodista deportivo

person who reports on sports events in the media
persona que realiza reportajes sobre eventos deportivos
Ther e isn't a f emale sports journalist that didn't learn their lesson f rom it.
No hay ninguna periodista deportiva que no aprendiera una lección de eso.

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Peter, the sports journalist, came home, then Jean-Pierre, John’s French room-mate.
Peter, el periodista deportivo, llegó a casa, y luego Jean-Pierre, el francés con quien John compartía habitación.Literature Literature
When we were in college, you wanted to be a great sports journalist.
Cuando estábamos en la secundaria, querías ser un gran periodista deportivo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"Tributes flow for great sports journalist DJ Cameron".
«Tributes flow for great sports journalist DJ Cameron» (en inglés).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dempsey received 237 points in voting by 207 sports journalists to claim the award.
Dempsey recibió 207 de 237 votos de periodistas especializados para hacerse con el premio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
João Filipe Fazendas Vaz, sports journalist well known in Spain for his analysis and knowledge of football Lusophone.
João Filipe Fazendas Vaz - periodista deportivo muy conocido en España por sus análisis y conocimientos del fútbol lusófono.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Excited sports journalists were spreading the news.
Los periodistas de los medios deportivos difundieron la noticia agitados.Literature Literature
“A sports journalist,” Gordon added.
- Cronista de deportes -agregó Gordon-.Literature Literature
It was the work of some venal sports journalist from Baltimore recruited by the Cousins.
Fue obra de un venal periodista deportivo de Baltimore reclutado por los Primos.Literature Literature
When he retired, the sports journalists said he had been just four inches short of being a champion.
Cuando se retiró, los periódicos deportivos dijeron que le habían faltado cinco centímetros para ser un campeón.Literature Literature
Paul was a friend of the sports journalist and writer Damon Runyon.
Paul era amigo de Damon Runyon, escritor y periodista especializado en temas deportivos.Literature Literature
Aldridge and his fellow sports journalists tried to figure it out.
Aldridge y los periodistas deportivos afines trataron de recalcarlo.Literature Literature
Television personality and sports journalist Simon Crosskill commented:
Simon Crosskill, personalidad televisiva y periodista de deportes, comentó:gv2019 gv2019
He motioned towards the sports journalists who hadn’t even noticed he’d gone.
-Hizo un gesto para señalar a los periodistas de Deportes, que ni se habían dado cuenta de que no estabaLiterature Literature
They've got two PhDs, a bloody astronomer and a sports journalist.
Dos doctores, un maldito astrónomo y un periodista deportivo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There is not not at all worst than a sports journalist know- all
No hay nada peor que un periodista deportivo sabihondoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Sports journalist “Lanzhou Banzhuan Ershi” [zh] criticized Shanghai men:
El periodista deportivo “Lanzhou Banzhuan Ershi” [zh] criticaba a los hombres de Shanghái:gv2019 gv2019
“Have you suddenly become a sports journalist by any chance?”
—¿Por casualidad te has metido a periodista deportivo?Literature Literature
Ther e isn't a f emale sports journalist that didn't learn their lesson f rom it.
No hay ninguna periodista deportiva que no aprendiera una lección de eso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
HARTMUT SCHERZER SPORTS JOURNALIST that's when you really noticed that they were like forces of nature.
HARTMUT SCHERZER PERIODISTA DEPORTIVO eso era una verbadera noticia que eran como la fuerza de la naturaleza.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Emmad Hameed, a sports journalist, commented in a Facebook post:
Emmad Hameed, un periodista de deportes, comentó en un post de Facebook:gv2019 gv2019
I could see you as a sports journalist.
Podrías ser periodista deportiva.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“The best sports journalist of the Cantabrian coastline.”
—El mejor periodista deportivo de la cornisa cantábrica.Literature Literature
Sports journalist Francisco Aure [es], gladly commented:
El periodista deportivo Francisco Aure, animadamente comentó:gv2019 gv2019
Sports journalist Laurie Foster criticised the principals of the two schools involved:
El periodista deportivo Laurie Foster criticó a los directores de los dos colegios implicados:gv2019 gv2019
Whilst running a nightclub, he met a newspaper editor who gave him a job as a sports journalist.
Mientras manejaba un club nocturno conoció a un editor de un diario que le dio trabajó como periodista deportivo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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