squinty oor Spaans


Afflicted with a squint

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjective verb
Squinty eyes, hooked nose.
Ojos desviados, nariz de gancho.

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And their eyes are all squinty from spending their whole lives in the sun and - and they have the soil on their hands and - and they just bring the country to the city with them and they have this - I don't know,
Porque pasaron toda su vida al sol. Y tienen la tierra en sus manos... Y traen el campo a la ciudad con ellos. Y tienen como un... no sé...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There’s no question it’s her, though she’s wan, squinty, and decidedly worse for wear.
No cabe duda de que es ella, aunque está pálida, bizquea y se la ve fatal.Literature Literature
Lots of people have squinty red eyes, insatiable thirst, and trouble walking.
Mucha gente tiene los ojos rojos y llorosos, sed insaciable, y problemas para caminar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It didn’t take the others long to perceive the purpose of my interest in the squinty-eyed woman.
Los demás no tardaron en percibir el propósito de mi interés por la mujer de ojos bizcos.Literature Literature
His squinty eyes looked as though they were hoping to spring a trick question on her.
La miró con los ojos entrecerrados como si estuviera esperando para lanzarle una pregunta trampa.Literature Literature
The eyes, are they more round like this or more squinty like this?
Los ojos, son más redondeados así o más bizcos así?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Here, in any case, my face is distorted because of the sun, my eyes are very squinty and my skin roasted.
En la foto, de todos modos, tengo la cara distorsionada a causa del sol, los ojos muy cerrados y la piel quemada.Literature Literature
Last year, the 3rd grade class picture came out all squinty.
El año pasado, los de tercer grado salieron bizcos en la foto anual.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Recently, its male models tweeted several racial messages making fun of South Koreans, including photos of model posing with “Asian squinty eyes”.
Recientemente, sus modelos masculinos tuitearon varios mensajes raciales burlándose de los surcoreanos, incluidas fotos de un modelo posando con “ojos asiáticos entrecerrados”.gv2019 gv2019
I asked the host, an ugly, squinty guy, if he knew where I could find some action.
Pregunté al dueño, un tipo feo y bizco, dónde podía encontrar acción.Literature Literature
"""It means that even Squinty and Bonebreaker will think twice about trying to keep me somewhere when I wish to leave."""
—Significa que hasta Bizco y Rompehuesos se lo pensarán dos veces antes de retenerme en un lugar contra mis deseos.Literature Literature
Thelma’s husband, Ted, stared at her through squinty eyes.
El marido de Thelma, Ted, la miró con ojos entrecerrados.Literature Literature
Dad, his eyes squinty from sleep, demanded, “What’s all this hollerin’ about, Cory?”
Papá, con los ojos entornados por el sueño, preguntó: —¿Qué es todo este jaleo, Cory?Literature Literature
She liked the way she looked when she narrowed her eyes, because it was sharp and penetrating without being too squinty.
Le gustaba su cara cuando entornaba los ojos, porque era penetrante y expresiva sin parecer bizca.Literature Literature
Hey, Squinty, the gas pedal's on the right!
¡ Oye, Squinty, el pedal del acelerador es el de la derecha!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Aah! Squinty guy, sunburn, real sad sack?
¿Tipo bizco, bronceado, desgraciado?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
" play ball, you squinty fuck... Or you will disappear! "
" ¡ jugá el juego, vizco de mierda o vas a desaparecer! "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He be runnin his hand through his hair like he nervous, shootin glances at me wif them little squinty eyes.
Se pasa la mano por el pelo como nervioso, echándome miradas con esos ojos bizcos.Literature Literature
Imagine Clint Eastwood at his most squinty, most unmercifully flinty, in the role of Philip, a hard guy.
Imaginemos por un momento a Clint Eastwood, en su aspecto más torvo e inexorablemente cruel, en el papel de Filipo.Literature Literature
But I also thought about the brother I had refused to kill and the man with the hard, squinty eyes.
Y también me acordaba de aquel hermano al que no había querido matar y de aquel hombre de ojos estrechos y entornados.Literature Literature
He laughed at the choice, saying that the owl was too ugly with his hooked beak and squinty eyes.
Se rio por aquella elección y dijo que el búho era demasiado feo con aquel pico aguileño y los ojos entornados.Literature Literature
Anybody ever tell you you see pretty well for a man with squinty eyes?
¿No te dijeron que ves bastante bien para ser bizco?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hart regarded his first lieutenant with a squinty gaze, eyes hazy-blue, almost hidden beneath a slightly bulging brow.
Hart observó a su primer teniente con mirada bizca, los ojos azul claro casi ocultos bajo la frente abultada.Literature Literature
He looks at me with squinty eyes and tries to read my mind.
—Me mira con los ojos entrecerrados y trata de leer mi mente.Literature Literature
I'm all squinty!
¡ Tengo los ojos casi cerrados!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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