squire oor Spaans


werkwoord, naamwoord
A shield-bearer or armor-bearer who attended a knight.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


armor-bearer who attended a knight
A great warrior and his squire, newly returned from Palestine.
Un gran guerrero y su escudero, de regreso de Palestina.


I said " squire. "
Y dije: " Acompañar ".



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Virginia Squires
Virginia Squires
Chris Squire
Chris Squire
a knight and his squire
un caballero y su escudero
to squire
white squire
caballero blanco


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"""I hope,"" cried the squire, ""you will not deny, that the three angles of a triangle are equal to two right ones?"""
—Tampoco me negará usted —insistió el otro— que los tres ángulos de un triángulo valen dos rectos.Literature Literature
The Squire and Rector wrote a letter, and the King let him live!”
¡Squire y el rector escribieron una carta y el rey le perdonó la vida!Literature Literature
In that moment she saw the young squire she’d loved before he left to become a knight.
En ese momento vio al joven escudero al que había amado antes de que se fuese para convertirse en caballero.Literature Literature
“And has left behind the woman he chose worthy to be his squire,” Sir Graybow said neutrally.
--Y ha dejado tras de sí a la mujer que consideró digna de ser su escudero -repuso sir Graybow con voz inexpresiva.Literature Literature
I took the opportunity to break into Bedford Lodge, the Squire’s headquarters.”
Aproveché la oportunidad para introducirme en Bedford Lodge, el cuartel general del Squire.Literature Literature
A squire, without even being asked, proffered his lord Gahmuret a spear, whose shaft was of bamboo.
Sin pedírsela, un escudero ofreció a su señor Gahmuret una lanza, cuya asta era de bambú.Literature Literature
It was terrible to me that the old squire, whom I had always respected, should have brought such a man among us.
Me pareció terrible que el anciano señor, a quien yo siempre había respetado, nos hubiese traído a un hombre así.Literature Literature
With the squire out the door and the lock turned, Roland clasped his hands behind his back and crossed the room.
Una vez fuera y la puerta cerrada con pestillo, Roland enlazó las manos a la espalda y atravesó la habitación.Literature Literature
She was appalled to think the squires had even considered taking their vows to please her.
—Le horrorizaba pensar que los escuderos hubieran pensado siquiera hacer sus Votos de Sangre por complacerla a ella.Literature Literature
The squire was gone, vanished without a trace.
El barón había desaparecido, sin dejar rastro.Literature Literature
It was not as if he were portly like Squire Begley.
Tampoco era corpulento como el hacendado Begley.Literature Literature
Simon Deveril and Lincoln’s squire, Taffy, are with us.
Simón Deveril y Taffy, el escudero de Lincoln, nos acompañan.Literature Literature
No honey-tongued squire who looks like the devil's own temptation is going to get far with me.
Ningún escudero de lengua dulce y tan apuesto que parece una tentación del mismísimo diablo se va a sobrepasar conmigo.Literature Literature
Owen would return to his squire’s quarters and they could rely on the discretion of their servants.
Owen volvería a sus aposentos de escudero, y podían confiar en la discreción de los criados.Literature Literature
From 1955 to 1968 full-size Ford wagons were treated as a separate model series and were listed as Ranch Wagon, Country Sedan, and Country Squire.
De 1955 a 1968 de tamaño completo Ford Wagons fueron tratados como una serie de modelos separados y fueron catalogados como Ranch Wagon, Country Sedan, and Country Squire.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tris and I are disposed to think it was your fellow squire.""
Tris y yo estamos inclinados a creer que se trataba de su cofrade el escudero.Literature Literature
Menelaus was one of Thyestes' squires and must accompany him to Tiryns.
Menelao era uno de los escuderos de Tiestes y hubo de acompañarlo a Tirinto.Literature Literature
She’d just regained her composure when his squire came running.
Acababa de recuperar la compostura cuando su escudero apareció corriendo.Literature Literature
“If I were living in Solamnia, I would be squire to a noble knight and learn my craft from him.
Si viviera en Solamnia, sería escudero de un noble caballero y aprendería mi oficio de él.Literature Literature
“He’s not even a squire, and he can’t be a knight before he’s a squire.
Ni siquiera es escudero, y no puede hacerse caballero sin antes ser escudero.Literature Literature
‘Who wouldn’t sooner be the younger son of an earl than the eldest son of a plain squire?’
—¿Quién no querría ser el hijo menor de un conde en vez de ser el primogénito de un hacendado?Literature Literature
How many changes in attitude toward the Squires of Sark had he endured in his life?
¿Cuántos cambios de actitud respecto a los Nobles de Sark había experimentado durante su vida?Literature Literature
The Earl's big chestnut was there too, and the mounts belonging to various knights and squires.
El voluminoso alazán del conde estaba también allí, así como las monturas de los caballeros y escuderos.Literature Literature
No man ever had a squire like you, Val.
Nunca nadie tuvo un escudero como tú, Val.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And he was quite busy these days, squiring his elderly grandmother around London.
Y aquellos días estaba sumamente ocupado acompañando a su anciana abuela por Londres.Literature Literature
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