statement made under oath oor Spaans

statement made under oath

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These are sworn statements made under oath.”
¿ No les encanta?Literature Literature
27 The plaintiff considers those letters to be official statements made under oath.
Pongan la gavia y arreglen este desordenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Competition – Agreements, decisions and concerted practices – Proof – Statements made under oath and evidence taken at hearings
Un momento, HenryEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A false statement made under oath in court is perjury, which is another crime.
Cuéntanos del vendedor, ToddLiterature Literature
A deposition is a solemn statement made under oath.
Esperemos que síLiterature Literature
According to statements made under oath in the Australian Parliament by an expert, transmissions from civilian telecommunications satellites are intercepted at Geraldton(50).
En el desarrollo de esa revisión, el Consejo de Estabilización y Asociación considerará la conveniencia de preservar los efectos de los límites considerados en términos realesnot-set not-set
It heard statements made under oath by eight witnesses with direct and personal knowledge of the human rights situation in the occupied Syrian Golan.
Es mi deseo que estos juegos sean recordados...... mucho después de que todos estén muertos...... y olvidados por sus parientes más cercanosUN-2 UN-2
It heard statements made under oath by eight witnesses with direct and personal knowledge of the human rights situation in the occupied Syrian Golan
¡ Dad la vuelta, e id a los campos de trigo!MultiUn MultiUn
All foreign nationals, irrespective of whether they were legally present in Italy or not, were entitled to legal aid on the basis of a simple statement made under oath that was certified by the consular authorities.
Si ella está a bordo, ¿ dónde está #?- ¡ Una buena pregunta!UN-2 UN-2
At that hearing, a statement made under oath the previous day by Mr Geiß and the applicant's manager, Mr Hübler (the managers' statement) was lodged and added to the file by the President of the Court.
¿ Quién fue su primera novia?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
There is a danger here that he may seek to unfairly influence jury opinion with unsubstantiated statements not made under oath.
La víctima es la camareraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It also had the opportunity to visit Quneitra province, bordering the occupied Syrian Golan, to meet with the Governor of Quneitra and to hear statements made under oath by seven witnesses who had direct and personal knowledge of the human rights situation in the occupied Syrian Golan.
Están al máximoUN-2 UN-2
It also had the opportunity to visit Quneitra province, bordering the occupied Syrian Golan, to meet with the Governor of Quneitra and to hear statements made under oath by seven witnesses who had direct and personal knowledge of the human rights situation in the occupied Syrian Golan
Necesité toda la fuerza para dejar la casaMultiUn MultiUn
A number of new documents had been sent by the Foundation to the members of the Council on 11 July 2008, including a statement made under oath in 1988 by Jorge Robreño, President of the Revolutionary Military Tribunals of the Province of Havana at the time of Mr.
Redirijan la energíaUN-2 UN-2
211 The email of 16 March 2004, which was drafted in tempore non suspecto, unlike the statement made under oath by E.ON Ruhrgas’ employee on which the applicants rely (see paragraph 201 above), thus unequivocally bears out the Commission’s finding that there was a market-sharing agreement between the undertakings in question in March 2004.
Ya me veía jugando baloncesto con FergursonEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sorry, he said, that statement had been made under oath.
Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el artículo #, apartado #, con carácter excepcional se podrán expedir certificados de circulación de mercancías EUR.# después de la exportación de los productos a los que se refieren siLiterature Literature
'Mistress Brokestreet had made a statement under oath; her testimony has been accepted by the court.'
Sólo tenemos A negativo, cieloLiterature Literature
I made false statements under oath, because they promised me they'd let me live!
¿ Qué estás haciendo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He admitted that he had made false statements under oath and surrendered his law license.
Cielos despejados sobre Racoon City.Una brisa ligera soplando desde el oesteLiterature Literature
She’s made a statement under oath that Claes spent the night with her.
Si, no, hiciste un trabajo genial, FrankLiterature Literature
200 Thirdly, as regards the alleged cessation of the infringement as from the beginning of 2003, the applicants submit that the Commission took insufficient account of the statement made under oath by one of their employees according to which it had been accepted as from 2003 and on a number of other occasions before the 2004 agreement that GDF could take gas from all the outlet points of the MEGAL gas pipeline.
¿ Supongo que no sabes lo que es una cartilla de racionamiento?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I made false statements under oath, because they promised me they' d let me live!
Un mensajero estadounidense, Samiropensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Austrian civil procedure law allows the judge to request that a statement is made or repeated under oath under any circumstances
Es hermoso aquí arribaMultiUn MultiUn
A number of new documents had been sent by the Foundation to the members of the Council on # uly # including a statement made under oath in # by Jorge Robreño, President of the Revolutionary Military Tribunals of the Province of Havana at the time of Mr. Valladares' trial in # confirming that Mr. Valladares had not been accused of being a terrorist or of committing any acts of violence and that there had been no suggestion, during the trial, that he had been a policeman under the Batista regime
Él me reconoce, ¿ pero no mi propia carne y sangre?MultiUn MultiUn
Austrian civil procedure law allows the judge to request that a statement is made or repeated under oath under any circumstances.
Este kart sí que me gustaría tenerlo.Annie, " la disponible "UN-2 UN-2
75 sinne gevind in 57 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.