stay behind oor Spaans

stay behind

werkwoord, naamwoord
(military) An agent who lives in a foreign country, and can be activated in certain circumstances.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


One of us had to stay behind and look after dear old dad.
Una de nosotras tuvo que quedarse a cuidar a tu viejo papá.

quedarse atrás

I wanted to better explain my reasons for choosing to stay behind.
Quería exponer mejor mis razones para la elección de quedarse atrás.


For your safety, please stay behind the yellow line.
Para su seguridad, por favor permanezca detrás de la linea amarilla.


I thought that I told you to stay behind.
Pensé haberte dicho que te quedaras atrás.
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Soortgelyke frases

stay-behind force
fuerza de zaga
to stay behind
quedarse · quedarse atrás
stay behind force
destacamentos retardadores de seguridad


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Especially when you're staying behind.
Especialmente cuando usted no va a ir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Our own colleagues stayed behind to talk to her.
Nuestros compañeros se quedan para hablar con ella.Literature Literature
Rodi has stayed behind to convince everyone to leave.”
Rodi se ha quedado para convencerlos a todos de que se marchen.Literature Literature
Can't I stay behind?
¿No puedo quedarme detrás?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A loyal warrior who stayed behind to hide the Essence and guard it with his life.
Un guerrero leal que podría ocultar la esencia y protegerla con su vida.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Stay behind me!
Manténte agachada!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All right, look, anything happens, you guys stay behind us.
Muy bien, escuchad, si pasa algo, quedaos detrás de nosotros.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For this reason, we did not write to those who had stayed behind.
Por eso ya no escribíamos a los que se habían quedado.Literature Literature
“When Daniel joined up, Ray decided to stay behind and run the farm.”
—Cuando Daniel se alistó, Ray decidió quedarse y dirigir la granja.Literature Literature
Stay behind me
¡ Quédense detrás mío!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He never would have stayed behind if I'd gone along like you said.
Nunca se hubiese quedado atrás si yo me hubiese ido como usted dijo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Caragh and Braddock stayed behind as well.
Caragh y Braddock también se quedaron.Literature Literature
Martin would have to stay behind.
Martin tendría que quedarse atrás.Literature Literature
I'll stay behind, of course.
Yo me quedaré, por supuesto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
How could she blame him if he opted for the safer course and stayed behind?
¿Cómo iba a culparlo si optaba por el camino más seguro y se quedaba?Literature Literature
“He’s right,” Kam went on, “except that he’s not the one staying behind—I am.”
"""Tiene razón,"" Kam insistió, ""excepto que no será él, quien se queda atrás, seré yo."""Literature Literature
‘Mr Marsh, perhaps you could stay behind,’ he said.
—Señor Marsh, quizá podría quedarse usted un momento —añadió.Literature Literature
He stayed behind some heavy shrubs when he called to the others.
Se quedó tras unos espesos matorrales cuando llamó a los otrosLiterature Literature
Tahu Ishtar, see to it that the children and the old people stay behind their doors this day.
Tahu Ishtar procura que los niños y los ancianos se recluyan hoy en sus hogares: ya sabes cuál será mi paradero.Literature Literature
You can sulk in silence, stay behind, or we can render you speechless.
Puedes poner mala cara en silencio, quedarte atrás, o podemos dejarte sin habla.Literature Literature
Voltorno had his men stay behind to trap us.
—Voltorno hizo que sus hombres se quedaran retrasados para atraparnos.Literature Literature
But I let it slip that you were staying behind in London.
Pero mencioné que tú te quedabas en Londres.Literature Literature
I'd better stay behind.
Más vale que no te acerques.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A couple of kids and some grown-ups who had stayed behind were already there taking bread.
Unos niños y algunos adultos que se habían quedado en el campo recogían pan.Literature Literature
Why don’t Deler and I stay behind and ask him a few questions?”
¿Por qué no nos quedamos Deler y yo para esperarlo y le hacemos algunas preguntas?Literature Literature
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