step-father oor Spaans


Alternative spelling of stepfather.

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Now you says that he ams my steps fathers.
Ahora me dices que él es mi padrastro.

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step father


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My step-father thought it an excellent education for me.
Mi padrastro pensaba que era una excelente educación para mí.Literature Literature
The step-father was responsible in 1,659 situations, and the step-mother in 1,359 cases.
El padrastro había sido responsable en 1.659 casos y la madrastra en 1.359.UN-2 UN-2
But he died when I was 5 years old and I was reared by my step-father.
Pero murió cuando yo tenía 5 años, y me crió mi padrastro.Common crawl Common crawl
Twenty years later, Connie’s step-father remains in good health, her natural father too for all we know.
Veinte años después, el padrastro de Connie sigue gozando de buena salud y, que sepamos, su padre biológico también.Literature Literature
Her step-father would have called it providence.
Su padrastro lo habría llamado «divina providencia».Literature Literature
Wenka's step-father seeks admission to the island.
El padrastro de Wenka busca ser admitido en la isla.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Age is a stepmother and time a step-father.
La edad es madrastra y el tiempo padrastro.Literature Literature
With a step-father called Rydén.
Con un padrastro de nombre Rydén.Literature Literature
In 1995, she starred with her step-father Robert Wagner in a Hart to Hart TV movie.
En 1995 protagonizó con su padre, Robert Wagner, uno de los telefilmes de Hart to Hart.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Like my father and my step-father... and every other loser my mother ever dated.
Como mi padre y mi padrastro... y todos y cada uno de los perdedores con los que salia mi madre.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Step father.
Padre adoptivo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Debbie explained that her step-father was a real estate magnate.
Debbie le explicó que su padrastro era un magnate inmobiliario.Literature Literature
We get a fearsome step-father in Dr.
Tenemos un temible padrastro en el Dr.Literature Literature
And how disagreeable that Step-Father George has so much of it!
¡Y qué desagradable que mi padrastro George tenga tanto!Literature Literature
Afterwards Neil kissed his mother’s over rouged cheek and accepted his step-father’s kindly bear-hug.
Después, Neil besó las mejillas excesivamente maquilladas de la madre y aceptó el osuno abrazo del padrastro.Literature Literature
You’ve got to stop blaming your step-father for all your ills and failings.
Tienes que dejar de culpar a tu padre de todas tus desgracias y fracasos.Literature Literature
The girl, known as Belen, was repeatedly raped by her 32 year old step-father.
La niña, conocida como Belén, fue repetidamente violada por su padrastro de 32 añ
My step father is from Senegal.
Mi padrastro es de SenegalOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Everyone called him Quinn-- the last name of his step-father-- but the young man secretly disliked it.
Todo el mundo le llamaba Quinn (el apellido de su padrastro) pero al joven secretamente no le gustaba.Literature Literature
Her step-father was a lot like her dad, enthusiastic and smart.
Su padrastro se parecía mucho a su padre, era apasionado e inteligente.Literature Literature
Most of what Ruth knew and believed about religion, she’d learned from her step-father.
Casi todo lo que sabía y creía de la religión se lo había enseñado su padrastro.Literature Literature
My step-father did this.
Mi padrastro me hizo esto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They're only interested in the step-father.
Lo único que les interesa es el padrastroOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘My step-father made us Anglicans,’ she sums up excitedly.
—Mi padrastro nos hizo anglicanos —resume ella, excitada.Literature Literature
I don’t miss how he doesn’t like to refer to them as his step-father or stepbrother.
No se me escapa que no se refiere a ellos como su padre o su hermano.Literature Literature
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