sterilant oor Spaans


Any substance used to sterilize something

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Cartridges for pre-filtration and sterilization of wines, liqueurs, juices, chemical products, and pharmaceutical products.
Cartuchos para filtración preliminar y esterilizante de vinos, licores jugos, productos químicos y productos farmacéuticos.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

sterile couple
pareja estéril
thermal sterilization
hot air sterilizer
horno esterilizador de aire caliente
sterilization effective time
gas sterilization
esterilización gaseosa
sterile container
envases estériles
sterilization process
radiation sterilization


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
She maintained the treatment room and sterilized the instruments at the end of the workday.
Y de donde saco eso?Lo leyo en Cosmopolitan!Literature Literature
(d) All implements which come into contact with the embryos or the donor animal during collection and processing shall be disposable or shall be properly disinfected or sterilized prior to use.
Da la vueltaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Then she left, walking out of the sterile light of the bathroom and into the darkness.
Es una propuesta muy amable, SrLiterature Literature
— for the production of certified seed of non-hybrid varieties and intraspecific hybrids of Gossypium hirsutum produced without Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS),
En Sand Creek pasado mañanaEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
use of discs of pure paraffin impregnated with allyl isothiocyanate to create sterile atmosphere, solely in Member States in which it is traditional and so long as it is not forbidden by national law, provided that they are used only in containers holding more than # litres and that there is no trace of allyl isothiocyanate in the wine
¿ Pueden decirme si han visto a este hombre?eurlex eurlex
At every juncture I took the path less appealing and more sterile.
Los que dejaron indefensos en sus hogares...... para vestir elegantemente...... para enjuiciar y bailar...... que grave!Literature Literature
Kindly indicate if the new legislation foresees regular and consistent monitoring of sterilization procedures, and describe these measures.
Déjame en pazUN-2 UN-2
I helped him on with his sterile operating-room garb, his gloves, face mask, hat.
El mismo modelo que acusó a Baltar de traición...... antes de desaparecer de la GalacticaLiterature Literature
At the same session, the Human Rights Committee expressed its concern about reports of forced sterilizations, particularly of indigenous women in rural areas and women from the most vulnerable social sectors (ibid., para.
De veras, Jerry, no hay tantoUN-2 UN-2
Well, that can happen if you're the son of the guy who created worldwide sterility.
Yo lideraré al ejércitoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cleaners and sterilizers for medical and surgical endoscopes
Te seguí hasta aquítmClass tmClass
Thus they fit in sterilizers, instrument washer disinfectors, and are compatible with packaging materials, that are also based on this unit.
A tu edad, a mí también me parecían ridículos los rituales del mundo académicoCommon crawl Common crawl
Why, it's got to be sterilized, lad.
No nos hacen falta, compraremos unas nuevasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sterilize your position
Una vez que encuentres la corona, abran la bolsa de vientos...... y vendrán volando a casa.- ¡ Mindy!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The government should revise article 28 of the civil code, which requires transgender people to take hormones and undergo surgery to alter their bodies and be permanently and irreversibly sterilized before they can have their gender legally recognized on official documents Human Rights Watch said.
O de
Sterilization of medical devices - Microbiological methods - Part 1: Determination of a population of microorganisms on products (ISO 11737-1:2006)
OF Often through dreadful methods, like the sterilization of men.
De hecho, nunca llegó a crecer, ya lo has vistoLiterature Literature
Manipulating a woman’s body against her will to carry out sterilization, removes her agency to make choices about her body, including the number of children she will have; and is a violation of fundamental rights, including the right to health.
Vistas las cuentas anuales definitivas de la Agencia Europea del Medio Ambiente relativas al ejercicioUN-2 UN-2
Sterilization was mentioned, but again, only with reference to women.
Grupo de trabajo Eficacia Grupo de trabajo Medicamentos veterinarios inmunológicos Grupo de trabajo Farmacovigilancia Grupo de trabajo conjunto CPMP/CVMP Calidad Grupo de trabajo Seguridad Grupo ad hoc sobre resistencia antimicrobiana Equipo de trabajo sobre disponibilidad de medicamentosUN-2 UN-2
Information on the packaging which maintains the sterile condition of a device (‘sterile packaging’):
¿ De qué habláis cuando estás con él?eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Pure, religion would be sterile; what is profound and virulent in it is not the divine but the demoniacal.
Si encontrara...... al hombre adecuado...... cerraría esto yLiterature Literature
For compounds with a molar (decadic) absorption coefficient (e) > 10 (1 × mol 1 × cm 1) at a wavelength l & ge; 290 nm, direct phototransformation in purified (e.g. distilled) water at 20 to 25 °C, of purified active substance usually radio labelled using artificial light under sterile conditions, if necessary using a solubilizer, must be determined and reported.
Era una vieja herida suyaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A number of studies have shown that indigenous women and women with disabilities are at particular risk of involuntary sterilization programmes as an instrument of population control, often inspired by eugenics.
Además, tengo mi orgulloUN-2 UN-2
“We’re as sterile,” I heard Yussuf Lamehd say, “as boiling water.”
¡ Listo, empujen!Literature Literature
The good-looking ones are immediately sterilized.
¿ Por qué no hay fuente de chocolate blanco?Literature Literature
209 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.