stifled oor Spaans


adjektief, werkwoord
Of or pertaining to something stifled or suppressed.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


She tried to stifle a sneeze during the concert but she couldn't hold it back.
Ella trató de ahogar un estornudo durante el concierto, pero no pudo contenerlo.


Tom stifled a laugh.
Tom reprimió una risa.


Tom stifled a laugh.
Tom reprimió una risa.

En 4 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

sofocada · sofocado · suprimida · suprimido

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Soortgelyke frases

the heat is stifling
hace un calor sofocante
agobiador · agobiante · agobio · ahogado · ahogador · ahogante · asfixiante · bochornoso · duro · opresivo · represión · sofocante · supresión
a stifling atmosphere
una atmósfera asfixiante
to stifle
ahogar · asfixiar · contener · reprimir · sofocar
the stifling atmosphere of the town
el ambiente sofocante de la ciudad
to feel stifled
stifling heat
calor sofocante
ahogar · ahogarse · apagar · babilla · callar · contener · dominar · enfrenar · enmudecer · oprimir · refrenar · reprimir · retener · sofocar · sofocarse · suprimir


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
She stifled a laugh, but insisted.
No, están asumiendo cual es mi religiónLiterature Literature
Be as a child, and do not stifle desire, lest you lose touch with the first ingredient in the performance of magic.
Y será un niño muy buenoLiterature Literature
He should open a window, he thought, the air was stifling.
Pero el general De Gaulle murió hace tiempoLiterature Literature
Should it be necessary to stifle all differences of opinion to be a true European?
Ponles saliva a esos chicos malosEuroparl8 Europarl8
Although she had stifled her sobs with a pillow, the shaking of her shoulders had awakened me.
Las agencias de calificación crediticia emiten dictámenes sobre la solvencia de un emisor o de un instrumento financiero determinadoLiterature Literature
But let me stifle this guilty plaint.
Ella y sus esclavos mientenLiterature Literature
The blanketing effect of the hush seemed to stifle all sounds within its enveloping folds.
Ella tiene tropecientas preguntas,Y son más difíciles de esquivarLiterature Literature
Entering from the bitter cold, he found the heat inside the cab oppressive and stifling.
Muestra de la que se sabe que es positiva para el marcador diana y que el producto clasifica incorrectamenteLiterature Literature
that their vulgar ostentation didn't stifle beauty everywhere, everywhere?
Mi novia... no sabe la verdad sobre quién soy realmenteLiterature Literature
The darkness was deep and stifling.
Una prueba de fuego, ¿ verdad?Literature Literature
Blake's fluid world is full of disjunctions of scale, gross expansions and stifling diminutions.
Es nuevo, pero espero que resulte un buen hallazgoLiterature Literature
Big Jim, although not renowned for his sense of humor, had to stifle a laugh.
Él tiene negociosLiterature Literature
The Mayor bumped his head twice on the low doorways and we all had to stifle ourselves and try to maintain our dignity.
Los alemanes crean armas asombrosasLiterature Literature
Ché stifled the beginnings of a smile.
Lo llamamos naturaleza humanaLiterature Literature
I therefore ask the Commission to look at the crux of this debate: how do we get good patent law which rewards our most innovative companies for their investment in R&D while, at the same time, not allowing companies to use patents to abuse a dominant position, lock up technology and stifle innovation and competition?
Claro, yo soy el que te sacó, ¿ recuerdas?Europarl8 Europarl8
Even some of its own members (and especially their children) found it stifling.
Habida cuenta de las consideraciones anteriores, el Órgano decidió incoar el procedimiento de investigación formal de conformidad con el artículo #, apartado #, de la parte I del Protocolo # del Acuerdo de Vigilancia y JurisdicciónLiterature Literature
A brazier heated the room, for the temperature grew brisk at night, although the days were still stifling.
¿ Y a quiénes has traído?Literature Literature
My coat seemed stifling, and I tried to unbutton it as I made my way toward him.
La Comisión adoptará, con arreglo al procedimiento de reglamentación contemplado en el artículo #, apartado #, medidas que regulen el procedimiento para la concesión de las autorizaciones con arreglo a los apartados # y # del presente artículoLiterature Literature
It was warm and even stifling in the valley.
Oops! discúlpeme.Salió bienLiterature Literature
Today, thanks to the Songun policy of defending socialism and peace with an army, we have to date been able to safeguard our sovereignty and prevent a war on the Korean peninsula, despite the persistent political, military and economic efforts of hostile forces to stifle the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
El despiece, almacenamiento y transporte se realizarán de acuerdo con las condiciones establecidas en el presente artículo, en los artículos #, #, # y # y en el anexoUN-2 UN-2
My uncle began to drum the ends of his long fingers together rhythmically and I stifled a yawn.
¿ Cómo estás?Literature Literature
You probably think it helps, but actually it stifles.
Tenía palomas encimaLiterature Literature
Either they freeze together or they both stifle
Presencia de una ventaja selectivaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I almost moaned—okay, maybe I did moan—but I stifled the sound quickly enough.
El director querrá saber porquéLiterature Literature
We were heading for disaster, while stifling creativity and development.
Que tú y tu hermana van bien en la escuelaNews commentary News commentary
207 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.