stone clearing oor Spaans

stone clearing

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clearing of stones


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Every stone clear-cut, pure as water.
Cada una de las piedras era clara y pura como el agua.Literature Literature
Stone-clearing in the Quintucia fields today, Bostar,’ or ‘The wheat’s lodged in the night.
«Hoy hay que limpiar de piedras los campos de Quintucia, Bostar», o «el trigo se almacenará por la noche.Literature Literature
Finger-colored fingers fought the ferns, moved the stones, cleared the way.
Dedos color dedo atacaron los helechos, movieron las piedras, despejaron la zona.Literature Literature
“Because Beatrice’s stone cleared our pathway?”
—¿Porque la piedra de Beatrice nos despejó el camino?Literature Literature
Its light was like to a precious stone, as it were a jasper-stone, clear as crystal.
Brillaba como una piedra preciosísima, parecida a jaspe claro como cristal.Literature Literature
Its mount carried a large center stone, clear and bright, surrounded by eight smaller stones orbiting around it.
Tenía montada una piedra central grande, luminosa y de color claro, rodeada de ocho más pequeñas formando una órbita.Literature Literature
And her light was like to a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.
Tenía la gloria de Dios, y su resplandor era semejante a la piedra más preciosa, como piedra de jaspe, resplandeciente como cristal.Common crawl Common crawl
“Cross two streams, and you will probably find them on a wide, stone clearing.
Cruzad dos arroyos, y probablemente los encontraréis en un amplio claro pedregoso.Literature Literature
Stone cleared his throat once again.
Stone se aclaró la garganta de nuevo.Literature Literature
I worked away and got the whole stone clear and I read the name “Meda.”
Seguí trabajando, limpié toda la lápida y leí el nombre de «Meda».Literature Literature
Bernstein’s fingers curled as his fingertips brushed against the ring with the stone clear as water.
Bernstein crispó los dedos, rozando el anillo de piedra blanca como el aguaLiterature Literature
MacDougal emptied only one: From his righthand pocket he withdrew a small, rough stone, clear, dull red in color.
MacDougal vació sólo uno: de su bolsillo derecho extrajo una piedra pequeña y rugosa, de color rojizo claro.Literature Literature
They walked back into the dining room, where Rogan and the bodyguard were just lifting the stone clear of the wall.
Más tarde regresaron al comedor, donde Rogan y el guardaespaldas estaban extrayendo la piedra de la pared.Literature Literature
The shattered debris ran down the middle of the gouge like giant stepping-stones clear to the floor of the valley.
Los fragmentados escombros bajaban desde la mitad de la grieta como gigantescos escalones hasta el suelo del valle.Literature Literature
11 Having the aglory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;
11 y tenía la agloria de Dios; y su fulgor era semejante a una piedra preciosísima, como piedra de jaspe, diáfana como cristal.LDS LDS
They tighten the rope so that the stone just clears the ground and hangs next to the cannonball.
Ellos aprietan la cuerda para que la piedra justo toque el suelo y cuelgue cerca de la bala.Literature Literature
Carved into the stones are clear, concise reliefs of snakes, birds, cats, lizards, scorpions.
Tallados en la piedra, relieves claros y concisos de serpientes, aves, gatos, lagartos y escorpiones.Literature Literature
The inscription on the stone was clear, there was no mistaking it.
La inscripción en la lápida estaba clara; no cabía error.Literature Literature
Our job was to carry stones to clear the fields, put in the corn, and haul water.
Nuestra labor consistía en cargar piedras para despejar los campos, sembrar las semillas y transportar agua.Literature Literature
The Indians commenced picking out the stones and clearing away the earth with their hands.
Los indios comenzaron a removerlas, apartando la tierra con las manos.Literature Literature
Nearly thirty minutes pass before all the stones are cleared away.
Pasan cerca de treinta minutos antes de que hayan retirado todas las piedras.Literature Literature
He fell like a stone there, clear over the edge.
Cayó como una piedra, derecho por el barranco.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The killer took Mrs. Stone and cleared out.
El asesinó tomó a la Sra. Stone y se marchó.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The stone was clear but it also acted like a mirror, which puzzled Adam.
La piedra era de un color muy claro pero actuaba como un espejo, algo que sorprendía a Adam.Literature Literature
There' s plenty of stones to clear
Hay un montón de piedras por retiraropensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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