straight forward oor Spaans

straight forward

Alternative spelling of straightforward.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjective noun
They would not turn when they went; they would go each one straight forward.” —Ezek.
No se volvían cuando iban; iban cada una derecho adelante.”—Eze.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

forward somersault straight
salto mortal adelante estirado
forward dive straight
salto ordinario adelante


Advanced filtering
And so on straight forward
Y así sucesivamente...QED QED
And i think you'll find it pretty straight forward based on, on our little classification right over here.
Ya con esto, tienen suficiente información para dominar este modulo.QED QED
Some should be pretty straight forward.
Algunos deben ser bastante sencillos.QED QED
John is a straight-forward, steady-going boy—how could he get into trouble?
John es un muchacho sincero y formal; ¿cómo iba a meterse en líos?Literature Literature
Let’s affirm it without deviations, in a straight-forward manner: maidens must remain pure until they marry.
Afirmémoslo sin ambages: las jóvenes deben permanecer puras hasta el matrimonio.Literature Literature
As long as you look straight forward and keep on searching.
Mientras mantengas tu idea y sigas buscando.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Physical abuse: that's pretty straight forward, including rape, beatings, etc.
Abuso físico: este es bastante directo incluyendo violaciones, palizas, etc.QED QED
She just wished her feelings about Jonas were as straight forward.
Ojalá sus sentimientos por Jonas fueran tan simples.Literature Literature
He wants us al to see him as some kind of direct, straight forward man-of-action type.
Él quiere que todos lo veamos como a un hombre de acción, franco y directo.Literature Literature
His eyes straight forward, he flipped the meter off and moved smoothly into traffic, leaving the chaos behind.
Con los ojos fijos hacia delante, apagó el taxímetro y se deslizó suavemente entre el tráfico, dejando atrás aquel caos.Literature Literature
It's easy, straight forward now.
Es fácil, simple, ahora.QED QED
“They would not turn when they went; they would go each one straight forward . . .
“No se volvían cuando iban; iban cada [uno] directamente adelante [...]jw2019 jw2019
So, they said IMEC is not prepared to collaborate because I was too straight- forward.
Por lo tanto, dijeron que los IMEC no está preparados para colaborar porque era demasiado sencillo.QED QED
I think you haven't been altogether straight forward with us... if you wanna know the truth.
Creo que no ha sido completamente sincera con nosotros si quiere saber la verdad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Here is a beautiful lawn, let us go on straight forward.’
Aquí hay un césped estupendo, sigamos todo recto.Literature Literature
He was going to march straight forward and protect his flank.
Iba a avanzar de frente y proteger su flanco.Literature Literature
There was a 1.5-mm straight forward slide from the CR to ICP.
Existía un deslizamiento de 1,5 mm hacia delante de la RC a la PIC.Literature Literature
When I stand up again, I turn around to face him with my breasts straight forward.
Cuando me enderezo de nuevo, me doy la vuelta para enfrentarme a él con mis pechos hacia adelante.Literature Literature
Pretty straight forward.
Bastante claro y directo.QED QED
This is not, this is not straight forward government debt.
No se trata, no se trata de deuda pública directa.QED QED
And I means on going straight forward.
Seguiré yendo hacia adelante.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The report Swanson had read me was straight-forward enough.
El informe que Swanson acababa de leerme era bastante explícito.Literature Literature
The roads drive straight forward across mountains and hills.
Los caminos se abrían rectos ante ellas, a través de montes y colinas.Literature Literature
The Seeker's spotlight outlined two silhouettes, two black profiles, both facing straight forward.
El faro del buscador dibujó dos siluetas, dos perfiles oscuros que miraban al frente.Literature Literature
Straight-forward pulmonary lobectomy, wasn't it?
Directo a lobectomía pulmonar, ¿no?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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