stubby oor Spaans


adjektief, naamwoord
(Australian, New Zealand, slang) A small bottle of beer.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans




And you wouldn't get very far on those stubby little legs of yours.
Y no llegarás muy lejos en esas pequeñas piernas rechonchas tuyas.


Keeps it out of my husband's stubby, little sausage fingers.
Estará lejos de los dedos regordetes, parecidos a salchicas de mi esposo.

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stubby root nematode
nematodo de la atrofia radicular


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It was extremely broad in the chest, with four stubby legs that ended in three-toed feet.
Era extremadamente ancho de pecho, con cuatro patas regordetas que terminaban en pies de tres dedos.Literature Literature
The feet were three-toed and padded, the hands four-fingered; and these digits were stubby, with greenish nails.
Los pies tenían tres dedos y estaban acolchados; las manos cuatro dígitos rechonchos, con uñas verdosas.Literature Literature
They kept the lights doused inside, and when he looked out, there were no stubby wings and no hull.
Mantenían las luces apagadas en el interior y cuando miraba hacia fuera, no veía ni las regordetas alas ni el casco.Literature Literature
He loomed out into the hallway, pushing me almost into Rose's desk with a stubby finger.
Se asomó hacia el pasillo empujándome contra la mesa de Rose con su regordete dedo.Literature Literature
The little furry animal sat in the middle of the large bed and rolled its eyes and wagged its stubby arms.
El peludo animalito se sentó en medio de la gran cama ymeneó sus brazos gordezuelos.Literature Literature
And I got stubby little legs to kick you in the ass.
Y tengo pies grandes para patearle el trasero.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You play Stubby Cochran's position, center.
Tú juega la posición de Stubby Cochran, centro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That is to say, they had one head, two long and powerful arms, stubby legs, and strong fingers on hands and feet.
Tenían una cabeza, dos largos y poderosos brazos, piernas macizas, y dedos fuertes en manos y pies.Literature Literature
Mainwaring pointed a stubby finger at Jack.
Mainwaring apuntó con un dedo regordete a Jack—.Literature Literature
She showed me her stubby yellow teeth and said, “I had a boyfriend like you down in San Diego one time.
Me mostró sus dientes amarillos y salientes y dijo: – Yo tuve un novio como tú allí en San Diego, una vez.Literature Literature
She looked at her hand, the nails stubby and bleeding or blackened, and then she opened the packet.
—Se miró la mano, con las uñas cortas y ensangrentadas o ennegrecidas, y abrió el paquete—.Literature Literature
The Economic Counsellor was a stubby Scotsman with silver hair.
El consejero de Economía era un rechoncho escocés de plateados cabellos.Literature Literature
I think stubby is defective.
Creo que el barrilito está defectuoso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The arms were much, much thicker than they needed to be, and were rather stubby.
Los brazos eran mucho, mucho más gruesos de lo necesario, y eran bastante cortos.Literature Literature
She shrugged and then began transforming my stubby nails into something less pathetic.
Ella se encogió de hombros y comenzó a transformar mis cortas y gruesas uñas en algo menos patético.Literature Literature
Ursus pulled off his gloves and held up his hands, showing those stubby, clumsy digits.
Ursus se sacó los guantes y levantó las manos, mostrando aquellos regordetes y deformes dedos.Literature Literature
Now only his long fingers could be seen encircling the stubby glass.
Ahora solo se le veían los dedos largos alrededor del vaso pequeño y ancho.Literature Literature
Dimmock put his hand to his hip and brought out a revolver, stubby and blue.
Dimmock se llevó la mano a la cadera y sacó un revólver pequeño y azulado.Literature Literature
He was a black man of about average height, with a barrel-chested build and thick, stubby fingers.
Era un hombre negro de una estatura promedio, con una complexión de pecho de barril y dedos gruesos y rechonchos.Literature Literature
‘This is embarrassing, boss, but—’ The little rocket blushed and awkwardly scraped its stubby fins.
—Me resulta embarazoso, jefe, pero... —El pequeño cohete se ruborizó y movió tímidamente sus cortas aletas—.Literature Literature
He held up three stubby fingers.
Levantó tres dedos rechonchos—.Literature Literature
As he rotated, processing a little, he ticked off points to his comrades on his stubby, ripe-banana-clustered fingers.
Mientras rotaba, agitándose un poco, destacó varias cosas a sus camaradas con sus dedos carnosos como plátanos maduros.Literature Literature
Others likened them to railway tanker cars, or stubby hot dogs.
Otros los comparaban con los vagones cisterna de los trenes o con perritos calientes cortos.Literature Literature
He rubbed his jaw and studied the ungainly, stubby-winged vessel that stood nearby.
Frotó su mandíbula y estudió la desgarbada nave, mirando la cercana aleta achaparrada.Literature Literature
Then he started prodding me with that stubby little fucking finger of his.
Luego empezó a regañarme con su maldito dedo regordete.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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