stuffed full oor Spaans

stuffed full

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjective noun verb
It's just soil stuffed full of plants, stuffed full of carbon and frozen in ice.
Sólo es tierra rellena de plantas, rellenas de carbono y congelado en hielo.

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the museum is full of stuffed birds
el museo está lleno de pájaros disecados


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He had assumed all cruise ships were stuffed full of rowdy, tacky, half-drunk yahoos.
Había dado por supuesto que todos los cruceros estaban llenos de gente ruidosa, chabacana y medio borracha.Literature Literature
It was a small room stuffed full of things.
Era una habitación pequeña, atestada de cosas.Literature Literature
To her right was the living room, stuffed full ofauthentic O’Keeffes and Jasper Johnses.
A la derecha estaba la sala de estar, donde colgaban cuadros de O’Keeffe y Jasper John.Literature Literature
"""A good many of them will be stuffed full of nasty things."
Un buen número de ellas estará repleto de cosas desagradable.Literature Literature
He could see that the cheeks were blood-streaked and stuffed full, gagged by his socks.
Vio que tenía las mejillas manchadas de sangre y completamente hinchadas por sus calcetines.Literature Literature
She didn’t want one of those alpha types that romance novels were stuffed full of.
No quería uno de esos tipos alfa de los que las novelas románticas estaban llenas.Literature Literature
They can be stuffed full of seeds for carrying back to the burrow.
Pueden ser llenadas de semillas para llevar de vuelta a la madriguera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Beside him sits a black garbage bag, stuffed full with all of his earthly possessions.
Tiene al lado una bolsa de basura negra con todas sus posesiones terrenales.Literature Literature
It was stuffed full of schoolbooks – not hers; as I said, she had yet to start school.
No eran los suyos; como te he dicho antes, todavía no había empezado el colegio.Literature Literature
The Phoenix stone is stuffed full of very old vampire souls.
La piedra Fénix está llena de almas de vampiros muy viejos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We're just hollow and useless... and stuffed full of crap nobody will ever see.
Somos huecos e inútiles y estamos llenos de algo que nadie ve.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They've been trying to drive the prices way up, and there are warehouses stuffed full of it.
Han estado intentando hacer subir los precios, y tienen almacenes enteros llenos de especia.Literature Literature
His mouth felt like it was stuffed full of cotton.
Sentía la boca como si la tuviera llena de algodón.Literature Literature
Well, this guy, Sofia, is stuffed full of bullshit.
Este tipo, Sofía, está lleno de mierda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kaan Mandella, four years old, bright, cheeky and stuffed full of lamb pilaf, piped up, “Iron, Pa.
Kaan Mándela, de cuatro años, brillante, osado y con la boca llena de pilaf de cordero, le contestó: —El hierro, papá.Literature Literature
We all look at Elliot, who stops eating, mid-chew, mouth stuffed full, bovine.
Todos miramos a Elliot, que deja de comer a medio masticar, con la boca llena, con cara de bobo.Literature Literature
His whole mouth must have been stuffed full, but he'd managed to spit out most of it.
Debía de tener la boca llena, porque estaba totalmente negra, aunque se ve que logró escupir la mayor parte.Literature Literature
He was stuffed full of food and was half asleep.
Estaba completamente atiborrado de comida y medio dormido.Literature Literature
Dinner had been delicious, but she was stuffed full of pasta and rich cream sauce.
La cena estuvo deliciosa, pero Kara estaba llena de pasta y rica salsa de nata.Literature Literature
The fridge was stuffed full of fruit, every brand of ice cream, salad, and vegetables.
La heladera estaba llena de frutas, varias marcas de helado, vegetales para hacer ensaladas.Literature Literature
We moved to a tiny apartment, stuffed full of my mother’s paintings, which all resembled wallpaper to me.
Nos mudamos a un apartamento pequeño que quedó repleto de cuadros de mi madre, que para mí eran como papel pintado.Literature Literature
It's just soil stuffed full of plants, stuffed full of carbon and frozen in ice.
Sólo es tierra rellena de plantas, rellenas de carbono y congelado en hielo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Trash can on the back porch, at the open door, stuffed full of everything but trash.
El contenedor en el porche trasero, junto a la puerta abierta, rebosante de todo menos de basura.Literature Literature
Novels are strange things, built on weak premises, and stuffed full of improbabilities and contrivances.”
Las novelas son extraños artefactos, construidos sobre premisas débiles y repletos de artimañas e inverosimilitudes.Literature Literature
After spending the last several hours mowing, her sinuses felt stuffed full of wheat-grass and dirt.
Después de haber pasado las últimas horas segando, se sentía llena de hierba, trigo y suciedad.Literature Literature
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