stumped oor Spaans


adjektief, werkwoord
Perplexed, at a loss.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjective verbmanlike
The function of this unusual structure has the scientists stumped.
La función de esta inusual estructura provoca desconcierto en los científicos.


But the Voice of Terror seems to have them stumped.
Pero la Voz del Terror parece haberlos dejado mudos.


It's this type of causality dilemma that has stumped philosophers for years.
Este es el tipo de dilema imprevisto que ha tenido a los filosofos perplejos por años.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

stump grinder
desmenuzadora de tocones · destoconadora
stump pulling machine
descepador · destoconador
cabo · cepa · cepellón · cojear · colilla · cuecha · dejar perplejo · desconcertar · el muñón · el palo · el tocón · esfumar · estaca · gancho · hacer campaña · hacer campaña por · la campaña · muñón · no tener respuesta · palo · peana · podio · poste · pucho · punta final · púlpito · raíz · renquear · residuo · resto · romo · tarima · tocón · tribuna · tronco · tueco
brote de callo
leña de cepa · tocón
stump figure
veteado de trepa
stump pullers
destoconadoras · maquinaria de desmonte · rastrillos debrozadores
stump-jump plough
to stump
hacer campaña


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
“I need a riddle that will stump Tessa,” the boy said.
Soy tu guardiánLiterature Literature
Ah, that hurt a lot less than touching it with the stump and made it easier to pull.
Estás desesperado, ¿ verdad?Literature Literature
Didn’t think you could stump me, but you did.”
Si la policía se entera de esto, estará en un aprieto horribleLiterature Literature
‘We must be sensible,’ said Marjorie, slipping from his hold and sitting upright again upon the tree stump.
Vamos a separarnosLiterature Literature
Have you hurt the stump?
Tú no eres tampoco un ejemplo de corduraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Once we get this deed over to City Hall, he'll be stumped.
Lo siento.- Las mujeresOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Surgical, medical and veterinary instruments and apparatus (other than for dental, dental surgery and orthodontic purposes and for use in the dental sector), artificial limbs, silicon products for use in the field of prosthetics (other than for dental, dental surgery and orthodontic purposes and for use in the dental sector), in particular for improved stump socket grip, and being semi-finished and/or finished goods
Me busca por sus $# y si yo tuviera ese dinero estaría en esetmClass tmClass
meet me at " hooker on a stump. " okay.
Tú dices que... estás esperando algoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She had followed the children through the woods and helped Marina dislodge the stump.
VolveremosLiterature Literature
They say they discovered channels filled with gravel and concrete as well as stumps of cut trees within the park, the opposite of what the mayor's promises.
Solo tratamos de averiguar qué le pasógv2019 gv2019
In ten minutes, half the town'd be here, crawlin'among the bushes, sniffing', like hunting'dogs after a stump.
No, y no sería su culpaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When he saw that I was stumped, he said, Nihilism, which was, in fact, his philosophy.
No estaríamos aquí de no ser por tiLiterature Literature
My brother- in- law uses it to clear stumps away on his farm
Y yo creí que cambiarías si cambiaba yoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The first trees were little more than stumps.
El Comité de las Regiones llama la atención de las instancias europeas con una insistencia cada vez mayor sobre los desafíos que afrontan las regiones urbanasLiterature Literature
As she approached the lake, she saw someone – a woman – sitting on the old tree stump.
Nada captura la vista de un editor como una buena violaciónLiterature Literature
“Come on, Stump,” I said, and I ran past the front of the truck across the yard over to where Daddy stood by the barn.
¿ Puedo hablar con usted?Literature Literature
'Well, Mr Holmes, the coroner, Dr Patterson, was completely stumped.
Hay queseguir # kilómetrosLiterature Literature
From time to time she recognized me, and then she giggled, keeping her mouth closed to hide the stumps of her teeth.
¡ Estoy lista!Literature Literature
The bowler is trying to hit your stump.
Le enseñaré a beber del retreteOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They would take and nail a man’s privates, or, as we say, ‘dick and balls,’ to a stump.
Val Waxman hace su película de vuelta con Galaxie Pictures.- ¿ Y si él hunde la película?- ¡ No hundirá nada!Literature Literature
The stump plus.
Vámosnos de aquí! quiero estar donde pueda comprar una botella de whisky escocés cuando yo quiera, no esperar por un barco podrido para traerme una botella por semana!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All right, time's up, and our panel is stumped.
La cuestión planteada por el demandante en el punto # de la sentencia no es examinada por el Tribunal, como se constata en el punto # de la misma sentenciaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He pushes him hard enough to make him fall over backwards and hit his head on a stump.:
¿ Deduzco que Linda Arden se ha curado de su incurable mal?Literature Literature
They were blown apart, tangled in tree stumps.
Steve, ¿ vinieron a rescatarme?Literature Literature
It' s the Baldinos' barbecue stump
No puedo respiraropensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
206 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.