subdue oor Spaans


/səbˈdju/ werkwoord
To overcome, quieten, or bring under control.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


to overcome, quieten, bring under control
Man can be subdued through fear.
El hombre puede ser sometido a través del miedo.


to overcome, quieten, bring under control
I wonder it took you so long to subdue those odious Gauls.
Me pregunto por qué les tomó tanto doblegar a los galos odiosos.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


You have subdued death and despair and shall initiated be!
Habéis dominado la desesperación y la muerte y merecéis ser iniciados!
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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Soortgelyke frases

subdued shoulder patch
insignia camuflada
in a subdued voice
con voz apagada
to subdue
amansar · apagar · atenuar · contener · domeñar · dominar · reducir · sojuzgar · someter · sujetar
apagado · bajo · contenido · moderado · sometido · suave · sumiso · sutil · tenue
subdued patch
insignia camuflada


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
But it took two men to finally subdue her.
Salgamos de aquíLiterature Literature
Jephthah vowed that if God enabled him to subdue the oppressive Ammonites, the first one coming out of his house to meet him would be ‘offered as a burnt offering,’ or be sacrificed, to God.
El diablo, probablementejw2019 jw2019
There has not only been a change in their attitude from timid and subdued children to more confident individuals, but an improvement in examination performance in the pilot schools in Region 9.
¿ Es una buena noticia?UN-2 UN-2
Our voices were joking but subdued, like boys uneasy in church.
Es preciso tener precaución si se administran de forma concomitanteLiterature Literature
At that time God would send him forth with the command: “Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.”
No sobrevivirán ahí afuerajw2019 jw2019
In brief, we’re going to subdue you, and you can’t do anything about it.
Nosotros conseguiremos el cheque regalo de SizzlerLiterature Literature
Subduing her had been more difficult than if she’d been a man his own size and weight.
Y si Max tiene razón.. muy temporarioLiterature Literature
Winter and Autumn have been subdued by Cordell—” Cordell overtook Autumn too?
Primero PauIa se negó a pubIicarIaLiterature Literature
As a result, competition is subdued in these sectors with low entry rates of new companies coming into the market.
Asi que Neptuno te escupio fuera de sus aguasEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
And then Art Tatum’s fingers surrounded the melody, embraced it, subduing, joining.
Por tanto, los contenidos máximos de residuos introducidos por la Directiva #/#/CE deben sustituirse por un contenido superiorLiterature Literature
Further, God blessed them and God said to them: ‘Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it.’”
Cuatro o cinco millones de dólaresjw2019 jw2019
Still technically in mourning, Sonya had been choosing appropriately subdued clothing when she left the house.
No, no lo sé, puta idiotaLiterature Literature
Either the others had been subdued or...or Percy refused to think about it.
Será mejor que te muevasLiterature Literature
He must subdue the infidel; he must escape from the intolerable position of remaining a vassal of the Greek Emperor.
Neumonía, infecciones de la pielLiterature Literature
and upon these words a sob leapt up through him which he could not subdue but could only hope to conceal.
Ven y ten un poco de pastelLiterature Literature
Third, God Charged Us to Subdue the Earth
Recurso interpuesto el # de febrero de # contra la Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas por el Reino de SueciaLDS LDS
17 That was the divinely appointed time for Jehovah to issue to his enthroned Son Jesus Christ the command embodied in the words of Psalm 110:2, 3: “The rod of your strength Jehovah will send out of Zion, saying: ‘Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.’
Por lo tanto, la decisión adjunta concluye que es probable que la concentración notificada obstaculice perceptiblemente la competencia efectiva, en especial a consecuencia de la creación de una posición dominante, y parece incompatible con el mercado común y con el funcionamiento del Acuerdo del EEE por lo que se refiere a cada uno de los tres mercados de referenciajw2019 jw2019
The gay, hearty, handsome young English gentleman carried a charm about him that subdued everybody.
No es una bomba casera con una pila de linternaLiterature Literature
In addition, the relatively subdued rental price increases appear to indicate that the risk of price hikes due to foreign presence may after all be manageable.
Las concentraciones séricas máximas de metoxi-polietilenglicol epoetina beta, tras su administración subcutánea a pacientes con ERC dializados, se observaron a las # horas (mediana) después de su administraciónEurLex-2 EurLex-2
She’s been quiet and subdued ever since they arrived.
Los hombres sufren en sus manosLiterature Literature
There was no necessity to get a cavalry man with a lasso in order to subdue him, as if he were a wild bull of the campo.
Te tiene un trabajoLiterature Literature
I have never in my life seen anything like the magical influence that subdued the mobbish spirit of the day, and turned the sneers and jeers of an excited crowd into notes of respect and admiration.
Taylor, ¿ qué pasa?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We are the first,” said Lennart, barely subduing the triumph in his voice.
Le haré una factura por la chaquetaLiterature Literature
However, high public and private debts and related deleveraging pressures in a subdued inflation environment, weak possibilities for productive investment under a recovering and fragmented financial system and unacceptably high levels of unemployment are a legacy of the crisis and create challenges for returning from fragile recovery to strong and sustainable growth and jobs.
En los Estados Unidos los requisitos son específicos: las agencia de calificación crediticia deben publicar estadísticas sobre los resultados durante uno, tres y diez años para cada categoría de calificación, de modo que pueda comprobarse con qué eficacia su calificación había pronosticado los incumplimientosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Conversely, it reveals the ethos — under which the sponsors of the regressive Taliban in Afghanistan have decided to use similar means to subdue a civilian population, particularly women and children, of another nation into succumbing to the threat of terror.
¿ Ni siquiera vas a esperar que...... me muera?UN-2 UN-2
209 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.