sunshine pop oor Spaans

sunshine pop

A pop music genre originating in the United States in the mid-1960s as an offshoot of the California Sound, and characterized by a cheerful attitude, warm sounds, prominent vocal harmonies, and sophisticated production.

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Sunshine pop

subgenre of pop music originating in the United States

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Just when my world had become so bleak and dark, a ray of sunshine popped through.
Te quiero fuera de aquí antes de mañana, el domingo a más tardarLiterature Literature
Ice cream and sunshine and the pop of tennis balls close by.
El montaje y desmontaje frenan los progresos en productividad debido a la falta de espacio y a unas dimensiones y unidades de peso cada vez mayoresLiterature Literature
I pop up like sunshine, 6:00 in the morning
Maldita seaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But afterwards, when you pop out on deck, the sunshine feels cool even if you're in the tropics.
Aprovechemos al máximo esta sociedadLiterature Literature
But afterwards, when you pop out on deck, the sunshine feels cool even if you’re in the tropics.
El objetivo de la ayuda es compensar el coste de las pruebas de EET en el ganado vacuno, ovino y caprino, conforme al artículo #, letra g) del Reglamento (CE) noLiterature Literature
As a result of the soaring popularity of New Wave and Synthpop in the early 1980s, Casey dissolved the Sunshine Band and recorded several pop-oriented solo albums.
Me alegro tanto por ti NathanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sunshine on Leith (2013), based on the Musical Sunshine on Leith, which is based on the songs of The Proclaimers Jersey Boys (2014), based on the musical Jersey Boys, which is based on the music of The Four Seasons Walking on Sunshine (2014), featuring pop-songs from the 1980s.
Es sólo un avisoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There was heavy ad backing (for example, a heavily played commercial during this time period was a pop version of a Sunshine Rinso jingle, set to You Are My Sunshine).
Y que requiere cierto tipo de mente científicaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He popped the tops and they settled down in the sunshine, looking out over the bay.
No quiero ser mecánicaLiterature Literature
Another yacht popped onto the horizon as if coming out of sunshine warp, then another.
¡ Alto el fuego!Literature Literature
He's also a band member of Inigo (an incredible sunshine pop composer) and Marzouk (rai pop).
Humalog Mix# está indicado para el tratamiento de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus que requieren insulina para el mantenimiento de la homeostasia normal de la glucosaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A bizarre mixture of late sunshine pop, bubblegum and early americana.
Planificación de la producciónParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Franny & Zooey is a sunshine pop band from Dominican Republic, formed by two friends, Juan Julio and Victoria Linares.
Eddie, estás muy equivocadoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
With a sound quite close to the so called "sunshine pop", they released only four singles between 1966 and 1969.
Dónde está la luz, por DiosParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Sunshine stopped moving the ice cube, grinned at me, and then popped it into her mouth and began chewing on it.
¿ Desde cuándo lo conoces?Literature Literature
So the marine iguana pops to the surface, swims ashore, and sits on the lava in the sunshine again.
Subtítulos corregidos, modificados y sincronizados por Jozete y CreepyLiterature Literature
La Casa Azul has managed to break down the barriers of commerce to bring bubblegum, sunshine-pop, europop and many other styles all perfectly integrated into beautiful melodies.
Ante las perspectivas de empeoramientoeconómico, el Gobierno anunció un segundo conjunto de medidas el # de febrero deParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
“Listen to Some Music” reminds us of music’s ability to comfort us with the perfect pop song. The song has an amazing melody, sunshine-pop voices, and a collection of colorful wind arrangements.
BAND À PART show their passion for northern soul and sunshine pop on a fantastic “Donde Todo Sigue Igual”, probably one of their best songs so far, with really special and surprising arrangements.
Las máquinas diseñadas para la elevación de personas o de personas y objetos deben estar equipadas de un sistema de suspensión o de soporte para el habitáculo, diseñado y fabricado de manera que se garantice un nivel de seguridad global adecuado e impedir el riesgo de caída del habitáculoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
BAND À PART show their passion for northern soul and sunshine pop on a fantastic “Donde Todo Sigue Igual”, probably one of their best songs so far, with really special and surprising arrangements.
En caso de venta del departamento de ingeniería civil, los funcionarios no tendrían la obligación de aceptar un empleo del comprador, por lo que debería hallarse una solución para los funcionarios, como en otras privatizacionesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To make it a completely satisfactory pop experience, we have included two of the band's videoclips, containing the true essence of the sunshine pop and bubblegum aesthetics and lifestyles that we love so much.
Moriría por entregar una cartaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
How to remove Miss Sunshine (ads, pop-ups, banners)
Mantenga el bloqueo... y manténganos informadosParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Thank you sunshine for popping out! Hope you like the video.
En la UniversidadParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The way this Cardiff-based band has dealt with northern soul, sixties pop, girl-pop and sunshine-pop has earned them a great reputation and a legion of fans in even the most unexpected corners of the earth.
Asunto: Negociaciones de adhesión con CroaciaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We're having here today his first album, a small legend among late 60s psych-pop connoisseurs. It's packed with multicoloured songs, exuberant orchestrations, and some melodic concept and production probably closer to british psychedelia than to "sunshine pop".
Él es mi secretario, chófer y camareroParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
64 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.