surplice oor Spaans


A liturgical vestment of the Christian Church. It has the form of a tunic of white linen or cotton material, with wide or moderately wide sleeves, reaching to the hips or knees. It usually features lace decoration and may have embroidered bordures.

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liturgical vestment


ecclesiastical dress

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Many surplices, vestments, palles, frontals and ornaments of Idols alters and temples.
Muchas sobrepellices y vestimentas de sacerdotes, palios, frontales y ornamentos de templos y altares.Literature Literature
Why don't you leave your surplice and the altar boy downstairs?
¿Por qué no dejas los evangelios y el monaguillo abajo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Take care of my sister for a minute, will you, Cradd, whilst I change my surplice and count the offertory.
Tenga la bondad de atender un momento a mi hermana, Cradd, mientras me cambio de ropa y cuento el dinero del cepillo.Literature Literature
Her face, framed by the hood of the surplice, was that of a beautiful woman.
Su rostro, enmarcado por la capucha de la sobrepelliz, era el de una mujer hermosa.Literature Literature
Fly over the surplice want to fly over my surplice?
Vuela por encima del manto.¿ Queréis volar sobre mi manto?. ¡ No tan fácilmente!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Father Donald Callahan was wearing his full gown, a surplice, and a white stole bordered with purple.
El padre Donald Callahan llevaba sotana, sobrepelliz y una estola blanca bordeada de púrpura.Literature Literature
I'm busy. His nibs says I've got to have a clean surplice for the wedding.
Su Alteza quiere que cambie de chaqueta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When they did get back to Waikiki with the surplices, Daphne was punting chairs about in the lounge.
Cuando las dos volvieron a Waikiki con las sobrepellices, Daphne estaba arrastrando sillas por toda la sala de estar.Literature Literature
Mary's church, insted of college chapel, or perhaps has gone in his surplice to dinner in the hall.
Mary, en vez de a la capilla del college, o se presentaba en el hall para cenar vestido de esta guisa.Literature Literature
Father Mata was garbed in a white linen surplice embroidered with golden sheaves of wheat.
El padre Mata estaba vestido con una sobrepelliz de lino blanco bordada con gavillas de trigo doradas.Literature Literature
Kytchyn took a deep breath, and lifted his hand to open the collar of his surplice.
—Kytchyn aspiró profundamente y levantó la mano para abrirse el cuello del sobrepelliz—.Literature Literature
And you are a damn communist in a surplice, preaching subversion!
¡ Y tú eres un maldito comunista... que usas el hábito y el nombre de Dios para plegar desorden... y subversión!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
X LABICHE folded up his surplice, and as he picked up his coat the note fell from the pocket.
X Labiche dobló su sobrepelliz y, al coger el abrigo, la nota cayó de su bolsillo.Literature Literature
The bartender could have been a surpliced Italian priest performing a ritual.
El camarero podría haber sido un sacerdote italiano con sobrepelliz oficiando un ritual.Literature Literature
Mary, who was sitting in the front row with the children, had not seen Mr Dodgson in a surplice before.
Mary, que estaba sentada en primera fila con las niñas, no lo había visto nunca de esa guisa.Literature Literature
I' d like you to go quickly across to the Residence...... and gather up a cassock for myself...... two surplices, a purple stole, and some holy water...... and...... your copy of The Roman Ritual
Quisiera que fuera a la Residencia...... y me trajera una sotana, dos sobrepellices, una estola púrpura y agua bendita.Y su ejemplar del " Ritual Romano ", el grandeOpenSubtitles OpenSubtitles
Stephen Langton raised his miter from the dais, and a priest in a white surplice began to say the Mass.
Esteban Langton levantó su mitra desde el estrado y un sacerdote con una sobrepelliz blanca empezó a decir misa.Literature Literature
One day, a great eagle seized Emyo Zenji's surplice, flew with it to some mountains, and hung it on a large pine bough.
Un día, una gran águila se llevó el hábito de Emyo Zenji a las montañas y lo colgó en la rama de un gran pino.Common crawl Common crawl
"""Saturnalitias mittimus ecce nuces.""4 ""Down with the six theologians in their white surplices!"""
—Saturnalitias mittimus ecce nuces.[10] —¡Abajo los seis teólogos con sus sobrepellices blancas!Literature Literature
He wore a golden robe and, over it, a transparent surplice and a transparent stole.
Llevaba una túnica dorada y encima de ella un sobrepelliz transparente y una estola transparente.Literature Literature
There are husbands who do not understand that in this manner they impose an extreme surplice.
Hay maridos que no comprenden que imponen así a su mujer un verdadero suplicio.Literature Literature
Wood, close your book and take off your surplice.
Wood, cierre el libro y quítese la sobrepelliz.Literature Literature
Manto blanco.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the first row I seemed to see some white surplices and gilt ornaments which shone in the sun.
En primera fila me pareció distinguir sobrepellices blancos y ornamentos dorados que brillaban al sol.Literature Literature
Oh, thank you. Father'll wonder what on earth, and there's George waiting for his surplice.
Mi padre debe estar inquieto y George espera su chaqueta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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