sweat off oor Spaans

sweat off

(transitive, informal) To lose (weight) by sweating (from heavy exercise, sauna etc.).

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Tim waved his hand, palmed some sweat off his forehead, then looked at his watch.
Tim hizo un aleteo con la mano, se enjugó un poco de sudor de la frente y luego miró el relojLiterature Literature
I mopped the sweat off my forehead.
Me sequé el sudor de la frente.Literature Literature
She wiped the sweat off her face and skipped up Church Street in her short yellow summer dress.
Se limpió el sudor de la cara y subió brincando la Calle Church en su corto vestido amarillo de verano.Literature Literature
Otherwise, darling, grateful or not, you wouldn't give me the sweat off your personality.
De otro modo, cariño, agradecido o no, no me darías ni el sudor de tú personalidad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was nothing for fighters to sweat off six pounds in a workout, often more.
Para esos boxeadores era algo habitual perder casi tres kilos sudando en un entrenamiento, y a menudo incluso más.Literature Literature
I went to the bathroom to wash the dirt and sweat off my face.
Fui al baño a limpiarme el polvo y el sudor de la cara.Literature Literature
Itale rubbed his arms which were sore, rubbed sweat off his forehead, stared around him.
Itale se frotó los brazos doloridos, se enjugó el sudor de la frente, miró a su alrededor.Literature Literature
Today I want to wash the sweat off for once.”
Hoy quiero quitarme de encima el sudor por una vez.Literature Literature
Major Mardin wiped the line of sweat off his upper lip and began detailing the weapon.
El mayor Mardin se secó el sudor que humedecía su labio superior y empezó a detallar el arma.Literature Literature
Stein could only curse with frustration and try to keep the sweat off his glasses.
Lo único que podía hacer Stein era maldecir desesperado e intentar que no le cayera el sudor sobre las gafas.Literature Literature
I'd lick sweat off a jockstrap.
Yo me bebería el sudor de un calzoncillo de deportes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No sweat off your back, take terrance out of the picture after a job.
Ningún sudor de tu espalda, Dejas a terrance fuera de juego después de un trabajo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I can sweat off the rest of my time heaving hay and getting sun
Así, puedo pasar el resto de mi condena levantando heno y tomando solopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
And here they sat while the woman wiped the sweat off their beers with a bar rag.
Y allí se quedaron ellos sentados mientras la mujer les secaba la humedad de las botellas con un trapo de la barra.Literature Literature
They circulate air around my genitals... and they wick the sweat off my balls.
Circula el aire entre los genitales... y me quita el sudor de mis huevos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'Cause you know you can sweat off like a quart an hour in this heat.
Porque transpiras litros trabajando con este calor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Otherwise the sky was clear and the sun warmed their backs and steamed the sweat off the horses.
Aparte de eso, el cielo estaba despejado, y el sol les calentaba la espalda y secaba el sudor de los caballos.Literature Literature
The heat of the fire dried the sweat off my face.
El calor del fuego secó el sudor que bañaba mi rostro.Literature Literature
This son of a puta whore isn't even fit to lick the sweat off my balls.
Este hijo de puta, perra, ni siquiera llega a chuparme el sudor de mis bolas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, you know I guess I could use it to wipe the sweat off my horse.
Bueno, sabes creo que podría usarlo para limpiar el sudor de mi caballo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He wiped a sudden sheen of sweat off his forehead and made his way back to his car.
Se secó un repentino brillo de sudor de la frente y volvió al coche.Literature Literature
When he arrived, Mathieu, the distiller, was wiping the sweat off his face despite the cold.
Cuando llegó, pese al frío, Mathieu, el aguardentero, se estaba limpiando el sudor que le caía por la frente.Literature Literature
Deets finished trimming the horse's hooves and wiped the sweat off his face with his shirtsleeve.
Deets terminó por arreglar los cascos del caballo y se secó el sudor del rostro con la manga.Literature Literature
Scott Schelling took a towel off the pile and wiped the sweat off his face and neck.
Scott Schelling cogió una toalla de la pila y se secó el sudor de la cara y el cuelloLiterature Literature
His palms were clammy, and he wiped sweat off his neck, hoping he wouldn't soak through his shirt.
Las palmas de sus manos estaban húmedas y se secó el sudor del cuello con la esperanza de no mojarse la camisa.Literature Literature
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