sweetish oor Spaans


sort of or somewhat sweet.

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Again, when they murmur about the lack of meat and bread, he provides them quail in the evening and the sweetish manna, like dew on the ground, in the morning.
De nuevo, cuando murmuran sobre la falta de carne y pan, él les provee codornices por la tarde y el maná de sabor dulce, como rocío sobre el suelo, por la mañana.jw2019 jw2019
A strong sweetish smell greeted them.
Un fuerte olor dulzón los saludó.Literature Literature
Taste: bitterness of slight to medium intensity, mild to slightly harsh character, medium to full-bodied taste with a sweetish aftertaste, pronounced sharpness.
Sabor: amargor de intensidad ligera a media, carácter fino a moderadamente áspero, paladar medio a fuerte con un ligero regusto dulzón, marcada acidez.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Aroma: sweetish red fruit
Aroma: fruta roja dulzonaEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
It appears to be of a sweetish taste and moderately hot.
Parece ser que su sabor es dulzón y moderadamente picoso.Literature Literature
He could no longer bear the smell of sickness and death, a sweetish smell surrounding her like a cloak.
Ya no podía soportar el olor de la enfermedad y la muerte, que la envolvía dulcemente como una mortaja.Literature Literature
Roughly because there are occasional exceptions like sweetish Amontillados and dry Olorosos. 8.
Digo aproximadamente porque se dan excepciones ocasionales como amontillados dulzones y olorosos secos.Literature Literature
Section Three filled with the sickening sweetish smells of death and gangrene.
La Sección Tres se llenó de los olores dulzones y mareantes de la muerte y la gangrena.Literature Literature
Colourless, non-flammable gas, sweetish odour
Gas no inflamable incoloro, de olor dulzónEurLex-2 EurLex-2
He was overcome by a sweetish odour that took hold of his throat and made him gag.
Notó una tufarada de olor dulzón, que le cogió de la garganta y le provocó náuseas.Literature Literature
The hospital’s smell pressed into him, its sweetish chemical.
El olor del hospital, ese aroma químico dulzón, se apoderó de él.Literature Literature
I picked him up and he stuck a sticky, sweetish hand in my mouth.
Lo cogí en brazos y me metió en la boca una mano pegajosa y dulzona.Literature Literature
Strictly speaking, all the corpses were beautiful, only their stillness and sweetish smell gave them away.
De hecho, todos los cadáveres eran maravillosos, sólo su inmovilidad y su olor dulzón revelaba que estaban muertos.Literature Literature
Taste: bitterness of moderate to medium intensity, mild to slightly harsh character, medium- to full-bodied taste with a sweetish aftertaste and a marked sharpness
Sabor: amargor de intensidad ligera a media, carácter fino a moderadamente áspero, paladar medio a fuerte con un ligero regusto dulzón, marcada acidez.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
His breath smelled of poppy and something else, a sweetish sourness that made her bite her lip in anxiety.
Su aliento olía a amapola y a algo más, algo agridulce que le hizo morderse los labios con preocupación.Literature Literature
Her pleasant, sweetish milk has the gentle warmth of a woman's milk.
Un poco azucarada, su agradable leche posee la tibia suavidad de la leche de mujer.Literature Literature
She smelled an odd, sweetish odor, like fermenting African beer.
Percibía un extraño olor dulzón, como la cerveza fermentada africana.Literature Literature
The smell of his armpits; sweetish, as if fermented.
El olor de sus axilas: dulzón, como fermentado.Literature Literature
The water was the color of iron oxide, metallic in taste, and had a strange sweetish, almost nauseating smell.
Era de color óxido, sabor metálico y un extraño olor dulzón, un poco nauseabundo.Literature Literature
There was a heavy smell in the air he could not identify, sweetish and chemical at the same time.
Había un olor fuerte en el aire que no podía identificar, dulzón y químico a la vez.Literature Literature
He didn’t reek of alcohol, but the sweetish odour of a man who habitually drinks too much clung to him.
No olía a alcohol, pero sí despedía el olor dulzón de alguien que suele beber demasiado—.Literature Literature
It was warm and damp in the conservatory, and there was a sweetish but also salty smell, almost like in the zoo.
Era un lugar húmedo y caluroso con un olor dulzonamente salado, similar al del zoo.Literature Literature
I breathe in the sweetish perfume of the jasmine on the balcony.
Aspiro el perfume dulzón del jazmín en el balcón.Literature Literature
Chocolate is added so that the paste has a taste between spicy and sweetish.
Se añade chocolate para que la salsa adquiera un gusto entre especiado y dulce.jw2019 jw2019
It was triangularly shaped to fit the corner, and smelt of sweetish tobacco, chocolate bars.
Era un local de forma triangular, ajustada a la esquina, y olía a tabaco dulzón y a tabletas de chocolate.Literature Literature
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