sympathetic trunk oor Spaans

sympathetic trunk

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Tronco simpático

paired bundle of nerve fibers that run from the base of the skull to the coccyx
The findings of animal experiments after stimulation of the sympathetic trunk could not be confirmed in man.
Los hallazgos obtenidos en los animales de experimentatión después de la estimulación del tronco simpático no pudieron confirmarse en el nombre.

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It also provides access to the IJV, the vagus and hypoglossal nerves, and the cervical sympathetic trunk.
Ya conoces mi gancho, ¿ verdad?- ¿ Elaine?Literature Literature
• Rami communicantes of the sympathetic trunk pass under its tendinous arches and connect with the lumbosacral plexus.
Pero con cada palabra confirmarás lo que dice la acusaciónLiterature Literature
The vagus and phrenic nerves and paravertebral sympathetic trunks may be affected in advanced cases.
El teléfono está aquí. enga.- GraciasLiterature Literature
The sympathetic trunk, or sympathetic chain lies alongside the vertebral column on each side.
Entre familia no hay nada maloLiterature Literature
These fibers traverse both the paravertebral (sympathetic trunks) and prevertebral (celiac) ganglia without synapsing.
Esos le llamar mutantes...... forme un superior de raza...... para hombres ordinarios...... a quién tenemos casi eliminadosLiterature Literature
The last of my researches in 1891 was devoted to the structure of the sympathetic trunk.
De forma especial cabe citar que la cooperación público-privada se ha revelado muy eficaz para atender situaciones de declive e incluso de crisis turística en aquellos destinos maduros que ven amenazada su continuidad como generadores de riquezaLiterature Literature
The sympathetic trunk sends a gray ramus to every spinal nerve.
Autoridad competente/país que da la aprobaciónLiterature Literature
The sacral sympathetic trunks are the inferior continuation of the lumbar sympathetic trunks (Figs. 3.21 and 3.23).
El final:Darle con la rodilla justo en las joyas de familiaLiterature Literature
The carotid triangle also contains the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) and cervical sympathetic trunk.
Creo que la única opción real en este punto es hacer que el gobierno de los Estados Unidos se involucreLiterature Literature
The findings of animal experiments after stimulation of the sympathetic trunk could not be confirmed in man.
Aquí, con Scoobyspringer springer
Sympathetic Trunk Ganglia (Fig. 3.44) • These are also known as paravertebral ganglia
& kig; tiene un sistema de transformación muy flexibleLiterature Literature
Paravertebral ganglia form the sympathetic chain (or sympathetic trunk) bilaterally.
¡ Cubriendo fuego!Literature Literature
All presynaptic fibers follow the same course until they reach the sympathetic trunks.
Within the sheath, between the artery and vein, and behind both, is the vagus nerve; behind the sheath, the sympathetic trunk.
Durante una hora había estado viendo puntos frente a sus ojosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This portion of the artery is surrounded by filaments of the sympathetic trunk and on its lateral side is the abducent nerve, or cranial nerve VI.
Encuentra a Teyla y Beckett, asegúrate que están bienWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One patient with a scar in the sympathetic trunk showed a paroxysmal paraplegia; another patient with a cervical rib showed disorders of sensibility in the homolateral leg which disappeared after the extirpation of the rib.
Es un maldito ascospringer springer
Fig. 9.30 Lumbar region of the vertebral column, lumbar vessels and lumbar sympathetic nerve trunk: lateral view.
Muy bien, vamosLiterature Literature
The artery is separated from the bony wall of the carotid canal by a prolongation of dura mater, and is surrounded by a number of small veins and by filaments of the carotid plexus, derived from the ascending branch of the superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic trunk.
Estaba tratando de escapar de los BritánicosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is in relation, behind, with the longus capitis, the superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic trunk, and the superior laryngeal nerve; laterally, with the internal jugular vein and vagus nerve, the nerve lying on a plane posterior to the artery; medially, with the pharynx, superior laryngeal nerve, and ascending pharyngeal artery.
Por el momento, así esWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The cervical portion of the trunks includes three cervical sympathetic ganglia: superior, middle, and inferior.
los vehículos cuyo catalizador de recambio de fábrica pertenezca a uno de los tipos que se mencionan en el punto # del anexo VILiterature Literature
“I’ve spent a great deal of time in the trunk of a car,” she said sympathetically.
Se debe conceder a los peces un tiempo adecuado para su aclimatización y adaptación a los cambios en las condiciones de la calidad del aguaLiterature Literature
Each of the sacral trunks is diminished in size from that of the lumbar trunks and usually has four sympathetic ganglia.
Con un vestido así, deberías salirLiterature Literature
The ironic, sympathetic glance of the porter, who took charge of her trunk!
Nuestro padre nos dejó este negocio cuando murióLiterature Literature
Ahmad got out too, to retrieve her toolbox from the trunk and give her one of his impossibly sympathetic looks.
No se lo que paso contigo.Pero sea que fuese...... no podría haber sido más insoportable......... que una mujer esperando sin ningún final a la vista...... preguntándose si es recordada u olvidada por el hombre a quien amaLiterature Literature
Sympathetic paragangliomas that predominantly arise from the intra-abdominal sympathetic trunk and usually produce catecholamines.
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