take fright oor Spaans

take fright

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to take fright at sth
asustarse por algo


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And wondered if she would take fright and retreat.
Y se preguntó si ella se asustaría y se retiraría.Literature Literature
No, oh no, her family would only take fright—they hadn’t received a telegram for years.
Oh, no, no, con ello sólo hubiera conseguido alarmar a sus familiares, que no recibían telegramas en casa durante años.Literature Literature
Hitler will remember these weasel words, but at the time he takes fright and retreats.
Para Hitler no son más que rodeos, pero a la hora de la verdad se asusta y retrocede.Literature Literature
The Indians received them without taking fright, without hostility, in an attitude of apparent indifference.
Los indios los recibieron sin espantarse, sin hostilidad, en una actitud que simulaba la indiferencia.Literature Literature
I was afraid that you’d take fright from it, and that I’d lose you.
Temía que te asustaras por eso, y que te perdiera.Literature Literature
With every pain that befalls them, they take fright and flee in terror towards the gaping abyss.
Con cada dolor que los supera, se desbocan por caminos desenfrenados hacia precipicios abismales.Literature Literature
‘If ponies take fright once, it’s no reason that they should a second time.
—Si los ponis se asustan una vez, no tiene por qué volver a pasar.Literature Literature
Jim Jones, “Foreign Investors Take Fright at Hardline Stance,” Financial Times (London), February 13, 1990. 22.
Jim Jones, «Foreign Investors Take Fright at Hardline Stance», Financial Times (Londres), 13 de febrero de 1990. 22.Literature Literature
The trick works, the Trojans take fright and Patroclus starts to push them back from the ships.
La treta funciona, los troyanos se asustan y empiezan a retroceder desde los barcos.Literature Literature
He saw her start and take fright when she realized there was nobody else in sight.
Se percató de que daba un respingo y se asustaba al darse cuenta de que no había nadie más por allí.Literature Literature
She takes fright, denies having it – if she’s accused of theft, she’ll lose everything.
Se asusta, lo niega todo, si la acusan de robo está perdida.Literature Literature
Osipov seemed to take fright at what he had just said.
Ósipov pareció asustarse de lo que acababa de decir.Literature Literature
Wherever and under whatever denomination it encounters them, it will take fright and recoil from them.
Se asusta de lo que se le oculta y su temor le irrita.Literature Literature
If they see guards along the paths, won’t they take fright and stay in the settlement?”
Si ven guardias a lo largo de los caminos, ¿no se asustarán y permanecerán en el asentamiento?Literature Literature
“I shall never live down the ignominy of having had him take fright at a mere dog.
Jamás superaré la ignominia de haberle visto asustado ante un simple perro.Literature Literature
It is unclear whether we are to admire this prospect or to take fright at it.
No está claro si hemos de admirar la perspectiva o amedrentarnos ante ella.Literature Literature
And if she takes fright and seeks exit, she'll be shut in again,
Aunque un día tuviera miedo, y quisiera salir de su celda, la volverían a meter dentro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But you must take fright, and rush to try and hide him, who was far better not hidden.
Pero tuviste miedo y corriste a esconder a quien era mejor no esconder.Literature Literature
Lancre and his colleague taking fright, went forward; never dared to draw back.
Lancre y su colega, aterrados, avanzan, no se atreven a retroceder.Literature Literature
Fuegia, taking fright, screamed and grabbed York’s leg.
Fuegia, espantada, chilló y se agarró a la pierna de York.Literature Literature
As long as he didn’t take fright at the snake along the way.
Si no le entraba miedo a la serpiente por el camino.Literature Literature
' Dear fellow, do not take fright at poetry.
Amigo mío, no tema la poesía.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When I see my handwriting among the pages written by him, I take fright.
Cuando veo la letra que aparece a continuación de las hojas escritas por él, me asusto.Literature Literature
Soon depositors might take fright.
Los depositantes no tardarían en espantarse.Literature Literature
Someone may take fright and make the blunder I'm waiting for.""
Puede que alguien se asuste y cometa el error que yo estoy esperando.Literature Literature
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