talk back oor Spaans

talk back

(idiomatic) To reply impertinently; to answer in a cheeky manner.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Never talk back to someone who could cut off your air supply.
Nunca le repliques a nadie que pueda sacarte el aire.


Don't talk back to me! I know what's better for you.
¡No me respondas, yo sé lo que es mejor para ti!


This is the first time you've talked back to me.
Esta es la primera vez que me contestas.

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Soortgelyke frases

they were talking about him behind his back
estaban hablando de él a sus espaldas
back talk
boca · contestación · descoco · impertinencia · insolencia · réplica
to talk back
chistar · contestar · responder
talk about somebody behind his back
cortar un traje a alguien
to talk behind sb's back
hablar a espaldas de alguien
you don't talk back to me
no me contesta


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“Slaves,” he began, “be submissive to your masters and give satisfaction in every respect; do not talk back ...”
—Esclavos —empezó a decir—, sed sumisos con vuestros señores y satisfacedlos en todos los sentidos; no repliquéis...Literature Literature
- I would like that she became one custom - it talked back buscando his glance -.
—Me gustaría que se convirtiera en una costumbre —replicó buscando su mirada—.Literature Literature
All I want to do is talk back to her.
Todo lo que quiero hacer es responderle.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Her offense: talking back to a white trolley driver who had shortchanged her.
Su delito: replicar a un conductor blanco que le había devuelto mal el cambio en el tranvía.Literature Literature
“You have your way today,” he murmured, “but talk back to me again and I’ll have your head.”
Hoy te has salido con la tuya —murmuró—, pero replícame otra vez y tendré tu cabeza.Literature Literature
"""I thought that you'd learned not to talk back to me, idiot."""
—Pensé que habías aprendido a no replicarme, idiota.Literature Literature
Maybe it served her right for talking back to Stan, that time in the car.
Puede que se lo merezca por haberle contestado a Stan aquella vez en el coche.Literature Literature
Auntie’s books don’t argue, they don’t make demands, they don’t talk back.
Los libros de la tía Ruma no discuten, no exigen nada, no rechistan.Literature Literature
He talk back then?
Habló en ese entonces?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Believe it or not I talk to this tree, and it talks back!
Lo creas o no hablo con este árbol, ¡ y me contesta!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
- Papa always is occupied - he talked back.
—Papá está siempre ocupado —replicó.Literature Literature
He heard much talk back and forth between Arkeshti and the other two.
Escuchaba muchas comunicaciones entre el Arkeshti y los otros dos.Literature Literature
They threatened Kashin, he talked back, so they decided to show him who's the master.
Amenazaron a Kashin. Habló de nuevo, por lo que decidieron mostrarle quien es el que manda.gv2019 gv2019
We're getting great talks back from them.
Nos envían charlas fantásticas.ted2019 ted2019
Met the black, started talking to him, and he talked back.
Me encontré con el negro, empecé a hablarle y él me contestó.Literature Literature
One teacher observes that children as young as age four talk back.
Una profesora comenta que hasta los niños de 4 años son respondones.jw2019 jw2019
Don' t you talk back like that
No hables asíopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Yakety-yak, God's talking back!
¡ Dios nos responde!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And no one talks back
Y nadie le contestaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Never talk back to an officer.""
Y nunca repliques a un policía.Literature Literature
The witch was also the rebel woman who talked back, argued, swore, and did not cry under torture.
La bruja era también la mujer rebelde que contestaba, discutía, insultaba y no lloraba bajo tortura.Literature Literature
And since I’m not dead yet, I can talk back.
Y puesto que yo aún vivo, estoy en situación de replicar.Literature Literature
He was like a drunk you couldn’t talk back to, yet he hadn’t had a drink.
Era como un borracho con quien no se puede hablar, pero no había bebido nada.Literature Literature
You saw how she reacted at the crayfish party when Robert talked back at her.
Ya viste cómo reaccionó en la fiesta del cangrejo, cuando Robert discutió con ella.Literature Literature
It was as bad as prayer, talking to a God who never talked back.
Era tan malo como rezar, hablar con un Dios que nunca respondía.Literature Literature
25075 sinne gevind in 79 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.