tatterdemalion oor Spaans


/ˈtætədɛmeliɒn/ adjektief, naamwoord

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He was a tatterdemalion.
Si no era más que un andrajoso.





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But the tatterdemalion's responses left no doubt.
Y las palabras de la tatterdemalion no dejaban lugar a dudas.Literature Literature
So, according to your catchpoll, that tatterdemalion came accidentally with dagger drawn to try out his blade on my arm.
De modo que, segun tu esbirro, aquel pordiosero llego por azar, empunando el arma, para probar su hoja en mi brazo.Literature Literature
The tatterdemalion clung to her like a second skin, bluish hair flying out behind her.
La tatterdemalion estaba abrazada a ella como si fuera una segunda piel con su pelo azulado volando al viento.Literature Literature
A lot of Margolis’s and Tatterdemalion’s animals fell ill that autumn.
Ese otoño, fueron muchos los animales de Margolis y Jirones que cayeron enfermos.Literature Literature
Its head will be loyal enough, for that will be a bankrupt Gnaeus Pompeius hurrying home with his tatterdemalion army.
La cabeza será leal y la formará el arruinado Cneo Pompeyo que vuelve a toda marcha con su harapiento ejército.Literature Literature
Have you not yet found true love with that tatterdemalion?”
¿No has encontrado el amor verdadero en esa zaparrastrosa?Literature Literature
Clearly he was the leader of the tatterdemalion band.
Estaba claro que era el líder de la banda harapienta—.Literature Literature
So, according to your catchpoll, that tatterdemalion came accidentally with dagger drawn to try out his blade on my arm.
De modo que, según tu esbirro, aquel pordiosero llegó por azar, empuñando el arma, para probar su hoja en mi brazo.Literature Literature
Persis Tatterdemalion put down her glass and looked for a long time into the morning.
Persis Jirones dejó la copa que estaba lavando y durante un rato largo se quedó mirando la mañana.Literature Literature
She didn't expect help from the tatterdemalion, but she needed to know where Ailie was.
No esperaba ayuda de la tatterdemalion, pero quería saber dónde estaba.Literature Literature
But the only army he found consisted of about thirty tatterdemalions, mounting guard with umbrellas for fear of the sun.
Halló, por todo ejército, una treintena de pillos que montaban guardia bajo una sombrilla, por miedo al sol.Literature Literature
Who are these tatterdemalions who have opened his gate and are coming toward him?
¿Quién es esta gente andrajosa que ha abierto la puerta de la cerca y se le aproxima?Literature Literature
"""I know one,"" said Persis Tatterdemalion, ""if he isn't in bed yet."
—Yo conozco uno —contestó Persis Jirones—, si es que no se ha ido ya a la cama.Literature Literature
Napoleon, among us, will be lost in the mob of those tatterdemalions of dead who steal away in silence.
Entre nosotros, Napoleón se perderá entre la turba de esos desarrapados de muertos que desaparecen en silencio.Literature Literature
Two tatterdemalion figures dressed in what looked like the sweepings of a Jumble Sale.
Dos figuras zarrapastrosas, vestidas con lo que parecían restos de una venta de saldos.Literature Literature
Tatterdemalion, he named himself as he ran through his impromptu pattern.
Haraposdemalion, se llamó a sí mismo mientras realizaba su patrón improvisado.Literature Literature
At least I assumed the tatterdemalion, filthy forms were theirs.
Por lo menos yo asumí que las andrajosas formas sucias eran suyas.Literature Literature
A young tatterdemalion, whose father is a top advocate and regular tea-room trader, brushed against me.
Un joven andrajoso, traficante en pequeña escala, cuyo padre es un destacado abogado, me rozó al pasar.Literature Literature
Corfe had never seen anything quite like his motley little army of savage tatterdemalions.
Corfe nunca había visto nada parecido a su pequeño ejército de salvajes desharrapados.Literature Literature
“Get down, Tolstoi, don’t bother him,” Cora shouted at the tatterdemalion mutt.
«Bájate, Tolstói, no le molestes», gritó Cora al chucho andrajoso.Literature Literature
“I know one,” said Persis Tatterdemalion, “if he isn’t in bed yet.
—Yo conozco uno —contestó Persis Jirones—, si es que no se ha ido ya a la cama.Literature Literature
Persis Tatterdemalion was born to fly.
Persis Jirones había nacido para volar.Literature Literature
Persis Tatterdemalion stood and shouted, “This is my business here, what you’ve been putting gunshot holes into, mister.
Persis Jirones se puso en pie y gritó: —Esto que ha agujereado usted con su pistola es mi negocio.Literature Literature
Persis Tatterdemalion, worldly and innocent as an eagle upon the sky, asked him if he was sick.
Persis Jirones, mundana e inocente como un águila al vuelo, le preguntó si estaba enfermo.Literature Literature
These tatterdemalions were the threat to Simbala?
¿Aquellos andrajosos constituían la amenaza contra Simbala?Literature Literature
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