taxi driver oor Spaans

taxi driver

a person who drives a taxicab

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


naamwoordmanlike, m;f, masculine;feminine
Person who drives a taxicab
Thanks to the taxi driver, we had a very wonderful time in London.
Gracias a ese taxista, nos lo pasamos genial en Londres.


naamwoordm;f, masculine;feminine
person who drives a taxicab

el taxista

I hear that even taxi drivers often get lost in Tokyo.
He oído que incluso los taxistas se pierden en Tokio a menudo.

la taxista

I hear that even taxi drivers often get lost in Tokyo.
He oído que incluso los taxistas se pierden en Tokio a menudo.



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Taxi Driver

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

Taxi Driver

It's easy to glamorize the Taxi Driver days.
Es fácil embellecer los días de Taxi Driver.
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Soortgelyke frases

taximetrista · taxista
one of my grandfathers was a taxi driver
uno de mis abuelos era taxista
the taxi driver
el chofer del taxi · el chófer del taxi


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He spotted businessmen and taxi drivers, appliance deliverymen and computer technicians.
Vio empresarios y taxistas, repartidores de electrodomésticos e informáticos.Literature Literature
Taxi drivers had a shiny menace to them.
Los taxistas los tenían amenazados.Literature Literature
I can't even get picked up by a taxi driver.
Ni un chofer de taxi saldría conmigo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Perhaps one of the most famous examples of fMRI research is a study of London taxi drivers.
Posiblemente uno de los ejemplos más famosos de investigación con IRMf es un estudio realizado con taxistas londinenses.Literature Literature
You can’t encourage taxi drivers.
A los taxistas no se les puede dar cuerda.Literature Literature
There was a vulnerability in the taxi driver's voice, something that touched a chord in Grace.
La voz del taxista demostraba vulnerabilidad; algo que le tocó un nervio a Grace.Literature Literature
I haven’t walked more than a few paces when I see what the taxi driver was talking about.
No llevo recorridos más que unos pocos pasos cuando entiendo de qué hablaba el taxista.Literature Literature
Subject: Support for taxi drivers in Rome
Asunto: Ayudas previstas en favor de los taxistas romanosoj4 oj4
The bellhops and taxi drivers are acting.
Los porteros y los taxistas hacen teatro.Literature Literature
Live from Lima has little faith in the capabilities of taxi drivers in Peru's largest city.
‘Live from Lima’ tiene poca fe en las capacidades de los conductores de taxi en Lima, la ciudad mas grande del Perú.gv2019 gv2019
Alice drives like a City taxi driver, fast and aggressive.
Conduce como un taxi de la gran ciudad, de forma rápida y agresiva.Literature Literature
Surprisingly, a number of educated people appeared to agree with the taxi driver rather than with the writer.
Lo sorprendente es que bastantes personas cultas parecían concordar más con el taxista que con el escritor.jw2019 jw2019
A taxi driver thumped a passenger.
Un taxista golpeó a un pasajero.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This taxi driver in Ballyshannon told me all about it.
Ese taxista de Ballyshannon me lo contó.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Listen, Sergeant, I have a small problem with a taxi driver who's outside.
Escuche, sargento: he tenido un problema con un taxista que está afuera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The young taxi driver looks at him with confusion and alarm.
El joven chofer del taxi lo mira con desconcierto y alarma.Literature Literature
Not only the line, but the entire Taxi Driver scene.
No sólo la frase sino la escena completa de Taxi Driver.Literature Literature
I'm just a taxi driver.
Sólo soy un taxista.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
* I watch Josué Méndez’s first film, Días de Santiago, a version of Taxi Driver, Lima-style.
* Veo la primera película de Josué Méndez, Días de Santiago, una Taxi driver a la limeña.Literature Literature
The taxi driver, without saying a word, took us there.
Y el taxista, sin decir nada, nos llevó al vertedero.Literature Literature
With great difficulty I persuade the taxi driver to renounce the chase.
Con gran dificultad persuado al taxista de renunciar a la persecución.Literature Literature
High-school athletes, grocers, clerks, taxi drivers.
Atletas de instituto, tenderos, taxistas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The taxi driver was leaning against the battered fender of a very old Austin.
El taxista estaba recostado contra el maltrecho guardabarros de un Austin muy viejo.Literature Literature
“We’re going straight to Lakeville, Connecticut,” said George to the taxi driver.
—Vamos directamente a Lakeville, Connecticut —le dijo George al taxista—.Literature Literature
He got involved in an argument with a taxi driver over the fare.
Se vió involucrado en una discusión con un taxista a causa de la tarifa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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