tell no one oor Spaans

tell no one

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

no se lo digas a nadie

He said to tell no one, no matter who they claimed to be.
Me dijo que no se lo dijera a nadie, sin importar quien dijera ser.

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You are to tell no one in the towns where we are...... and return with haste
A nadie del pueblo le dirás dónde estamos, y regresa rápidoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
As far as I can tell, no one except the three of us does.
Por lo que yo , nadie salvo nosotros tres está enterado.Literature Literature
Telling no one of his destination, he left the country.
Sin decirle a nadie cuál era su destino, abandonó el país.Literature Literature
"""Please, just let me go and I'll tell no one."""
Por favor, dejadme marchar y no se lo contaré a nadie.Literature Literature
"""Tell no one what I have told you."
No le cuentes a nadie lo que te he dicho.Literature Literature
"And tell no one what you saw,"" Luca cautioned more than once."
—Y no contéis a nadie lo que visteis —advirtió Luca en más de una ocasión—.Literature Literature
We tell no one. Boy:
No le decimos a nadie.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Please tell no one about this,” she said.
—Por favor, no le cuentes a nadie esto —dijo.Literature Literature
Bellis could tell no one anything.
Bellis no podía contarle nada a nadie.Literature Literature
Remember, whatever happens down there, we tell no one.
Recuerden, pase lo que pase, no se lo contaremos a nadie.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No, she could tell no one in her sister’s household.
No: no podía hablar con nadie en la casa de su hermana.Literature Literature
But I hope you will tell no one that I came down here.”
Pero espero que no le digáis a nadie que he bajado aquí.Literature Literature
“I’ll tell no one unless you give me permission,” Madelyne answered.
—No se lo contaré a nadie a menos que tú me des permiso para hacerlo —respondió Madelyne.Literature Literature
And tell no one I'm alive.
¡ No le digas a nadie que sigo vivo!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I shall tell no one that you have eaten my food and that you are following the sun.
No diré a nadie que has comido mi comida y que vas siguiendo al sol.Literature Literature
And if you want to save my life, and your own, tell no one.
Y si quieres salvar mi vida y la tuya, no se lo digas a nadie.Literature Literature
Tell no one, from this point forward, that I have written to you at all.
No le digas a nadie, a partir de este punto, que yo te he escrito siquiera.Literature Literature
As far as he could tell, no one had followed them out of High Stakes.
Por lo que podía ver, nadie los había seguido desde High Stakes.Literature Literature
“In the meantime, Sergeant, you’ll tell no one.”
Mientras tanto, sargento, no hablará de esto con nadie.Literature Literature
‘Keep it in a very safe place and tell no one about it.
—Guárdalo en un lugar bien seguro y no hables de él a nadie.Literature Literature
“Marcus,” he said, winded, “you are to tell no one, do you hear me?”
—Marcus —dijo agitado—, no debes contárselo a nadie, ¿me has oído?Literature Literature
Still, Aulus had had the sense to warn her to tell no one that she saw the man.
De todas formas, Aulo había tenido la sensatez de advertirle que no le dijera a nadie que había visto a ese hombre.Literature Literature
You will tell no one what you have seen here today.
No le dirás a nadie lo que viste hoy aquí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tell no one I am alive, just yet.”
No le digas a nadie que estoy vivo, todavía no.Literature Literature
“You must tell no one—not even Salai!
No debes decírselo a nadie, ni siquiera a Salai.Literature Literature
16947 sinne gevind in 184 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.