that he has to make oor Spaans

that he has to make

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No one who doesn’t have to make the decisions that he has to make can understand.
Quien no tenga que tomar las decisiones que debe tomar él es incapaz de entenderlo.Literature Literature
Not that he has to make a living.
No le hace falta trabajar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But it takes a bitter test of all that he has to make a hero like your father.
Pero hay que superar amargas pruebas para convertirse en un héroe como tu padre.Literature Literature
The reason for his journey is never explained, nor how he knows that he has to make it.
La razón de ese viaje no se explica nunca, ni tampoco cómo sabe que tiene que hacerlo.Literature Literature
Hold out till he sees that he has to make me an offer, a very great offer.’
Le daré esperanzas hasta que vea que tiene que hacerme una oferta, una oferta muy grande.Literature Literature
For him, the game is breaking you, and to do that he has to make you afraid.
Escucha atentamente: para él, el juego consiste en quebrarte, y para eso te tiene que aterrorizar.Literature Literature
It is this that helps him realize that he has to make significant investment in new skills.
Esto es lo que le ayuda a reconocer que tiene que hacer una inversión significativa en nuevas competencias.Literature Literature
‘For that he has to make sure those regulations are respected.’
—Para eso tiene que conseguir que esas normas se respeten.Literature Literature
Sergei Lavrov: I am not saying that he has to make some kind of statement.
Lavrov: Yo no estoy diciendo que tengamos que oír las declaraciones que
The blood pounds in his temples and he feels that he has to make himself visible to the world.
La sangre le golpea las sienes y siente que debe hacerse visible al mundo.Literature Literature
It's that he has to make choices, you know, that lead to the deaths of innocent people and families and children and things.
Es que él tiene que tomar decisiones, ¿sabes? que pueden significar la muerte de gente inocente y de familias y niños y cosas así.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""I'm trying to the best of my abilities to get him to a place where he understands that he has to make a confession."
—Intento lo mejor que puedo llevarlo hasta donde se dé cuenta de que tiene que confesar.Literature Literature
It gets on his nerves that I never want to suggest anything, that he always has to make the decisions.
Le molesta que nunca proponga nada, que siempre lo tenga que hacer él.Literature Literature
He has asked me to say that he has no comments to make at this time.”
Me ha pedido que les comunique que no tiene ningún comentario que hacer en este momento.Literature Literature
It occurs to him that he has neglected to make coffee.
Se le ocurre que ha olvidado hacer café.Literature Literature
At all events, Nora, he’s not to suspect that he has been able to make trouble between two old friends.”
De todos modos, Nora, no debe sospechar que ha sido capaz de sembrar la discordia entre dos viejos amigos.Literature Literature
Noting this, an observer wrote in New Scientist: “Does Richard Dawkins have so little faith in the evidence for evolution that he has to make sweeping generalisations in order to dismiss opponents to his beliefs?”
Un observador que tomó nota de esto escribió lo siguiente en la revista New Scientist: “¿Tan poca fe tiene Richard Dawkins en la prueba a favor de la evolución que tiene que hacer generalizaciones abarcadoras para poner a un lado a los que se oponen a sus creencias?”jw2019 jw2019
Maybe he understands that I’m not up to speaking because he tells me that he has another call to make.
Creo que se da cuenta de que no me apetece hablar, porque dice que tiene otra llamada.Literature Literature
And I am just tickled as punch that he has decided to make tonight his big comeback onstage.
Y he sentido como un puñetazo de cosquillas que ha decidido hacer esta noche su gran vuelta a los escenarios.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Unbelievable, that he still has to make the case for it.
Increíble que todavía tenga que defenderlo.Literature Literature
He said to tell you that he has gone ahead to make everything ready and will be waiting for you there.’
Me ordenó que os dijera que se adelantaba para disponerlo todo y que os esperaría allí.Literature Literature
When confronted with a bathroom that has running water, and hot water at that, he has decided to make the most of it.
Al encontrarse frente a un cuarto de baño con agua corriente, y caliente además, ha decidido sacarle el mayor partido.Literature Literature
He feels that he has to suffer, so I'll make sure that he suffers - in moderation, of course.
Como él cree que ha de padecer, yo me ocuparé de que sufra... con moderación, claro está.Literature Literature
I therefore call upon President Abbas to tell him that he has a choice to make.
Por consiguiente, me dirijo al Presidente Abbas para decirle que tiene que adoptar una decisión.UN-2 UN-2
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