that she does oor Spaans

that she does

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Then see to it, that she does.
Entonces asegúrate de que lo haga.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Most important, Sam’s mother knows that she does not need to ever feel intimidated in her own home.
Y lo que es más importante, la madre de Sam sabe que no tiene por qué sentirse intimidada en su propio hogar.Literature Literature
She can do whatever she desires, and I plan to see that she does that.
Puede hacer lo que desee y yo pienso encargarme de que lo consiga.Literature Literature
She gets everything, aye, that she does, and ’tis grossly unfair.”
Consigue todo, , y me parece muy injusto.Literature Literature
Because it's my decree that she does.
Porque yo decreté que lo haga.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Except that she does not know that you know.
Solo que ella no sabe que tú sabes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
ANN [suddenly losing her courage, with an anguish that she does not conceal]: No.
ANN (acobardándose súbitamente, con una angustia que no oculta).Literature Literature
I remember from my old London trips that she does this to hide the wrinkles on her neck.
Recuerdo de mis anteriores viajes a Londres que lo hace para ocultar las arrugas del cuello.Literature Literature
This states that she does not now nor does she intend to play a percussive or brass instrument.
Esto establece que no toca ni piensa tocar ningún instrumento de percusión o metálico.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then she realises that she does not know what to say.
Pero entonces se percata de que no sabe muy bien qué decir—.Literature Literature
Another thing, she not only seems to hate men, she says right out that she does.
Otra cosa más: ella no sólo parece odiar a los hombres, sino que incluso dice que los odia.Literature Literature
It is well that she does so: for the man refuses to release her.
Y hace bien, porque el hombre se niega a soltarla.Literature Literature
“When a student puts in the extra effort that she does, I’m willing to do some extra too.”
—Cuando una alumna se esfuerza tanto como ella, yo también estoy dispuesta a apoyarla más.Literature Literature
I see the lawyer looking at it and Quinn clocking that she does.
Veo cómo la abogada le mira y Quinn se percata de que lo hace.Literature Literature
And she has made it veryclear that she does not want to be involved in my friends'sex lives.
Y ha dejado muy en claro que no quiere involucrarse en las vidas sexuales de mis amigos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Pray, rather, that she does not find you."""
—Más bien debes rezar para que ella no te encuentre.Literature Literature
It seems that she does not like chickens.
No me gustan los pollos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Beatrice starts to turn Drago around so that she does not have to look at her cousin.
Beatrice comienza a dar la vuelta con Drago para no tener que mirar a su prima.Literature Literature
And that she does her cleaning herself.
¿Y que es ella quien la limpia?Literature Literature
I understand that she does what she believes is best.
Me parece que ella hará lo que crea que es lo mejor.Literature Literature
Who doesn't, by the way, know that she does drag.
Que a propósito, no sabe que ella es drag.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Show her that she does not need to be liked by everyone.
Demuéstrale que no necesita gustarle a todo el mundo.Literature Literature
I want you to know that she does not represent me.
Quiero que sepáis que ella no me representa.Literature Literature
“Hua is with her, making sure that she does not get into trouble.""
—Hua está con ella, asegurándose de que no se mete en líos.Literature Literature
Champion knows the road much better that she does.
Champion conoce el camino mucho mejor que ella.Literature Literature
20787 sinne gevind in 169 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.