that she has to make oor Spaans

that she has to make

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Poor Patricia – she’s so desperate for a confidante that she has to make do with me.
Pobre Patricia, necesita un confidente con tanta urgencia que se ve obligada a recurrir a mí.Literature Literature
‘I keep on telling Freddie that she has to make her own life beyond the kids.
Siempre digo a Freddie que debe tener una vida más allá de los niños.Literature Literature
Mama's forever lamenting that she has to make the lists of stuffs to buy herself.""
Mamá no para de lamentarse porque tiene que escribir ella misma la lista de las cosas que hay que comprar.Literature Literature
"""Because she is so proud of herself that she has to make fun of every other woman she sees."
—Porque está tan pagada de sí misma que tiene que burlarse de toda mujer con quien se tropieza.Literature Literature
But before that, she has to make it possible for him to get hold of the elixir in the first place.
Pero antes ella tiene que haber hecho posible que él consiga el elixir.Literature Literature
There’s a choice that she has to make, and there’s no one to help her, no one with her interests in mind.
Ha de tomar una decisión, y nadie puede ayudarla, nadie que se preocupe por ella.Literature Literature
“I only thank God that she is safe and that she has agreed to make me the happiest of men.”
Sólo doy gracias a Dios de que esté a salvo y de que haya accedido a hacerme el hombre más feliz del mundo.Literature Literature
Mr President, I would like to say to Baroness Ashton - and I can say this in English - that it is also written in her mandate that she has to make proposals to the Member States.
Señor Presidente, baronesa Ashton, se lo puedo decir en inglés: Su mandato también incluye que tiene que hacer propuestas a los Estados miembros.Europarl8 Europarl8
The fact that she has to ask makes me feel like the worst best friend ever.
—El hecho de que me lo tenga que preguntar me hace sentir como el peor amigo del mundo—.Literature Literature
It's more difficult for a woman to feel that she has the right to make choices.
Es difícil para una mujer sentir que tiene el derecho a escoger.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's more difficult for a woman to feel that she has the right to make choices.
Es mucho mas dificil que una mujer sienta que puede elegirOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is a wonder to me that she has the gall to make her home so close to Windrush.""
No entiendo cómo tiene el descaro de vivir tan cerca de Windrush.Literature Literature
That I killed him, and that now she has to make up her mind: stay here or go away with me.
«Que lo maté y que ahora ella puede elegir entre quedarse aquí o venirse conmigo».Literature Literature
In the event that she has failed to make a will her property passes on to all her children upon her death.
En caso de que no haya llegado a hacer testamento, sus bienes pasan a todos sus hijos cuando ella fallece.UN-2 UN-2
In the event that she has failed to make a will her property passes on to all her children upon her death
En caso de que no haya llegado a hacer testamento, sus bienes pasan a todos sus hijos cuando ella falleceMultiUn MultiUn
She has blond hair that is always straight, although she has to work hard to make that happen.
Tiene el pelo rubio y siempre liso, aunque debe esforzarse mucho para lograrlo.Literature Literature
Or that she even has the ability to make that choice?
¿O que siquiera tiene la capacidad para tomar esa decisión?Literature Literature
She won't like that she has no other options, that she'll have to make do with what she already has.""
No le gustará no tener otras opciones, tener que apañárselas con lo que ya tiene.Literature Literature
Now that she is here I want to make sure that she has friends.
Y ahora que está aquí quiero asegurarme de que tenga amigos.Literature Literature
Laura envies her cousin and believes that she is more deserving of all that Regina has, so she decides to make Regina suffer.
Laura vive envidiando a su prima creyendo que ella merece más que todo lo que tiene Regina, por eso se dispone a hacerla sufrir.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yet she has to admit that sometimes when she and Theo make love, she has an urge to ask him to tie her up.
Sin embargo tiene que confesar que, a veces, cuando Theo y ella hacen el amor, siente el impulso de pedirle que la ate.Literature Literature
When I was her age, I was interested in art, too, but I didn't have Vanessa's gifts, so I intend... to make sure that she has a chance to make the most of them.
Cuando tenía su edad también me interesaba el arte pero no tenía los dones de Vanessa así que mi intención es asegurarme de que tenga la oportunidad de sacarles el mejor provecho.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
However, she reveals that she has been unable to make a previous friendship last as she was considered by previous friends to be domineering and demanding.
Ella revela que ha sido incapaz de tener una amistad duradera ya que la consideran posesiva y dominante.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She has a young appearance that makes it hard to believe that she has a son in high school.
Tiene una apariencia joven, que hace que sea difícil de creer que ella tiene un hijo que asiste a la secundaria.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I should like to thank and congratulate Mrs Aelvoet for all the work that she has done to make it possible for Parliament to give its consent and for the realistic and reasonable approach that she has shown, as have other speakers such as Mr Corrie and Mr Vecchi.
Deseo agradecer y felicitar a la Sra. Aelvoet por sus esfuerzos para que el Parlamento emita su dictamen conforme y por el enfoque realista y razonable que ha adoptado, al igual que han hecho otros oradores, como el Sr. Corrie y el Sr. Vechi.Europarl8 Europarl8
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