that the bed was shaking oor Spaans

that the bed was shaking

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que la cama temblaba


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She was shaking violently, so much that the whole bed was shaking.
Temblaba violentamente, tanto que toda la cama se sacudía.Literature Literature
I woke with a start and realized that the bed really was shaking.
Me desperté sobresaltado y me di cuenta de que la cama temblaba de verdad.Literature Literature
I even considered the possibility that someone was shaking the bed.
Realmente tuve la impresión de que alguien movía la cama.Literature Literature
He knew the same terror that was making her body quiver and shake the bed.
Conocía el mismo terror que hacía que el cuerpo de ella temblase y se estremeciese en la cama.Literature Literature
When I sat down on the bed, I saw that I was shaking
Cuando me senté en la cama, me di cuenta de que estaba temblando.Literature Literature
In the morning your bed was that full of sand I had to shake your sheets out of the window!
Por la mañana tenías la cama llena de tierra y tuve que sacudir las sábanas por la ventana.Literature Literature
The being—the thing—that was my mother's cousin struck the frame around its bed hard enough to shake the plywood.
El ser... la cosa..., que era primo de mi madre, golpeaba el marco con tanta fuerza que hacía temblar la madera.Literature Literature
The rule was that we had to give our sheets a shake before making up the beds.
El reglamento nos imponía sacudir las sábanas antes de hacer las camas.Literature Literature
As I settled into my bed, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was still watching me.
Mientras me acomodaba en la cama, no pude quitarme de encima la sensación de que algo seguía observándome.Literature Literature
He was shaking so much that the whole bed vibrated with him.
Temblaba tanto que la cama entera se movía con élLiterature Literature
Then I shivered in my bed like the abandoned dog that I was, my skin shaking over my bones.
Luego estuve tiritando en la cama como el perro abandonado que era, con la piel temblándome sobre los huesos.Literature Literature
When I finally got the kids home and in bed that night, I was so exhausted I was shaking.
Cuando volví a casa y tuve a los niños acostados esa noche, estaba tan agotada que temblaba.Literature Literature
CHAPTER 28 All night Jayan could not shake the thought that he was sleeping in the bed of a dead man.
Capítulo 28 Durante toda la noche, Jayan no pudo dejar de pensar que estaba acostado en la cama de un muerto.Literature Literature
The image that had transfixed him to his bed was too real for him to shake himself from its effect.
La imagen que le había paralizado en la cama era demasiado real para librarse de su efecto de una mera sacudida.Literature Literature
Last night, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Abalyn was standing at the foot of my bed.
Ayer noche no podía librarme de la sensación de que Abalyn estaba erguida a los pies de mi cama.Literature Literature
He could see from the shaking of the bed, the movement of the bedclothes, that the boy was still crying passionately.
Por el temblor de las sábanas, por el estremecimiento del lecho, supo que el niño seguía llorando amargamente.Literature Literature
Probably not much of a shake compared to what was now in the bed of that stolen truck, but so what?
Nada del otro mundo en comparación con lo que transportaba la plataforma de la furgoneta robada, pero ¿y qué?Literature Literature
She was still lying on the bed with her back turned, but now he saw that her shoulders were shaking.
Seguía dándole la espalda, pero ahora se dio cuenta de que le temblaban los hombros.Literature Literature
She was so weak and exhausted, sitting on the edge of the bed shaking, holding the letter that had broken her heart.
Estaba muy débil y cansada, sentada en el borde de la cama temblando, sujetando la carta que le había roto el corazón.Literature Literature
He saw that I was shaking and hurried to the other side of his room and pulled a dirty blanket off of the bed.
Él vio que yo estaba temblando y corrimos hacia el otro lado de su habitación y sacó una manta sucia fuera de la cama.Literature Literature
Elmendorf, TX: Laying in bed, realized bed was shaking/moving, then realized it was the whole house that was shaking/moving...felt like a huge truck was a few feet away, but of course that wasn't the case.
Elmendorf, TX: Acostado en la cama, me di cuenta de que la cama estaba temblando / moviéndose, luego se dio cuenta de que era toda la casa la que temblaba / se movía... sentía como si un enorme camión estuviera a unos pocos pies de distancia, pero claro que ese no era el caso.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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