the door closed behind him oor Spaans

the door closed behind him

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la puerta se cerró tras él


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As the door closed behind him, she lifted her skirts and ran into the parlor, Clemmie behind her.
En cuanto la puerta se cerró tras él, Diana se alzó la falda y corrió al salón, siguiéndola Clemmie.Literature Literature
When the door closed behind him, she heard his boot steps in the hall as he walked away.
Cuando la puerta se cerró tras él, oyó sus pasos pisando con firmeza por la galería mientras se alejaba.Literature Literature
Stepping into the house, he pushed the door closed behind him and sailed his hat toward the table.
Entrando en la casa, cerró la puerta detrás de él y lanzó su sombrero hacia la mesa.Literature Literature
He wheeled the sonogram machine away, and a second later, she heard the door close behind him.
El médico se llevó el ecógrafo y, un segundo después, Sophie escuchó la puerta cerrase detrás de él.Literature Literature
Scarlett held her head proudly high until she heard the door close behind him.
Scarlett mantuvo orgullosamente erguida la cabeza hasta que oyó que la puerta de la entrada se cerraba tras él.Literature Literature
The doors closed behind him and the bus pulled away.
La puerta se cerró tras él y el autobús se alejó.Literature Literature
The door closes behind him and he leaves me with even more questions.
La puerta se cierra tras él y deja mis preguntas sin responder.Literature Literature
Disra stepped into the office, frowning around the room as the doors closed behind him.
Disra entró a la oficina, frunciéndole el ceño a todo el cuarto mientras las puertas se cerraban detrás de él.Literature Literature
There’s no one behind him, and the moment he steps onto the bus the doors close behind him.
Es el último de la fila, y apenas sube al autobús las puertas se cierran a sus espaldas.Literature Literature
As soon as the door closed behind him, his fellow prisoners showered him with various questions.
En cuanto el guardián cerró la puerta detrás de él, los compañeros de cárcel lo colmaron de preguntas.Literature Literature
The door closed behind him and we heard his steps across the porch.
La puerta se cerró tras él y oímos sus pasos a través del pórtico.Literature Literature
Finally, I had the joy of seeing the door close behind him.
Por fin, tuve la felicidad de ver que la puerta se cerraba tras él.Literature Literature
As soon as the door closed behind him, she felt uncomfortable.
En cuanto la puerta se cerró tras él, ella empezó a sentirse incómoda.Literature Literature
But as soon as the door closed behind him, there was an uproar.
Pero en cuanto la puerta se cerró tras él, estalló un griterío.Literature Literature
Selene watched the door close behind him before she said, “You handled that very well.”
Selene esperó a que cerrara la puerta antes de decir: – Lo has manejado muy bien.Literature Literature
Young looking, anyway, Nicholas thought as the door closed behind him.
De aspecto joven, al menos, pensó Nicholas cuando la puerta se cerró a su espalda.Literature Literature
The one-eyed man mumbled something and vanished, the door closing behind him.
El chino de un solo ojo masculló algo y desapareció, cerrando la puerta a su espalda.Literature Literature
He followed her, kicking the door closed behind him, and she slid her hand up his chest.
Él la siguió, empujando la puerta para cerrarla tras de sí, y ella deslizó su mano por el pecho de él.Literature Literature
He went out, the door closed behind him, and Jehrek Banamen Toln spoke softly into the empty air.
Salió, cerró la puerta a su espalda, y Jehrek Banamen Toln habló a media voz al aire vacío:Literature Literature
Joe then shoved Paul across the seat and pulled the door closed behind him.
Joe empujó a Paul en el asiento y cerró la puerta tras él.Literature Literature
The door closed behind him, and Mr Trevor was left to make what he could of this.
La puerta se cerró tras él, y el señor Trevor se quedó a solas, intentando sacar algo en claro de aquella conversación.Literature Literature
The door closes behind him but barely latches.
La puerta se cierra tras él, pero apenas se traba.Literature Literature
Mark moved away and the door closed behind him, leaving Trebor alone in the gathering twilight.
Mark se alejó y la puerta se cerró detrás de él, dejando solo a Trebor bajo la creciente luz crepuscular.Literature Literature
Matt followed, and the door closed behind him.
Matt la siguió y la puerta se cerró detrás de él.Literature Literature
As soon as the door closed behind him, Rick grabbed it, and soon wished he had not.
En cuanto la puerta se cerró a su espalda, Rick lo recogió, aunque no tardó en desear no haberlo hecho.Literature Literature
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