the enemy troops were approaching oor Spaans

the enemy troops were approaching

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las tropas enemigas se acercaban


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When a small number of enemy troops and vehicles were spotted approaching the area, the AC-130s engaged and destroyed them.
Cuando se vio a un pequeño número de tropas y vehículos enemigos acercarse a la zona, los AC-130 se encargaron de eliminarlos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
McMaster had a feeling they were approaching the enemy; he told his troops, “This is the moment we have all awaited.”
Les dijo a sus tropas: «Este es el momento que todos hemos estado esperando».Literature Literature
When the watchmen saw an enemy army approaching, they were to blow the warning trumpet to alert their troops and to warn the people of the approaching enemy.
Cuando los centinelas veían que se acercaba un enemigo, tenían que sonar la trompeta de alerta para avisar a sus cuadrillas y avisar a la gente acerca del enemigo que se acercaba.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Union troops approaching the Chickahominy River from the north were suddenly attacked by an unexpected enemy, a disease that came to be known as Chickahominy fever.
LA GUERRA DE SECESIÓN NORTEAMERICANA En su avance hacia el sur, las tropas del norte que se disponían a cruzar el río Chickahominy fueron atacadas por un enemigo inesperado.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Firing was suspended while the truce bearer approached but all men remained at the ready with orders to allow no shifting of enemy troops or change of enemy dispositions while the notes were being read and replied to.
Fuego se suspendió mientras al portador de tregua se acercó sin embargo todos los hombres se mantuvieron en la lista con ordenes de no permitir el desplazamiento de las tropas enemigas o cambio de disposiciones del enemigo mientras que las notas fueron leídas y respondidas.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
5 sinne gevind in 23 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.