the rear entrance oor Spaans

the rear entrance

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

la puerta de atrás

If the police are watching the hotel, slip out by the rear entrance.
Salga por la puerta de atrás.

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James glanced at his brother as they drifted toward the rear entrance of the Kite and Key.
James miró a su hermano, mientras se desviaban hacia la entrada trasera del Cometa y Llave.Literature Literature
Go out the rear entrance.
Sal por la entrada trasera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A waiting footman conducted him to the rear entrance again, although Pitt was hardly aware of him.
Un lacayo que lo aguardaba lo condujo de nuevo a la entrada trasera, aunque Pitt apenas reparó en él.Literature Literature
I left through the rear entrance.
Salí por la puerta trasera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Just the rear entrance.
Solo la entrada trasera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“From behind the door at the right, you could watch the audience and the rear entrance.
Desde detrás de la puerta, a la derecha, se puede ver el patio de butacas y la entrada.Literature Literature
He used the rear entrance, relieved that his pass card still worked.
Entró por detrás, aliviado de ver que su tarjeta de seguridad aún funcionaba.Literature Literature
The one-way street leading away... from the rear entrance, now... leads toward the rear entrance.
La calle de un solo sentido... en sentido contrario a la salida trasera... ahora va en sentido de la salida trasera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
By the time I reached the rear entrance, my heart rate was normal again.
Cuando estuve cerca de la entrada, el pulso de mi corazón volvía a ser normal.Literature Literature
Can you come as soon as it’s dark, alone, to the rear entrance of the municipal building?
¿Puede venir tan pronto anochezca, solo, ala entrada trasera del edificio municipal?Literature Literature
Another voice cried out abruptly as the guard from the rear entrance turned the corner.
Se oyó de pronto otra voz, cuando el guardia de la entrada posterior dobló la esquina.Literature Literature
" At 12:19, Alec Stiles left the rear entrance of the Dock Street Gym.
" A las 12:19, Alec Stiles salió del gimnasio de la calle Dock.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He parked round the back of the police station and used the rear entrance to reach Terblanche’s office.
APARCÓ EN LA PARTE DE ATRÁS de la comisaría y se dirigió al despacho de Terblanche.Literature Literature
He followed Rose and Sutherland through the rear entrance and along to the armoury.
Siguió a Rose y a Sutherland a través de la puerta trasera hasta el arsenal.Literature Literature
I'll drive there in a car in the evening and pick you up at the rear entrance.
Yo llegaré en un auto por la tarde y te recogeré por la entrada trasera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There we entered a grand shop (by the rear entrance, of course) and found the forewoman.
Allí entramos en una tienda elegante (por la puerta trasera, desde luego) y llamamos a la oficiala.Literature Literature
Essie rushed to the rear entrance to welcome the twenty-one-year-old classics student.
Essie acudió presurosa a la entrada trasera para darle la bienvenida a aquel estudiante de veintiún años.Literature Literature
Roger that, Detective Gordon is en route to the rear entrance with the mayor.
Recibido, el detective Gordon está en camino a la entrada trasera con el alcalde.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A team is standing by at the rear entrance.
Hay un equipo esperando en la entrada lateral.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Gendarmes had moved in at the rear entrances, and were trying ineffectually to restore order.
Los gendarmes habían entrado por las puertas del fondo de la sala y trataban de restablecer el orden sin conseguirlo.Literature Literature
This time I went to the rear entrance.
Esta vez me dirigí a la entrada trasera.Literature Literature
Or at least to direct her to the rear entrance.
O por lo menos para dirigirla a la entrada trasera.Literature Literature
Pjetr, trouble at the rear entrance.
Pjetr, problemas en la puerta de servicio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The rear entrance was unlocked and unguarded.
La entrada trasera estaba abierta y sin vigilancia.Literature Literature
She put the cigarette pack into her purse, and, without another word, let herself out the rear entrance.
Se guardó el paquete de tabaco en el bolso y, sin decir nada más, salió por la entrada trasera.Literature Literature
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