the thought that it might have been me oor Spaans

the thought that it might have been me

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

la idea de que podría haber sido yo


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You saw her—that day you brought the hat to me and she thought that it might have been mine!
Ya la vio... el día que me trajo el sombrero y ella pensó que podría ser mío.Literature Literature
"""The thought struck me that it might just have been Birna and Bergur having sex outside."
Lo que yo pensaba era que, a lo mejor, se trataba de Birna y Bergur haciendo el amor por ahí.Literature Literature
“Well... there have been rumors...Yes, the thought did occur to me that it might have had something to do with the beer.
—Pues... hubo rumores... sí, me pasó por la cabeza que podría haber tenido que ver con la cerveza.Literature Literature
When I thought about him saying that, it occurred to me for the first time that he might have been flirting with me.
Cuando recordé el momento en que me lo dijo se me ocurrió por primera vez que quizá estuviese coqueteando conmigo.Literature Literature
It is the other thought, of what else might have been done, or yet planned by the man behind this, that stuns me.”
Es la otra idea, la de que el hombre que está detrás de esto haya hecho o planeado otras cosas, la que me deja aturdidoLiterature Literature
The truck didn’t react to the bottle, that’s why I thought it might have been empty, but the possibility [of another accident] was there and it scared me,” she said.
El camión no reaccionó a la botella, es por eso que pensé que podría haber estado vacía, pero la posibilidad [de otro accidente] estaba ahí y me dio miedo”, aseveró.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I held my hand over it to indicate that I didn’t want any, and thought for a moment that Earle might have been tempted to pour the hot coffee over my fingers, just to let me know that he could care less what I did or didn’t want.
Puse una mano encima para rehusar el ofrecimiento y por un instante creí que Earle se sentiría tentado de verter el café caliente sobre mis dedos, solo para dejar bien claro que a él le traía sin cuidado lo que yo quisiera o dejase de querer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
From conversations with other prisoners, it seemed to me that the place where I had been kidnapped and tortured might have been the Guemes Brigade, which is on the Camino de Cintura at the Richieri Highway, and in fact, when I went past it, I thought that the could be it.
De las conversaciones con otros presos, me parecía que el lugar de mi secuestro y tortura pudiera ser la Brigada Güemes que está sobre el Camino de Cintura a la altura de la Autopista Richieri.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
From conversations with other prisoners, it seemed to me that the place where I had been kidnapped and torture might have been the Güemes Brigade, which is on the Camino de Cintura at the Riccheri Highway, and in fact, when I went past it, I thought that that could be it, because of the location of the windows, the fact that the highway was very close, the interior garages, etc.
De las conversaciones con otros presos, me parecía que el lugar de mi secuestro y tortura pudiera ser la Brigada Güemes que está sobre el Camino de Cintura a la altura de la Autopista Richieri. Efectivamente, al pasarlo me parecía que podría ser, por la ubicación de las ventanas, la cercanía de la ruta, garajes internos, etc.”ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This was but a very short time before I had this temptation, as it now seems to me to have been, of which I have spoken, when those passages of Scripture came up distressingly to my mind, and when the bitterness almost of death seemed for a few moments to possess me at the thought that my religion might be of the sensibility only, and that God's teaching might have taken effect only in my feeling.
La carta la escribí poco antes de haber tenido la tentación--ahora me parece que fue una tentación--cuando aquellos pasajes de la Escritura vinieron penosamente a mi mente, y cuando aquella amargura casi de muerte pareció poseerme por momentos al pensar en la posibilidad de que mi religión fuera solo una religión sentimental, y de que las enseñanzas de Dios solo pudieran tener efecto en mis sentimientos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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