the troops are advancing on the capital oor Spaans

the troops are advancing on the capital

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

las tropas avanzan hacia la capital


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September 5 - World War I : First Battle of the Marne begins - Northeast of Paris , the French 6th Army under General Michel-Joseph Maunoury attack German forces who are advancing on the capital. Over 2 million troops will fight in the battle and 500,000 will be killed or wounded in this significant Allied victory.
2 de abril - Alec Guinness , actor británico.Common crawl Common crawl
Now there will be daily news reports of bombs, missiles, air strikes, movements of armoured tanks carrying ethnic groups who are allies of the invaders, landings of troops and advances on the ground by elite forces of the attacking countries; cities being taken, including the capital, in a fairly short time; television shots of whatever the censors will allow or whatever gets by them
Ahora lloverán noticias sobre bombas, misiles, ataques aéreos, avance de blindados con tropas de etnias aliadas a los invasores, desembarcos aéreos o avances por tierra de fuerzas élites de los países atacantes; ciudades tomadas, incluida la capital, en tiempo más o menos breve; imágenes por televisión de cuanto permita la censura o escape de la mismaMultiUn MultiUn
2 sinne gevind in 32 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.