their bedroom oor Spaans

their bedroom

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

su cuarto

I've been monitoring their intimacy via the dimmer switch in their bedroom.
Superviso su intimidad a través del regulador de luz de su cuarto.

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their are three bedrooms in our house
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People rushed out of their bedrooms to know what had happened.
Los otros salieron de sus dormitorios para saber qué había pasado.Literature Literature
George carried Danny up to their bedroom.
George llevó a Danny en brazos hasta el dormitorio.Literature Literature
The top floor was where the family had their bedrooms.
La planta de arriba era donde estaban las habitaciones de la familia.Literature Literature
He was aware of her getting up to go check on the girls in their bedrooms.
Luego la sentía levantarse a dar rondas para revisar a las niñas en sus recámaras.Literature Literature
The, uh, Eversons were in their bedroom Upstairs when the electricity went out.
Los Everson estaban en su habitación arriba, cuando cortaron la electricidad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Magda Goebbels led Kunz to their bedroom and took a syringe filled with morphine from a shelf.
Magda Goebbels condujo a Kunz a su dormitorio y tomó de un anaquel una jeringuilla llena de morfina.Literature Literature
Often they kept the peace by drawing an imaginary line from the door right across their bedroom.
A menudo lograban mantener la paz trazando una línea imaginaria que salía de la puerta y cruzaba todo el dormitorio.Literature Literature
Inside in their bedroom you could hear them talking, sometimes talking loud, but not yelling.
Dentro de la habitación se les oía hablar, a ratos en voz alta, pero no chillar.Literature Literature
She turned into their bedroom and indicated the dressing table without a word.
Cuando entraron en el dormitorio Mim señaló el tocador sin decir una palabra.Literature Literature
The window in Rule’s bedroom—in their bedroom—faced the bed, and the drapes were open.
La ventana en el dormitorio de Rule —en su dormitorio— la cama, y las cortinas estaban abiertas.Literature Literature
She was almost mean about it, insisting we do it in their bedroom. Ew!
Ella fue casi maliciosa en esto, insistiéndome en que lo hiciéramos en la habitación de ellos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We have to seek out sin beneath people’s virtuous exteriors: in their bedrooms, their children, their spouses.”
Alguien a quien nuestro pueblo debe grandes favores la ha reclamado para sí: tu hijo, a quien se la concedo.Literature Literature
Daddy and Mama were still sleeping when I creeped into their bedroom.
Papá y mamá seguían durmiendo cuando entré sigilosamente en su habitación.Literature Literature
The only party going on in this house is in their bedroom, and that's all ugh!
La única fiesta que habrá en esta casa es en su dormitorio, y eso es todo ugh!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This here’s their bedroom, and that’s the spare and this is Mr Alistair’s room.
Este es el dormitorio de ellos, ése es el de los huéspedes y aquél el del señor Allistair.Literature Literature
His mother whispered to him from the doorway of their bedroom.
Su madre le susurró desde la puerta de su dormitorio.Literature Literature
He pushed past us and down the hallway toward their bedroom as though my visit were nothing special.
Pasó por delante de nosotras y se dirigió hacia su dormitorio, como si para él mi visita no representara nada especial.Literature Literature
And he stopped in their bedroom to see Pam, but she had gone out.
Pasó por su dormitorio para ver a Pam, pero había salido.Literature Literature
That night, when the festivities ended, Baiona came into their bedroom.
Esa noche, cuando terminaron las festividades, Baiona entró en el dormitorio.Literature Literature
Emily barely made it through dinner before she headed up to their bedroom to lie down.
Emily apenas cenó antes de ir a su habitación para acostarse.Literature Literature
The bathroom door stood open, as did their bedroom door.
La puerta del cuarto de baño estaba abierta, igual que la de su dormitorio.Literature Literature
As she stands, she holds her swollen belly, and then they cross the sitting hall to their bedroom.
Al levantarse se sujeta el vientre hinchado y los dos cruzan el salón hacia el dormitorio.Literature Literature
Walking into their bedroom, I hung one set of each color in the four wardrobes and smiled.
Entré en el dormitorio, colgué un conjunto de cada color en los cuatro armarios y sonreí.Literature Literature
Sir Rex would never betray her, she realized, no matter what happened in their bedroom.
Supo que sir Rex no la traicionaría, pasara lo que pasara en el dormitorio.Literature Literature
And not surprisingly, her mother and Alexis never came out of their bedrooms.
Como era de esperar, su madre y Alexis no salieron de sus habitaciones.Literature Literature
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