then I eat dinner oor Spaans

then I eat dinner

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then I eat dinner with my family
luego ceno con mi familia · luego como la cena con mi familia


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Then I eat dinner later and I stay up late even though I have to be up early.
Ceno tarde y me desuelo, aunque al otro día tenga que levantarme temprano.Literature Literature
And then I thought, " Maybe I'll eat dinner. "
Y luego pensé Voy a comer la cena.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But I just had lunch, and if I eat too many of them, I won’t eat my dinner, and then my wife will be angry with me.’
Pero acabo de almorzar y, si como mucho, no tendré apetito para cenar y mi esposa se enfadará.Literature Literature
I was eating dinner then.
En ese momento estaba cenando.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
We eat dinner together, then I take Sophie home.
Cenamos juntas y después me llevo a Sophie a casa.Literature Literature
We eat dinner, and then I sit in the shower for an hour.
Cenamos, y me siento en la ducha durante una hora.Literature Literature
I then eat a slight and hasty dinner.
Luego tomé una cena ligera y apresurada.Literature Literature
I hadn’t had nothing since dinner, but I knew I couldn’t eat nothing then.
No había comido nada desde la cena, pero me sentía incapaz de comer nada en ese momento.Literature Literature
Then we’d go home and eat dinner I suppose, I don’t really remember.
Luego llegaba a casa y cenaba, supongo, no lo recuerdo.Literature Literature
And then we'll eat it for dinner, if I can fool your mother into thinking we bought it.
y luego lo comeremos en la cena, si puedo convencer a tu madre que lo compramos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eat dinner, then paint until I am tired, usually around 1 or 2 in the morning.
Ceno. Después me pongo a pintar hasta que no puedo más que es más o menos sobre la 1 ó 2 de la mañana.Common crawl Common crawl
Vegetarians arrive for dinner and then say, “I don’t eat meat.”
Los vegetarianos vienen a cenar y luego dicen: «No como carne.»Literature Literature
Come eat dinner with me and then I shall personally give you a bath.”
Vamos a cenar juntos y luego yo personalmente te daré un baño.Literature Literature
I would gobble some cold dinner (I could no longer bear to eat chicken) and then write far into the night.
Comía cualquier cosa fría (ya no soportaba ingerir pollo) y luego me ponía a escribir hasta bien entrada la noche.Literature Literature
Then why don’t you sit someplace else while I eat my dinner.’
Entonces ¿por qué no se sienta en otra parte mientras acabo de cenar?Literature Literature
Then I am going to fix dinner by myself and eat it alone.”
Luego voy a hacerme la comida y voy a comer sola.Literature Literature
And then I asked, “Is she the type of grandmother who eats dinner at five o’clock?”
Yo le pregunté: ¿Es el tipo de abuela que cena a las cinco?Literature Literature
"""I went and bought all sorts of food for dinner, but then I realized I don't even know if you eat."""
He comprado toda clase de cosas para la cena, pero luego me di cuenta de que ni siquiera sé si comes.Literature Literature
I did go out to dinner.- Then why are you eating mine?
Fui a cenar.- ¿ Entonces por qué te comes lo mío?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Then I got up and went to bed and fell asleep without eating dinner.
Luego me levanté y me fui a la cama y me puse a dormir sin haber cenado.Literature Literature
We were eating dinner, and I said no to wine, then gave him a meaningful look.
Cuando estábamos cenando, rechacé el vino y me lo quedé mirando, a ver si lo entendía.Literature Literature
You go ahead and eat your dinner and drink your drink, and then I want you out of here.
Continúa, termina tu cena, y bebe tu bebida, y luego te quiero fuera de aquí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And when I get back, we’ll come and eat dinner, and then you can take yourself off to bed.”
Y cuando vuelva, cenaremos y entonces te vas en seguida a la cama.Literature Literature
Then he went up to his room to eat dinner and I went to the bar and drank bourbon.
Luego subió a su habitación para cenar, y yo me fui al bar a tomar una copa de bourbon.Literature Literature
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