they go to the cinema oor Spaans

they go to the cinema

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

ellos van al cine


van al cine

They go to the cinema, they watch television and videos, they play computer games and they surf on the Internet.
Van al cine, miran vídeos y programas de televisión, juegan con programas de ordenador y navegan por Internet.

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The Hyena suggests they go to the cinema, but the cinema, like everything else, is closed.
La Hiena había pensado en ir al cine, pero también está cerrado.Literature Literature
They go to the cinema, casino, bowling...
Van al cine, a la bolera...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After that, he suggests they go to the cinema.
Después le propone ir al cine.Literature Literature
They go to the cinema, they watch television and videos, they play computer games and they surf on the Internet.
Van al cine, miran vídeos y programas de televisión, juegan con programas de ordenador y navegan por Internet.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
They go to the cinema, they meet for a drink, and if the sky is clear, they head for a brief stroll on the moor.
Van al cine, a tomar una copa, y si el cielo está despejado se dirigen al páramo para dar un breve paseo.Literature Literature
Prince Charmings aren’t to be found in a typist’s office, but they all go to the cinema.”
Los príncipes encantados no frecuentan las oficinas donde trabajan las taquimecanógrafas, pero van al cine.Literature Literature
Like most bands, they were bored silly during the day, and they decided to go to the cinema.
Al igual que la mayoría de las bandas, se aburrían miserablemente durante el día, por lo que decidieron ir al cine.Literature Literature
They don’t go to the cinema: aside from the annual film festival, there isn’t one.
No van al cine: aparte del festival anual, en Venecia no hay cines.Literature Literature
They would go to the cinema together, to embassy parties, to concerts, and to the occasional restaurant.
Iban juntos al cine, a fiestas en la embajada, a conciertos y, “de vez en cuando, a un restaurante.Literature Literature
Once or twice they asked their mother when they would go to the cinema with Signor Max.
Un par de veces le preguntaron a su madre cuándo irían al cine con el señor Max.Literature Literature
It was Donald who suggested they should go to the cinema and she had finally agreed.
Había sido Donald quien había sugerido ir al cine y ella había acabado cediendo.Literature Literature
They go to the theater, the cinema, watch television, listen to the radio, read books, but they almost never talk.
Van al teatro, al cine, ven la televisión, escuchan la radio, leen libros, pero casi no hablan.Literature Literature
When they parted they arranged to go to the cinema on the following Tuesday.
Cuando se separaron, convinieron en ir juntos al cine el martes siguiente.Literature Literature
‘And all these memories, will they make you go to the cinema again?’
–¿Y todos estos recuerdos te van a hacer volver a ir al cine?Literature Literature
They agreed to go to the cinema one day.
Acordaron que irían al cine un día de éstos.Literature Literature
Back in Amsterdam again, they decided to go to the cinema.
Una vez de vuelta en Amsterdam, decidieron ir al cine.Literature Literature
They were also allowed to go to the cinema once a week, provided that they paid for themselves.
También les permitían ir al cine una vez por semana, siempre que lo pagaran de su propio bolsillo.Literature Literature
They were probably going to the cinema or the Vostok Youth Club, which was in a dilapidated building beyond the castle.
Probablemente iban al cine o al club juvenil Wostok, que estaba en un edificio ruinoso detrás del Palacio Municipal.Literature Literature
In the evening, when the heat died down, they would all go to the open-air cinema.
De noche, cuando refrescaba un poco, todo el mundo acudía al cine de verano.Literature Literature
He couldn't believe they were allowed to go to the cinema at night.
No podía creer que les permitieran ir al cine por la noche.Literature Literature
All these Hostesses--they never let you go to the cinema!""
Todas estas señoronas... ¡Nunca le dejan a uno ir al cine!Literature Literature
All these Hostesses - they never let you go to the cinema!""
Todas estas señoronas... ¡Nunca le dejan a uno ir al cine!Literature Literature
He waited for her every day outside the office and they would go to her flat or the cinema or a cafe.
Él la esperaba todos los días a la salida del trabajo para irse juntos a su casa, al cine o a un café.Literature Literature
They had plans to go out to the cinema.
Tenían planes para ir al cine.Literature Literature
Very shortly my two young friends are going toto the cinema, and they insist that you go along with them.
Mis dos jóvenes amigos van a ir al... cinematógrafo e insisten en que usted los acompañe.Literature Literature
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